In the continuing series of ATS time and attendance software Q &A for customers and prospects alike, we turn to the editing of employee hours through our automated time management system. These areas encompass:
Editing Employee Time Cards
The employee time and attendance software edit dashboard is the central and most commonly used item within ATS time and attendance software for editing employee time punches and hours.
The ATS time and attendance application has several tables that can be viewed within the employee time card dashboard. The first is a default screen that shows all employee punches. This dashboard shows the entire employee punch history with worked and non-worked hours along with totals and related date information. The corresponding employee time card dashboard is the earnings/deductions area. This area displays such information as hours that are assigned to pay codes which are designated as earnings or deduction type monetary amounts for tracking of labour allocation.
Recalculation of Employee Time and Attendance Data
The recalculation of employee time and attendance data screen allows you to select a range of employee timecards (including dates) for which the hours should be recomputed. Ordinarily, the system will perform the computations whenever the punches (time in/out) are assigned to the employees electronic timecard. If changes are made to the pay policies (the rules that govern how the time should be computed) or if employees are reassigned to a different shift, the previously processed punch information will not be affected. Additional options available include:
Overtime Authorization
This option allows you to specify if overtime authorization should be retained. If the pay policy specifies that overtime was previously authorized on certain punches, that overtime authorization is retained.
Shift Level Changes
This option allows you to specify if the previously selected shift level should be retained when recalculating the hours. When this option is cleared, the shift level will be chosen to closely match the punches.
Shift Overrides
This option allows you to specify that if a shift override was selected on a punch, it should be kept. When this option is cleared, the shift used will reflect the one to which the employee is assigned.
Collect from Unclaimed Punches
The collect from unclaimed punches dashboard allows you to process punches that were associated with an employee badge or card number that has not been assigned to any employees. Unclaimed punches may be the result of forgetting to input the employee’s information into ATS time and attendance software ahead of the real-time data collection. They may occur also when a number is temporarily assigned to an employee (in the case that he/she has forgotten to bring it or has lost it). The punches that are associated with a card number that is assigned to an employee will be assigned to that employee. An alternative to this option is Assign From Unclaimed Punches.
Assign From Unclaimed Punches
The collect from Unclaimed Employee Punches dashboard allows supervisors to process punches that were associated with a badge or card number that has not been assigned to any employees. Although, the Collect from Unclaimed Punches will process only employee data that is associated with a card number, this screen allows you to select the employee to which the punches will be associated.
In our next series, we will focus on employee labour analytics, followed by payroll management and business intelligence. To learn more about ATS depth of experience in the time and attendance market-place, please contact a local representative in your area. You can also follow up on Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media platforms.