Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

While many provinces in Canada and states, in the US are making plans to reopen, many of its citizens, don’t feel quite ready to go back — to work or business. As employers make plans to return to the workplace, they will need to carefully gauge how employees feel and what would make them comfortable.

Here are 7 steps to take to protect employees and your business:

1.Encourage employees to stay home if they’re sick and don’t ask them to produce a doctor’s note. Doctors have got their hands full, trying to deal with COVID-19. They don’t have time to write a sick note to confirm that an employee is sick. Also, avoid pressuring sick employees to return to work too soon, instead, encourage them to utilize your company’s leave policies or paid sick time.

2. Check the updates from government and health officials. Provinces, municipalities, Government of Canada the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have added useful information regarding COVID-19 on their respective websites.

3.Communicate with your customers. No one is immune to this crisis so, be transparent to customers about your business operations. Perhaps, hours of operation have changed or product offerings are now exclusively online.

4. Offer a remote work option. It wasn’t too long ago that some companies would balk at the suggestion of having employees telecommute for a day or two a week. Today, COVID-19 has made working from home the new normal. Offering employees an opportunity to work from home, even if its for a few days a week—can help prevent the spread of the illness, without exposing themselves or others to the virus.

5. Reduce onsite meetings and travel and instead, hold them virtually. If an employee gets sick because of business travel, you could see a spike in requests for time-off and low employee morale.

6. Institute and communicate workplace policies. Develop hygiene policies that are aligned with public health recommendations and that of your local, regional and federal laws. Post information for employees with on how viruses are transmitted and help employees practice healthy habits by providing tissues, no-touch trash cans, hand soap and sanitizer, and disposable towels. These practices will show employees that their employer cares about their well-being.

7. Maintain employee privacy. Treat all medical-related information about an employee’s illness with the strict confidence. If you plan on informing your workforce about a possible case of the virus in their midst, do not reveal the name of the employee.

There will be some uneasiness with the employees who return to work and for employees, while it is great that they are returning to a job, you can expect them to feel uneasy for some time. These employees will likely be keen see what health and safety practices are being employed to ease their fears.

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Time and Attendance HR App to Manage Your Remote Workforce

ATS Response To COVID-19 And Our FAQ

Here Are A Few Contactless Punching Options For Your Organization

To learn more about ATS you can register for one of our bi-monthly webinars, download a demo of our time and attendance app or reach us by phone at; 866.294.2467.

With stay-at-home orders reshaping the business landscape, the workforce has become fluid and remote. To manage in this new world of work, you need new strategies. Your employees can use ATS TimeWorkOnDemand HR application on their laptops or mobile devices to sign in for work and avoid congregating in the area where they usually clock in and out.

Here are 3 benefits to ATS Time and Attendance and HR App for the remote workforce:

Attendance Management: Labour costs is one of the largest expenses for a business. ATSTimeWorkOnDemand gives you instant insight into time and attendance across your local, regional and global workforce, helping to ensure you maintain control and drive productivity. Employees can log in/out of their timesheets and use the on-demand dashboards to keep track of all payroll, compensation and benefits data

Manager and Employee Self-Service Portal: Employees can navigate the dashboard to; view hours worked, request time-off, view their scheduled shifts, vacation balance and see their leave requests was approved. Managers gets an instant notification for requests that meet pre-defined standards, and real-time visibility into pay calculations and also see employees who are approaching overtime pay.

HR Management and People Analytics: With ATS HR, you get instant and complete visibility of your remote workforce from a single source of truth. Keep your leaders informed with up-to-the-minute insights and make informed decisions with smarter analytics. You have access to on-demand reports, dashboards and analytics to keep track of all payroll, compensation and benefits data. And, instead of using paper-issued approvals, you can leave the busy work behind and focus on important issues like employee engagement, all through the interactive ATS TimeWorkOnDemand.

So, there you have it. No more trying to figure out what time your employee started working, what project they are working on or using manual time-off requests written on paper. You can do all that in ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HR with a few clicks.

At ATS we know the value of your HR data. Built and hosted by ATS this powerful cloud computing app, offers unparalleled reliability, secure access, privacy and availability 24/7, 365 days a year.

