Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Time and Attendance has seen a rejuvenated growth over the last several years. Traditionally, this has been a technology investment mainly for large organizations with hundreds of employees. To these businesses, time and attendance is an efficient way to track employee time, save on payroll costs. Smaller organizations on the other hand, felt they could get by using standard paper time cards or time sheets. Over the past few years though, we are seeing a growing interest among small and medium businesses in adopting the solution similar to their larger counterparts. And some of the reasons including a rising pressure to remain competitive, reduce costs and accelerate growth.

So, why does your small business need an automated time tracking solution? Well, if you are using different processes, activities, and systems to run your business, and you need to establish numerous workflows and procedures – some manual, some automated – that may or may not be formally documented. Essentially, what you have is a variety of departmental applications and outdated databases that are disjointed, has no integration capabilities and probably driving you nuts.

As a growing small business what you need a modern, agile time and attendance solution that is cost-effective, has built-in flexibility and future-proofs your company for long term innovation and growth.

ATS Time and Attendance for small business delivers first rate solutions and services that are sized for your business. The solution is designed to:

  • Instantly improve workforce productivity
  • Minimize the need for IT resources
  • Fit your budget and provide a rapid return on investment (ROI)

ATS Time and Attendance for small business offers small businesses a choice between traditional onsite deployments and robust Software as a Service (SaaS) time and attendance solution designed to help you achieve the trappings of success, while streamlining payroll costs. ATS Time and Attendance for small business can help you to get up and running even faster and will reduce your on-going operational costs so you can get back to focusing on increasing profits for your business.

To learn more, download a demonstration. You can also register for our upcoming webinar ‘Embracing the Cloud Will Make Your HR and Payroll Practitioners Happy’. To reach sales, call 866.294.2467.

Does Your Small Business Need An Automated Time Tracking Solution?

Buzzwords That Have Outlived Their Time

October 27th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Software-as-a-Service (saas) Workforce Management Software | Time and Attendance Solution - (Comments Off on Buzzwords That Have Outlived Their Time)

It’s was not too long ago the words “sexy reports” was used to describe a set of simple, to use and/or understand reports. At least that’s what we think. In the world of software technology which ATS is a part of, we too spew our own share of buzz words. However, some buzzwords words linger in the business world for far too long. When they eventually disappear, you can almost hear a collective and quiet sigh of relief.

We did some digging and found an article titled “30 Buzz Words You Should Stop Using” by, Annie Pilon, staff writer for Small Business Trends. Some of these buzzwords have been around too long and should be buried, hopefully soon.

Buzzwords That Have Outlived Their Time

In no particular order, we chose 7 overused buzzwords from the article:

This term is often used to convey elements that work together to create a total effect. However, it’s been so overused in the business community that it has lost much of its meaning and just comes across as filler.

Paradigm Shift
This is another term that is used to describe a change in business practices. But it has been incredibly overused and can come across as an attempt to cover up a mistake with fancy language.

Outside the Box
For years, people have used this term to reference creative thinking. But in business, most issues require some level of creativity. So using this term is cliché and often just unnecessary.

Game Changer
When something is a game changer, that usually means it is something that can significantly change an industry or business. But it’s another overused buzzword that doesn’t have the same impact it used to.

Going Forward
This is a term you should stop using simply because it should be a given. When talking about your business, everything you discuss should have an impact on the future. So you don’t really need to specify that.

Hit the Ground Running
Many in the business world use this term to express the desire to get started on something right away. But offering a specific timeline is less cliché and usually more helpful.

Thought Leader
This term is often used to describe a person who is recognized as an authority in a particular field. But it doesn’t hold as much weight as it once did. An actual job title or some credentials can mean a lot more than applying this general term to anyone who has an opinion about an industry.”

Buzzwords are exactly as described “buzz”. Like anything else, they too have their time. Chances are in 5 or 10 years from now some or all of these words will be a thing of the past

To learn about ATS and our time and attendance solutions, go to our website. You can also download a demonstration and browse the library of brochures.

Old Habits Die Hard

April 30th, 2014 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software - (Comments Off on Old Habits Die Hard)

Social media has not only changed the world of selling but, it has changed just the way in which most people communicate. In fact, it has been a boon for small businesses, many of whom could not compete with the Goliath’s of the world of business. This lends itself to an interesting question, if social media is so effective, then why aren’t more companies advocating its use by their sales staff with some regularity?

One of the more thought provoking and well written articles, on this subject, is titled “The Rise of Social Salespeople” and it is featured on by contributor, Mark Fidelman and Co-Authored by Jim Keenan. One of the more poignant parts of the article reads in part;

“Communication has changed selling and the way we sell for years. Mail ended the carnival pitchman and catalogues were created. The phone put an end to the door-to-door sales, and cold calling was born. Now, social media is changing communication and how sales are made – yet again.

Today, buyers spend far more time researching and moving through the buying process before they engage vendors. Much of the buyer’s journey leverages social media. Social selling allows sales people to engage buyers much earlier in their journey.

Cold calling has traditionally been the approach of choice for hungry, driven sales people. However, according to a recent study by InsideView over 90% of CEO’s said they NEVER respond to cold emails or calls. The return on cold calling is drastically decreasing.”

You can read the article in its entirety on the Forbes site. At ATS, we are lucky to have a forward thinking leadership team that embraces social media and its correlation to the new world of sales.

As with everything else, old habits do die hard. Some have advocated that attaining leads through a variety of ways works best, while others are adamant that only cold calling will work.

Are you working for an organization where lead generation is only done through cold calling and you are expected to make 100 calls per day?

Old Habits Die Hard




 Whether you’re running a small business with 70 employees or an organization with 15,000 employees, a time and attendance system can make your life easier. But how can you choose a solution that meets your organization’s needs?

Organizations that have always used paper time sheets might be worried about transitioning from a manual system to a time and attendance solution. Once a company discovers how beneficial such a solution can be, they will wonder why their company did not automate this process before.

Here are some of the benefits that businesses gain after transitioning from a manual time tracking process to ATS workforce management software:  

Immediate Efficiency

The processing of manual time sheets is fraught with human error. Studies by the Arbeeden Group and the American Payroll Association show that human error typically accounts for 1 to 7% of payroll costs. An ATS workforce management solution automates the tracking of employee attendance and provides information in real-time. At the end of the payroll cycle, employee hours can be sent seamlessly to your payroll application.

Reduce Unproductive Time
When a company’s time capture is being handled manually, payroll professionals, supervisors and HR managers have to verify the following: overtime, long breaks, early arrivals and late departures.

Absence/Vacation Request

The web-based absence request module automates employee time off requests, eliminates paperwork and enhances communication that’s essential between HR department and the employees. The absence/vacation request module enables employees to request personal time off and vacation related information. Employees can request multiple absences and view them in a summary format. Supervisors can approve or deny time-off requests based on availability.

The ATS workforce management software is a complete time and attendance suite with employee scheduling and data export integration capabilities. Payroll is most often the largest expense of any company. Streamlining labour costs with a time and attendance software can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line.  

To learn more, go to our website or log on to join our weekly user group.