Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Many of ATS monthly blogs deals with the tangible benefits of automation, while at the same time, espousing the economic advantages of deploying, a Human Capital Management (HCM) solution. Those sentiments are reiterated in a published article, titled 10 Automation Mistake to Avoid by Laurence Goasduff for Gartner. Additionally, the article provides potential pitfalls to avoid, when automating business processes.

Here are the 10 mistakes to avoid based on a recent Gartner survey:

  1. Falling in love with a single technology: Once an organization has purchased and implemented a specific process automation tool, such as robotic process automation (RPA), successfully, it’s natural that colleagues want to adopt it more widely. “However, the wrong approach is to drive automation from a single technology perspective. Instead, lead with the business outcome and then align the correct set of tools,” says Sturgill.

2. Believing that business can automate without IT: More and more business users believe that the adoption of RPA and low-code/no-code applications don’t require the assistance of IT. But business users may lack knowledge of how customer and data records work, for example, and there’s a risk of mishandling the information. Additionally, those applications are integrated with other systems, which require regular upgrades. When the IT team isn’t involved, changes during upgrades don’t pass through, causing failed processes.

3. Thinking automation is always the solution: Automation may be the best long-term option for business and IT processes, but leaders cannot simply use it to cover gaps in a poorly designed process. Automation is not meant to make up for failures in systems or defer system replacement; using automation in that way simply extends the life of suboptimal legacy applications by creating savings that mask underlying inefficiencies.

4. Not engaging all stakeholders: Automation, by nature, has a broad impact on the enterprise, which means you should engage stakeholders from across the organization for decision making and sign off. For example, if adoption of new automation processes changes the nature of people’s roles, involve HR; changes to access rights and IDs, or server requirements must involve security or IT. 

5. Failing to devote enough time to testing: Automation technologies only work when the algorithms and rules are exactly correct. The technologies may seem easy to use, but they are unforgiving when programmed incorrectly. They can very quickly wreck business data and fail to deliver the desired business outcome. 

6. Wasting effort on overly complicated processes: At times, organizations find themselves in a quagmire when automating a process. That most often happens when processes are not well-documented or understood, if the workflow is not consistent or if there are too many variants in the decision-making process. Don’t waste time and effort by failing to halt such processes promptly. 

7. Treating automation as simple task replication: Using automation tools to copy exactly what is being done manually misses a critical benefit of automation — improving the end-to-end process to create a better customer and employee experience. If process redesign is not part of the automation process, you may use the wrong automation tool and lose the business outcome you hope to achieve.

8. Failing to monitor in postproduction: Just like any system implementation, automation projects will require extensive “hands-on” IT involvement after implementation. For example, for RPA rollouts, establish continuous assessment, monitoring and regular quality checks to ensure that robots have been scripted correctly and are continuing to work as expected. This avoids huge data cleanup tasks. 

9. Using the wrong metrics to measure success: It’s typical to measure technology applications and tools to ensure that they are working as designed. However, this doesn’t reflect whether or not the project is successful. Measuring the impact on processes and the enterprise as a whole is key to the success of automation. 

10. Ignoring the culture and employee impact: While it’s critical to focus on how to adopt and scale automation, it is equally important to consider the impact on employees, especially if roles are eliminated or reimagined. 

Bottomline: Involve all parties who will be impacted by the deployment of the HCM solution, in particular non-management staff. And never settle for a solution that may not work for your organization. When exploring HCM solutions beware of the one-size-fit-all approach. If the vendor does not know the challenges you face regularly, you could add time and money to your deployment, while at the same time, negatively impacting the overall results of the solution. Choosing an HCM vendor with deep industry expertise will lead to greater efficiency and better user experiences.

To request additional information, learn more about ATS, or to download a demo, go to our website. To reach an account executive by phone, call; 866-294-2467.

Say goodbye to antiquated time tracking and spreadsheets. Thanks to the power of ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, all data points are now at your fingertips, including; HR process, instant workflows, employee dashboards and more.

ATSTimeWorkOnDemand solution provides a suite of capabilities that make HR and payroll departments work easier and more efficient for everyone, across the organization. With a single tool to manage human resources, payroll and data tracking, organizations can eliminate third-party integrations, improve data accuracy, create a more engaging workforce experience, and make better-informed decisions to tightly align workforce performance with business performance.

Here are some of the benefits of ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HR Suite:

Reduce HR Administrative Costs
Empower employees and managers to securely accomplish common HR tasks, like changing addresses, making and/or updating shift schedules or viewing time-off balances, at any time.

Manage Compliance
ATSTimeWorkOnDemand is configured to adhere to collective bargaining agreements, flexible working time models and Canadian, US international holidays.  With ATS Time and Attendance suite, you can fast track your workforce strategy by saving your team valuable time. The solution automates tedious tasks that overburden your people, and it will help you, gain greater insights to make more informed business decisions — and put yourself on a clear path to compliance.

Drive Deeper Workforce Engagement
Connect employees to their work with active goal setting. Recognize, review and reward achievements to increase engagement and productivity. By deploying ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, you can be confident that you and your team are making informed time and attendance decisions — in real time — to best meet your business needs.

