Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Many of ATS monthly blogs deals with the tangible benefits of automation, while at the same time, espousing the economic advantages of deploying, a Human Capital Management (HCM) solution. Those sentiments are reiterated in a published article, titled 10 Automation Mistake to Avoid by Laurence Goasduff for Gartner. Additionally, the article provides potential pitfalls to avoid, when automating business processes.

Here are the 10 mistakes to avoid based on a recent Gartner survey:

  1. Falling in love with a single technology: Once an organization has purchased and implemented a specific process automation tool, such as robotic process automation (RPA), successfully, it’s natural that colleagues want to adopt it more widely. “However, the wrong approach is to drive automation from a single technology perspective. Instead, lead with the business outcome and then align the correct set of tools,” says Sturgill.

2. Believing that business can automate without IT: More and more business users believe that the adoption of RPA and low-code/no-code applications don’t require the assistance of IT. But business users may lack knowledge of how customer and data records work, for example, and there’s a risk of mishandling the information. Additionally, those applications are integrated with other systems, which require regular upgrades. When the IT team isn’t involved, changes during upgrades don’t pass through, causing failed processes.

3. Thinking automation is always the solution: Automation may be the best long-term option for business and IT processes, but leaders cannot simply use it to cover gaps in a poorly designed process. Automation is not meant to make up for failures in systems or defer system replacement; using automation in that way simply extends the life of suboptimal legacy applications by creating savings that mask underlying inefficiencies.

4. Not engaging all stakeholders: Automation, by nature, has a broad impact on the enterprise, which means you should engage stakeholders from across the organization for decision making and sign off. For example, if adoption of new automation processes changes the nature of people’s roles, involve HR; changes to access rights and IDs, or server requirements must involve security or IT. 

5. Failing to devote enough time to testing: Automation technologies only work when the algorithms and rules are exactly correct. The technologies may seem easy to use, but they are unforgiving when programmed incorrectly. They can very quickly wreck business data and fail to deliver the desired business outcome. 

6. Wasting effort on overly complicated processes: At times, organizations find themselves in a quagmire when automating a process. That most often happens when processes are not well-documented or understood, if the workflow is not consistent or if there are too many variants in the decision-making process. Don’t waste time and effort by failing to halt such processes promptly. 

7. Treating automation as simple task replication: Using automation tools to copy exactly what is being done manually misses a critical benefit of automation — improving the end-to-end process to create a better customer and employee experience. If process redesign is not part of the automation process, you may use the wrong automation tool and lose the business outcome you hope to achieve.

8. Failing to monitor in postproduction: Just like any system implementation, automation projects will require extensive “hands-on” IT involvement after implementation. For example, for RPA rollouts, establish continuous assessment, monitoring and regular quality checks to ensure that robots have been scripted correctly and are continuing to work as expected. This avoids huge data cleanup tasks. 

9. Using the wrong metrics to measure success: It’s typical to measure technology applications and tools to ensure that they are working as designed. However, this doesn’t reflect whether or not the project is successful. Measuring the impact on processes and the enterprise as a whole is key to the success of automation. 

10. Ignoring the culture and employee impact: While it’s critical to focus on how to adopt and scale automation, it is equally important to consider the impact on employees, especially if roles are eliminated or reimagined. 

Bottomline: Involve all parties who will be impacted by the deployment of the HCM solution, in particular non-management staff. And never settle for a solution that may not work for your organization. When exploring HCM solutions beware of the one-size-fit-all approach. If the vendor does not know the challenges you face regularly, you could add time and money to your deployment, while at the same time, negatively impacting the overall results of the solution. Choosing an HCM vendor with deep industry expertise will lead to greater efficiency and better user experiences.

To request additional information, learn more about ATS, or to download a demo, go to our website. To reach an account executive by phone, call; 866-294-2467.

Say goodbye to antiquated time tracking and spreadsheets. Thanks to the power of ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, all data points are now at your fingertips, including; HR process, instant workflows, employee dashboards and more.

ATSTimeWorkOnDemand solution provides a suite of capabilities that make HR and payroll departments work easier and more efficient for everyone, across the organization. With a single tool to manage human resources, payroll and data tracking, organizations can eliminate third-party integrations, improve data accuracy, create a more engaging workforce experience, and make better-informed decisions to tightly align workforce performance with business performance.