To take a test drive of ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HR go to our website. To reach an account executive, call; 866.294.2467.

The world is different today than it was a few weeks ago. COVID-19 is sweeping across the world. Uncertainty, without question, is at an all-time high, as we experience an utter disruption in our workplaces and homes. And, above all, there’s no quick fix. The best thing employers can do is take time to listen to their employees. This means, being proactive with your employees by way of showing empathy towards their concerns, communicating frequently, while also being flexible and supportive of their needs.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children.

Stress during outbreak can include:

  • Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns
  • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • Worsening of chronic health problems
  • Worsening of mental health conditions
  • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

This current pandemic has many employees working remotely, and as a result, it has made it next to impossible, for companies to maintain an engaged workforce. However, it does not have to be that way.

Here are three ways, companies can maintain employee engagement during this COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. We are social creatures, and whether it’s talking about our favourite hockey team, the latest movie with a work colleague, getting together for birthday celebrations or just casual conversations around the office-these activities include some of the reasons why we enjoy our jobs. All of a sudden, covid-19 has put a stop to all of this. So, as an employer, when checking in with your staff, something as simple as; how was your weekend? can make all the difference to them.
  2. Several provinces and states across Canada and the US are slowly opening up parts of the economy. But does this mean all employees should be asked to start driving to the office? A better approach might be to extend flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting, and staggered schedules that can help prevent the spread of the illness by allowing employees to work without exposing themselves or others to the virus. Greater use of teleconferences and e-mail versus face-to-face meetings are additional social distancing strategies that can help prevent the spread of illness.
  3. When checking in with their employees, managers should remind them how important their work is. Whether your industry is in telecommunications, manufacturing, insurance, or the front-lines providing healthcare or in the supply chain keeping the economy going, every company’s work is important. Your employee should be told that the work they perform is important and they should be made to feel that way not only now, but beyond COVID-19.

Bottomline: Your employees are anxious. Not only are they worried about getting sick and having enough food and supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic, but they are also weathering financial uncertainty, canceled social plans, and a completely new way of working.

To learn more about ATS, go to our website to download a demonstration of software or you can also register for one of our bi-monthly webinars.

The COVID-19 pandemic, led many businesses to make challenging decisions most of which, necessitated the evaluation of staffing needs after provinces and states across Canada and the United States issued various orders aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus. And, in some instances, these decisions have resulted in businesses reducing employee hours or laying-off employees. 

As officials slowly evaluate easing restrictions, some businesses are considering rehiring laid-off employees or returning furloughed employees to their previously held positions. And, for some of these businesses that have hourly employees who previously punched in/out at a time clock, the question becomes, how can this done in a way that does not expose employees to contracting the coronavirus.

ATS offers a variety of employee time clocks that your staff does not need to make direct contact with, to record their hours.

Backed by ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, cloud computing solution, here are a few options to choose to choose from:

MIFARE cards: With a MIFARE Card employees simply put the card up to time clock and it automatically records their time. The time clock will emit an audible beep to confirm that the employee successfully punched in or out. MIFARE cards encryption keys prevent data from being emitted until the MIFARE card and card reader mutually authenticate each other.

Face Recognition Terminals: With these terminals, employees only have to put their point their face towards the unit and it automatically records their start and end time. ATS Face Recognition contactless biometrics supports three modes of identification, including Face, card or face and card and– simply authenticates digital identity through facial recognition, thereby worker health and safety. ATS Face Recognition time clocks have proven to be one of the best biometrics because employees time can be recorded without touching or interacting with the unit.

Proximity cards, RFID cards and Keyfobs: Similar to MIFARE,proximity cards, RFID cards and keyfobs feature also feature encrypted, embedded metallic antenna coil that stores cardholder data. Data stored on a proximity card, key fob or tag can be detected by an ATS time clock, when the proximity card is passed within range.

As businesses slowly bring employees back to their offices with new health and safety measures, in place and whether you are in healthcare, manufacturing or grocery– ATS contactless biometric technologies can help you introduce a hygienic and safe time tracking experience.

To download a demonstration, or to learn more, go to our website. And, to reach an account representative, call 866.294.2467.