With the type of weather we have been experiencing lately, it will be hard to convince even the most optimistic, amongst us, that spring has arrived. The Weather Network Spring Outlook for 2014 will probably drive more of us into hibernation. But with the arrival of spring and inevitable sunny days ahead, isn’t time to take a long look at your current business process and make the change to a more effective way of data gathering?
Here are three data gathering business practices that could be hindering the growth of your company:
Employee Time Capture
Employees are required to fill out daily time sheets with information that include; their in and out times, breaks, overtime, vacation and other leave requests. This document might also require the signature of their reporting manager at the end of the work week.
Tracking Projects
It’s very common for companies within the manufacturing sector to track projects in order, to gain an understanding of their true costs. Asking employees to write job numbers on a crowded time sheet that has already includes; breaks, overtime and other attendance information can lead to errors and confusion for everyone.
Payroll Processing
Once a week or bi-weekly you spend a day or two reading, calculating and then keying information from the time card into an excel spreadsheet. If the information is incorrect, you are left chasing supervisors around to verify the actual start and end time on a time card from two weeks ago. Why bother when you can the entire process can be automated.
So, if you have been sitting on the fence wondering whether the benefits of automating outweigh the cost, well it does. When you consider the painful process of collecting all that data manually-it just means a lost in profits and productivity. Now, just image all of the above mentioned, being done seamlessly and in a fraction of the time through automation.
Here are three benefits to automation:
Streamline Business Process
By automating data collection companies increase efficiency and productivity: An automated time and attendance system will lead to more than 5 percent increase in productivity. When employees are productive-that goes to the bottom line. There is nothing more satisfying to shareholders, CEOs and senior managers when their P&L statement shows an increase in profits.
Decision-Based Analysis
Even something as simple as a tool to view budget vs. actual can have a profound impact on the operations of an organization. Closing month-end with the right financial and analytic reporting tools at their fingertips is the dream of every CFO or financial controller. An integrated workforce management solution complete with standardized reporting and analysis can eliminate unwanted surprise. That means that managers will spend less time figuring which set of numbers to use and more time on analysis, decision-making, and planning.
Attendance On-Demand
Can you image being able to see employee attendance at a glance and on-demand, instead of a paper-based, time consuming process? Just ask an HR or Payroll Manager and you are sure to get a resounding agreement in the form of a high five. You can further boost productivity by giving employees the tools to view their schedules and request time off from their smart phones or tablets. The manager self-service portal sends an instant alert e-mail alert informing them of a pending leave or schedule request.
So, put a spring in your company’s steps by dusting off that time and attendance project you have been yearning to deploy and your business will be all the better for it. To learn more about ATS business automating process, go to our website. You can also join the conversation with our LinkedIn group or better yet, sign up for one of our webinars.