Here are some of the benefits of ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HR Suite:

Reduce HR Administrative Costs
Empower employees and managers to securely accomplish common HR tasks, like changing addresses, making and/or updating shift schedules or viewing time-off balances, at any time.

Manage Compliance
ATSTimeWorkOnDemand is configured to adhere to collective bargaining agreements, flexible working time models and Canadian, US international holidays.  With ATS Time and Attendance suite, you can fast track your workforce strategy by saving your team valuable time. The solution automates tedious tasks that overburden your people, and it will help you, gain greater insights to make more informed business decisions — and put yourself on a clear path to compliance.

Drive Deeper Workforce Engagement
Connect employees to their work with active goal setting. Recognize, review and reward achievements to increase engagement and productivity. By deploying ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, you can be confident that you and your team are making informed time and attendance decisions — in real time — to best meet your business needs.

Automation Time and Attendance Processes
ATSTimeWorkOnDemand will reduce manual — and error-prone — data entry and improve HR and payroll accuracy. Whether you use ATS Time Kiosk, hand geometry, Web Punch (for Android and iPhones) or facial recognition-these data collectors, will increase productivity and boost your business operations.

Reduce the Cost of Running Payroll and Increase Workforce Performance.  
Run payroll in minutes without importing or manipulating third-party files, and post to your general ledger in real-time. ATS workflows enables you to access employee performance metrics built on — and updated by — ATS HR Suite.

Want to learn how our HR, payroll, and workforce management solutions can help you achieve a better work experience for all your people? Call; 866-294-2467. To download a demo, go to our website,

Whether you want to improve time and attendance tracking, automate scheduling or simplify management, ATS has a single solution to help with it all.

ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HCM suite helps organizations ensure timely and accurate financial data by integrating forecasting and budgeting, payroll calculation, and on-the-spot employee attendance-with one click. This simplifies the end-to-end workforce management process and increases accuracy. It also helps managers make more informed decisions by providing real-time access to production, sales and labour data. With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand organizations will have everything they need, all working seamlessly including:

A multi-generational application: That converges with AI to accelerate the pace of business, while adapting to ongoing changes and regulations while remaining compliant. With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HCM suite, you —will eliminate paper timesheets with digital time clocking and save employees up to 30 minutes per month. ATSTimeWorkOnDemand application is accessible anytime, anywhere, and is — used by companies in every industry.

Labour and Payroll Calculations: ATS workforce calculation engine automates regular hours, overtime, and statutory holiday pay to help organizations minimize compliance risks. It reduces payroll errors and eliminates the need for manual reconciliations as approved hours seamlessly flow from ATSTimeWorkOnDemand to ATS Payroll suite for immediate processing.

Time Collection Options: Combined Biometric Iris and FaceScan, Web Punch, Interactive Voice Response System, Online Timesheets and Kiosk App with Facial Verification. ATSTimeWorkOnDemand best-in-class cloud-based application, is fully integrated helping you save time and prevent errors while single sign-on connects employees with the information they need across devices, locations, and services.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Metrics: ATS real-time dashboard enables managers to obtain daily insights into operational metrics including start and end time, labour, and forecasts and compare them to actuals. This visibility helps managers make data-informed decisions around workforce costs and profitability. With ATS Automation, the system creates real-time data based on previous valid decisions and similar successful work flows that have achieved the goal. In the future, rather than manually carrying out the process, the system will do it automatically.

Streamlining of Approvals: With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, employees can review and request changes to their timesheets on a daily basis, catching errors before they reach payroll. The manager’s dashboard provides managers with real-time approval access and valuable insight into who’s requesting time-off or punching in and out, taking breaks, and working overtime.

ATS has packaged the experience gained from thousands of deployments into a set of leading practices that pave a clear path to success and are proven to deliver rapid business value. With ATS, you go live in a predictable timeframe — smart, stepped implementations begin with sales and span the entire customer lifecycle, so there’s continuity from sales to services to support.

To learn more, go to our website and download a demonstration. You can also reach a sales representative at (866) 294-2467.

During the height of the pandemic, many employers espoused the virtues of their companies and how it valued workers are partners. Sign on bonuses for new recruits became the norm, because it was difficult to find talent.

