Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Buzzwords That Have Outlived Their Time

October 27th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Software-as-a-Service (saas) Workforce Management Software | Time and Attendance Solution - (Comments Off on Buzzwords That Have Outlived Their Time)

It’s was not too long ago the words “sexy reports” was used to describe a set of simple, to use and/or understand reports. At least that’s what we think. In the world of software technology which ATS is a part of, we too spew our own share of buzz words. However, some buzzwords words linger in the business world for far too long. When they eventually disappear, you can almost hear a collective and quiet sigh of relief.

We did some digging and found an article titled “30 Buzz Words You Should Stop Using” by, Annie Pilon, staff writer for Small Business Trends. Some of these buzzwords have been around too long and should be buried, hopefully soon.

Buzzwords That Have Outlived Their Time

In no particular order, we chose 7 overused buzzwords from the article:

This term is often used to convey elements that work together to create a total effect. However, it’s been so overused in the business community that it has lost much of its meaning and just comes across as filler.

Paradigm Shift
This is another term that is used to describe a change in business practices. But it has been incredibly overused and can come across as an attempt to cover up a mistake with fancy language.

Outside the Box
For years, people have used this term to reference creative thinking. But in business, most issues require some level of creativity. So using this term is cliché and often just unnecessary.

Game Changer
When something is a game changer, that usually means it is something that can significantly change an industry or business. But it’s another overused buzzword that doesn’t have the same impact it used to.

Going Forward
This is a term you should stop using simply because it should be a given. When talking about your business, everything you discuss should have an impact on the future. So you don’t really need to specify that.

Hit the Ground Running
Many in the business world use this term to express the desire to get started on something right away. But offering a specific timeline is less cliché and usually more helpful.

Thought Leader
This term is often used to describe a person who is recognized as an authority in a particular field. But it doesn’t hold as much weight as it once did. An actual job title or some credentials can mean a lot more than applying this general term to anyone who has an opinion about an industry.”

Buzzwords are exactly as described “buzz”. Like anything else, they too have their time. Chances are in 5 or 10 years from now some or all of these words will be a thing of the past

To learn about ATS and our time and attendance solutions, go to our website. You can also download a demonstration and browse the library of brochures.

How Does Your Company Determine The True Cost Of Doing Business?

March 4th, 2014 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Labour Costs | Overtime | Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software - (Comments Off on How Does Your Company Determine The True Cost Of Doing Business?)

In today’s economic climate, businesses need effective tools to help determine their true costs against productivity, hours spent on these jobs and their actual profits. Asking employees to manually record time spent on each task, during the course of a shift, will lead to errors and, inevitably lost profits.

ATS Job Costing creates up-to-date view of all projects by streamlining the collection of hours worked on each tasks by employees- and creates accurate and timely business analytics for your finance department.  

With up to six user definable grouping levels, the system automatically records and calculates employee attendance for payroll processing and tracks all job costs to the minute. It tracks job performance for review and compensation planning, provides visibility to actual costs for accurate quoting and job estimation, and tracks detail for lead-time improvement.

Job Tracking terminals support numerous input devices such as CCD barcode and laser scanners for rapid, accurate, on-floor data collection. The job costing report generator allows sorting on all grouping levels, producing thousands of possible report combinations.

Solution Benefits:

  • Employee grouping levels, with up to 15 alphanumeric characters each. Dynamic structure (number of characters for field IDs can be adjusted at any time).
  • Application of different calculations to a single transaction can generate unique cost allocations for financial, or payroll outputs.
  • Job transfers can be tracked at up to six levels. Module can be set to one of two configurations, allowing single jobs or multiple simultaneous jobs at any period.
  • Barcode or CCD scanner can be used for level transfer input. Function keys can be programmed to accept up to 6 different level transfer combinations.
  • Accumulation of hours, monetary amounts, and rates facilitates the distribution of direct and indirect labour of charges across multiple data codes. (e.g. the distribution of overtime across all employee departments and job functions.

ATS Job Costing uses a true service-oriented architecture costing tool that enables real-time connectivity, and intuitive business intelligence.

To learn more about this modern approach to project costing and labour allocation excellence go to our website to see a demonstration. You can also join the conversation, through our social media feeds; LinkedIn, Face Book or Google Plus.



Sometimes it’s hard to determine who’s at fault when implementations do not go as planned. In fact, there are a host of reasons why some time and attendance implementations falls short of expectations. Some of these can include:

  • Over Budget-The requirements far exceed what was initially agreed upon and along the way, it was discovered that the original proposal does not match the amount of work it will take to complete the project
  • Resources-The vendor and/or customer did not have adequate personnel set aside to handle the project
  • Quick Implementation- Rushing through an implementation is a recipe for disaster. Important aspects of the project are missed when this happens and distrust may develop on both sides

In today’s fragile economy, it is not uncommon to come across some companies who want to save money on a project. After all, who does not want to save a buck or two? However, cutting corners to save a few dollars could leave your company with a time and attendance solution fraught with problems.  Buying the cheapest solution with a quick turn around may look good on paper, but these cuts do not save but rather add money in the long run.  

At ATS, we believe in taking a holistic approach to the implementation of our time management solution. We deploy a project manager for all multi-site and large-scale implementations to coordinate the rollout process for your organization. The project manager works with your team to develop a timeline, key milestones and other details. The Project Manager also works with other resources within ATS to fully define/design your system, including: schedule required training sessions, test components and transition to our support center upon completion of the project. Weekly project updates (conference calls and reports), as well as on-site visits help ensure a smooth implementation.

To learn more about our time and attendance solution, go to our website and to view a demo contact us at; 1.866.294.2467.