Fast forward to 2022 and it appears, some companies may have reverted to their old ways of doing business. Attracting talent is one thing, but retaining it has become a challenge onto its own. And employees who are looking for work these days are not interested in accepting the old ways of doing things. Still scratching your head about what employees really want? Here are 5 tips:

  1. Compensation: It’s important so, it include on your online job ad, discuss in the first and second interview. No one wants to work for low wages. Recent studies revealed income being is the number 1 factor for candidates who are seeking employment. If a candidate accepts a lower wage with your company, chances are, they will eventually leave as soon as they higher pay job comes along.

2. Value: Employees want to feel valued. Companies should openly recognize and appreciate their team. Making your employees feel valued can be achieved through a variety of ways. The most tangible way is to provide compensation in the form of bonuses, raises, or expanded benefits, as mentioned above.

Creating an environment where your employees feel they are seen and heard ispowerful. Small steps that recognize and appreciate your employees, such as celebrating birthdays, sending thank you emails, and recognizing workplace milestones can go a long way towards creating a workplace where gratitude is present.

3Diversity: If you really want to diversify your workforce, stop asking potential candidates to optionally self-identify their ethnicity, among other things, on digital applications. These questions have nothing to do with a candidates’ ability — in fact, it will likely shine a light on your company’s inherent biases and, drive potential candidates to another company whose online applications do not have self-identifying questions of this nature.  According to the OHRC, “application forms should not have questions that ask directly or indirectly about race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, record of offences, age, marital status, family status or disability”. And finally, if these questions are optional, why add them to the application in the first place?

In the end, do you know what employees want to see reflected in a company? They want real change, not platitudes, when it comes to a company’s ongoing commitment to diversify that includes hourly employees as well as leadership, that reflects a culture of inclusion for everyone.

4. Work-life balance: That’s right! And its not going away anytime soon. If you do not have a remote or hybrid work policy, good luck finding employees willing to work for your company. While not all jobs can be done remotely, many of them can. Work-life balance and well-being has becoming increasingly important to workers.

Pandemic-induced life changes have prompted a work-life balance reset for many employees who are more likely to prioritize lifestyle (family and personal interests) over proximity to work, and will pursue jobs in locations where they can focus on both. To win the war on talent in the future, companies will need to meet employees where they are.

5. Paid Time Off: Increased paid vacation time and parental leave are high on employees’ lists. Aside from health care and retirement benefits, employees are interested in working for a company that gives more paid time off and paid family leave. The dark days of pandemic became a time of self-reflection for many employees —and the days of working past the end of their shift or on weekends if they don’t have to, are gone.

Bottomline: So, what’s in it for employers? As an organization, if the prospect of a productive and happy workforce plus increased profits makes sense to you, then these tips should not be hard to implement. Conversely, you can always place your bet on employees putting the pandemic behind them in the hope, that they will just “get over it.” But the pandemic has stretched this piece of elastic so far that it cannot snap back. Moreover, employees don’t want to go back to the way it was before. Many are developing a new sense of self-awareness and worth, and they won’t easily forget if they are working for a company, that favours profits over its workers and one that does not reflect the diversity of the communities in which it operates.

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About ATS

ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.

Managing HR-related compliance risks is one of many critical roles performed by HR departments. Often, several mundane tasks associated with compliance management turn skilled HR personnel into manual labourers. The total cost of payroll is the sum of labour, outsourcing, system, overhead, and other costs involved with the maintenance of payroll records; the calculation of salaries, wages, and deductions; and the distribution of paycheques.

Now let’s take closer look at areas for improvement, that will allow your company to streamline the process, and at the same time, save money.

Make use of HR compliance
HR operations, including payroll, time and attendance and recruitment that typically requires attention to compliance management-include a range of manual tasks and procedures that are accepted as part of the process. However, those inefficiencies of these operations are often accepted as a cost of doing business. But many processes can potentially introduce avoidable errors and compliance risk that go beyond the cost of inefficiency.

Think of the Big Picture
Routine, high-volume tasks like time and attendance and payroll processing would be well served, when these tasks are automated. For example, ATS Human Capital Management (HCM) flexible inherent rules-based solution can reduce errors and exceptions while significantly lowering costs.

Focus on a Return on Investment (ROI)
If HR is spending an inordinate amount of time on tracking shift differentials, labour allocation and host of other manual tasks-that’s not the best use of the HR department’s time.  If the goal is to obtain HR compliance, then the decision to automate can become a relatively straight-forward decision based on the return on investment from labour savings alone.

Bottomline: ATS HCM gives you a proven solution to process payroll, schedule and track employee hours worked, including paid time off. You can satisfy wage and hour reporting requirements quickly and easily by being able to better operate in an increasingly demanding regulatory environment and accommodate a global workforce.

To learn more, download a demonstration on our website. And, to reach an account executive, call; 866.294.2467.

There is nothing more critical to an organization’s operations than making sure employees are paid on time with 100% accuracy, however it is just as important to deliver new capabilities to support your entire workforce. With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand you have a robust solution at your fingertips, with broad-based functionality—and the ability to adapt to the requirements of your business as it evolves.

Here are 3 ways ATSTimeWorkOnDemand helps businesses:

Optimize Productivity and Reduce Payroll Errors

  • ATSTimeWorkOnDemand provides a rapid return on investment by reducing payroll processing errors and overtime costs and planning more-accurate workforce utilization.
  • Reduce your unplanned overtime costs with digital enforcement of policies and real-time notifications that alert when your employees are working outside of their scheduled hours.
  • With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand your organization will gain a competitive advantage— with complete process automation that increases output, reduces compliance risk, and maximizes business growth.

Enhance Regulatory Compliance

  • Use key compliance criteria to determine applicable rules for absences, manage cases, and improve communication to mitigate costly fines and penalties.
  • The application has built-in best-practices to adapt to collective bargaining and other pay rules and regulations.
  • Keep current with changing laws with automatic updates from the compliance portal.

Simplify Time and Attendance and Optimize Data Collection

  • Give employees access to their time sheet on any device, while reducing payroll errors in a single, cloud-based platform.
  • Your organization can track time and attendance data in real-time with; ATS line of data collectors, biometric technology or other data sources.
  • Provide self-service capabilities (with any device with Internet connection) where employees can submit time-off requests, view messages, add and edit timesheet details, and benefit accruals. With direct access to personal information, employees can easily view and confirm their pay calculations before payroll is processed

ATSTimeWorkOnDemand helps companies create employee experiences that unlock new potential for innovation, resilience, and better performance. Interested in learning how ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, can support your workforce and business in a rapidly changing world? Go to our website to download a demonstration and to reach an account executive, call: 866.294.2467.

As proponents of artificial intelligence (AI), at ATS, we see how the technology can transform (when used the way its intended) HR departments and not to make them redundant. Essentially, many HR and other c-Suite executives already use the technology in some form or another, in their personal lives; whether it’s Siri, Alexa, or Cortana or a range of others on AI-based devices. In the workplace, AI is evolving into an intelligent assistant to help us work smarter. The technology also offers the potential to revolutionize key HR responsibilities, such as human capital management (HCM), talent management, benefits accruals, absence management, employee self-service, performance evaluation and onboarding for HR professionals.

A recent Gartner worldwide artificial intelligence forecast suggest that a whopping $62.5 billon in revenue is expected in 2022. And, a recently published article, by The HR Director, outlined 3 important ways that AI is being used in the world of talent management. They include:

  1. “Sourcing-AI is used to find and connect with talent more quickly, with the overall results of the sourcing being of better quality than before.
  2. Screening-with the help of AI screening tools, deriving important information is more efficient than ever – instead of going through and opening each and every resume, the tools will give you needed results in minutes.
  3. Interviewing –AI can be used for analyzing facial expressions of candidates during video interviews, giving the employer a better look into their personality traits, as well as using chatbots or pre-recorded videos to be more precise with checking the skillsets of candidates.”

Bottomline: Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration into human capital (HCM) management and human resources (HR) applications will make organizations better because these applications can analyze, forecast, capture data and diagnose to help HR teams make better decisions. Today, more than eve, more organizations are turning to power of AI and machine learning to streamline costs and improve productivity.

To learn about ATS Machine learning and AI software solutions, go to our website. To reach an account executive by phone call: 866.294.2467

Well, for starters, it is the most innovative facial recognition time clock on the market, that identifies or verifies the human face through a digital image or a video frame. And, when combined with ATS HCM feature-rich cloud computing software, you know you are going to get a huge bang for your buck.

Across Canada, and that includes the federal government, municipalities, provinces and many US states, have all mandated that their employees must vaccinated to enter their place of employment or partake in daily temperature checks. Many organizations, across different industries have instituted similar policies. Centres for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) recommends that temperature screenings should be conducted daily at all workplaces. And, while some companies use manual-based screening, automating this process will help with social distancing, increase health and safety and boost efficiency.

Here are some of the most advanced technology features, that will make you want to deploy ATS facial recognition time clock:

HR Functionality: Employees can key-in job numbers or perform department transfers, view previous punches, review current week and following week’s schedule, view accrual hours (time-off requests etc.) and enter $ or hours and quantity of hours at the time clock.  With up-to-the-minute analytic reporting HR, payroll and finance leaders can ensure a safe environment and consistent experience for all employees at the point of entry to the work-space. 

Thermal Temperature: Social distancing and contact tracing are both crucial elements of the new normal. Being aware of how your employees move through the workplace can be a tremendous help in mitigating risk and maintaining health and safety protocols. ATS facial recognition has the ability to check employees’ temperature before they clock in for their shift. The embedded thermal accurately measures employee temperatures and, if an employee is found to have a high temperature the reader will not allow them to punch in for the shift- and will grant a manager the option to handle this at their discretion. This cutting-edge biometric technology helps you maintain spacing and pinpoint problem areas if health issues do arise.  

For your IT Personnel: ATS Thermal Check Facial Recognition defaults to port80 but, is also designed for LAN and Cloud Computing environments. Other port installs include; dynamic DNS or static IP address. Network options: PoE support, Gigabit Ethernet, Blue Tooth, Wi-Fi enablement and more.

Human Voice Technology: ATS Thermal Check Facial Recognition includes a touch-free temperature readings without the need for additional human interaction and can be used as a single-function equipment that creates an accurate, multi-point temperature readings that helps keep your workplace safe. ATS Thermal Check Facial Recognition allows employees to fully interact with all essential clock functions with voice recognition, thus avoiding any physical contact and prevent the spread of disease.   

Mask Detection: With ATS facial recognition time clocks provides masks confirmation when employee punch in/out at the reader. The unit can instantly detect if a mask is being worn at the time of the punch with reliability, precision and exceptional matching speed. The advanced algorithm will still know who the employee is even with the mask on.

To learn how your company can rent or purchase an ATS Thermal Check Facial Recognition Time Clock, go to our website.

About ATS

ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.

If you are using Windows 10 for personal or business, chances are you’ve received a pop up message from Microsoft that you should upgrade to Windows 11. Depending on what your IT department suggests or your personal preference, you may decide, it’s time to upgrade or wait a while. Our CIO has told us, that this initiative, will come from our IT department, which essentially means- they are going to wait until all the bugs are worked out before making the switch, company-wide.

If you are on the fence about whether you should upgrade to Windows 11, here is an article about the 3 things we hate and love in Windows 11, by expert, Mark Hachman and his team at PC World:

“1. We love: The Settings menu

Nearly a decade after the new Settings menu appeared in Windows 8, Microsoft has finally made a real effort in not only filling out the Settings menu with more options, but also organizing it well. Microsoft has done away with the “home” screen of the Settings menu, relying instead on a left-hand nav bar. A “breadcrumb” navigation system has been added to the top, so you can skip back and forth inside of a particular directory. Search exists, too, of course. Finally, each page of the Settings provides dense information without being overwhelming, with drop-down menus and graphics to assist you. It’s quite useful.

For years, Microsoft’s Windows Settings menu has wrestled with the legacy Control Panel. If you need to do something, where should you look? In Windows 11, you’ll find most of what you’re looking for inside the Windows 11 Settings.

2. We love: The Out of the Box experience

You may only see the “Out of the Box Experience” (OOBE) once while you’re setting up a new Windows 11 PC, but it’s a triumph. Setting up a Windows 11 PC takes just a few minutes, and Microsoft uses those to its full advantage, taking you on a virtual tour of Windows 11’s key features, including ones that you may not encounter without some poking around. It’s clean and professional—perhaps a bit too professional—but it’s a night-and-day improvement over the Windows 10 experience, which wasn’t bad to begin with.

3. We love: Widgets

I’m warming to Windows 11’s Widgets. Widgets, the ginormous panel that slides out from the left-hand side of your display, contains all sorts of useful information: local weather, your calendar, photos that you took on this day a few years ago, and so on. Yes, there’s a lot of fluff, as the overriding Microsoft Start service will feed you a lot of gossip and other extraneous news if you don’t configure your settings appropriately.

On the other hand, I’ve criticized Windows 11 for its lack of life, and Widgets (and the updated Xbox app, complete with cloud gaming for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers) is where the fun lives.

4. We hate: The new Start menu

Yes, Microsoft removed the lively Live Tiles. But the real crime is simply the poor organization of it all. In Windows 10, you can click on the Start menu and see your grouped app icons and documents next to an alphabetical list of your apps. In Windows 11, apps are first dropped into the secondary “All apps” overflow menu. From there, you can then add them to the main Start menu, a.k.a. “pinned apps.”

5. We hate: The lack of local accounts

If you already use a Microsoft account to log into your Windows PC, this won’t apply to you. (Logging in with a Microsoft account requires you to put in a personal Microsoft email address and password such as jo******@ou*****.com , uniquely identifying your PC.) But if you’re the type of person who prefers (or perhaps demands) to use a “local” or “offline” account with an anonymous login, you won’t be able to do that with Windows 10 Home. And no, the old “router trick” doesn’t work, either.

6.We hate: The lack of browser choice

Many people use the built-in Edge browser. Many more users, however, use Google Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Opera, Brave, or the other niche browsers that we’ve covered in our best browser roundup. Yes, you can download Chrome and use it as you wish. But if you want to make Chrome the default browser on your PC, that one-click “set as default” option that was available in Windows 10 has vanished.

Instead, you’re presented with one of the most obtuse options screen Windows has ever presented, which asks you to set your browser choice by individual file type. No, there’s no option to “select all.” If you’d still like to switch file types, Microsoft will then ask you, yet again, if you’d like to try Edge instead. It’s clingy and extraordinarily passive-aggressive, and it absolutely tarnishes the entirety of the operating system”.

So, should you upgrade? Some experts have suggested you should upgrade, if you are a heavy multitasker, or if you simply want a better aesthetic-looking Windows. If you have an IT department or consultant, ask them. Chances are they have been testing Windows 11 and may the answer that’s best suited for your organization.

About ATS

ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.

Human Capital Management (HCM) Explained In 7 Steps

According to webopedia.comHuman Capital Management (HCM) software is a digital repository of human resources applications pertaining to employees and applicants. HCM software brings all company paperwork and forms into a centralized platform, usually cloud-based, so that HR personnel can access employee data and manage job candidates. HCM software, like other HR platforms, typically includes employee management, talent acquisition, and limited employee self-service features”.

Essentially, Human Capital Management (HCM) is an all-encompassing application that helps organizations eradicate paper-based systems. Today’s modern HCM solutions, like ATSTimeWorkOnDemand encompasses; Time and Attendance, Machine Learning and Workforce Planning and, many of the above- mentioned modules of a human capital management solution.

Here are 7 benefits of a human capital management (HCM) solution by Mary Girsch-Bock in a recent article for CPA Practice Advisor:

  1. “Time and attendance: To pay employees properly, you’ll need a system that employees will quickly adapt to that will track time worked properly.
  2. Payroll: Of course payroll plays an important role in HCM. Paying employees correctly and on time is part of a good management strategy.
  3. Talent management: If you have hundreds or thousands of employees to manage, it’s easy to overlook some of them. Using talent management resources can help to retain your good employees while also pinpointing those that may need some additional assistance.
  4. Training: Training and talent management go together. To be successful, employees need to be properly trained. Human capital management makes it easy to manage all levels of employee training from initial orientation to management training.
  5. Benefits: If you offer benefits to your employees, you need a way to manage them properly. HCM makes it simple to offer the benefits that your employees desire, and once offered, makes it simple to manage them properly.
  6. Reporting: Is your business doing a good job managing its employees? The best way to find out is to have access to various reports and analytics that can point out successes as well as areas that may need more attention.
  7. Compliance: Much of HR and payroll requires some level of compliance. Using an automated system where all employee-related tasks are centralized can help keep your firm or business compliant”.

To learn about ATS Human Capital Management (HCM) or to attend one of our bi-weekly webinars, go to our website. And, to reach an account executive by phone, call: 866.294.2467.

About ATS

ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.