Automation Time and Attendance Processes
ATSTimeWorkOnDemand will reduce manual — and error-prone — data entry and improve HR and payroll accuracy. Whether you use ATS Time Kiosk, hand geometry, Web Punch (for Android and iPhones) or facial recognition-these data collectors, will increase productivity and boost your business operations.

Reduce the Cost of Running Payroll and Increase Workforce Performance.  
Run payroll in minutes without importing or manipulating third-party files, and post to your general ledger in real-time. ATS workflows enables you to access employee performance metrics built on — and updated by — ATS HR Suite.

Want to learn how our HR, payroll, and workforce management solutions can help you achieve a better work experience for all your people? Call; 866-294-2467. To download a demo, go to our website,

Whether you want to improve time and attendance tracking, automate scheduling or simplify management, ATS has a single solution to help with it all.

ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HCM suite helps organizations ensure timely and accurate financial data by integrating forecasting and budgeting, payroll calculation, and on-the-spot employee attendance-with one click. This simplifies the end-to-end workforce management process and increases accuracy. It also helps managers make more informed decisions by providing real-time access to production, sales and labour data. With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand organizations will have everything they need, all working seamlessly including:

A multi-generational application: That converges with AI to accelerate the pace of business, while adapting to ongoing changes and regulations while remaining compliant. With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HCM suite, you —will eliminate paper timesheets with digital time clocking and save employees up to 30 minutes per month. ATSTimeWorkOnDemand application is accessible anytime, anywhere, and is — used by companies in every industry.

Labour and Payroll Calculations: ATS workforce calculation engine automates regular hours, overtime, and statutory holiday pay to help organizations minimize compliance risks. It reduces payroll errors and eliminates the need for manual reconciliations as approved hours seamlessly flow from ATSTimeWorkOnDemand to ATS Payroll suite for immediate processing.

Time Collection Options: Combined Biometric Iris and FaceScan, Web Punch, Interactive Voice Response System, Online Timesheets and Kiosk App with Facial Verification. ATSTimeWorkOnDemand best-in-class cloud-based application, is fully integrated helping you save time and prevent errors while single sign-on connects employees with the information they need across devices, locations, and services.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Metrics: ATS real-time dashboard enables managers to obtain daily insights into operational metrics including start and end time, labour, and forecasts and compare them to actuals. This visibility helps managers make data-informed decisions around workforce costs and profitability. With ATS Automation, the system creates real-time data based on previous valid decisions and similar successful work flows that have achieved the goal. In the future, rather than manually carrying out the process, the system will do it automatically.

Streamlining of Approvals: With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, employees can review and request changes to their timesheets on a daily basis, catching errors before they reach payroll. The manager’s dashboard provides managers with real-time approval access and valuable insight into who’s requesting time-off or punching in and out, taking breaks, and working overtime.

ATS has packaged the experience gained from thousands of deployments into a set of leading practices that pave a clear path to success and are proven to deliver rapid business value. With ATS, you go live in a predictable timeframe — smart, stepped implementations begin with sales and span the entire customer lifecycle, so there’s continuity from sales to services to support.

To learn more, go to our website and download a demonstration. You can also reach a sales representative at (866) 294-2467.

Government-issued pandemic cheques and unemployment benefits for workers are pretty much non-existent, yet some companies are still struggling to find talent. But why is it so hard to find workers even, after some companies are offering hiring incentives and, have increased the starting wages?

One of the reasons cited in some surveys is, that some companies are still clinging to the way they hired and treated employees prior to the pandemic. And, if that’s the case, some workers are likely to shop around until they find a company that aligns with the way they want to work post pandemic.

If your company is struggling to find workers, here are 5 tips that might help you navigate the competing talent landscape

Pre-Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Divide
Despite a record number of job openings and shortage of workers, employers are still operating the same way they did prior to the pandemic. Some companies continue to seek out candidates with several years of experience and those who are available to work odd hours and willing to work on-site.

Workers, on the other hand, are seeking higher salaries, more flexibility, hybrid and/or remote work options. This mismatch in priorities has created a post-pandemic hiring challenge, highlighting that some employers have not adapted.

Low salary/wage
One of the reasons businesses struggle to fill open jobs is that wages and are too low. And, while some companies have made a concerted effort to increase starting wages, many are unwilling to adjust their ways and expectations, refusing to raise wages to competitive levels and placing additional demands on employees.

A work culture that embraces equity, diversity and inclusion
Equity, diversion and inclusion (ED&I) are not buzz words. They are real and many of today’s workers, grew up, in an environment that embodies ED&I and expects their workplace to reflect those values. Today’s workers want to work for organizations that value diversity and make it a priority in the workplace.

The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting
The Great Resignation, took off in 2020 and has not abated. And now, quiet quitting a form of rebellion against oppressive workplace norms —fueled in part, by GenZ and thanks to their avid use of technology-will likely change the work-landscape.

There is no universal reason why someone may quiet-quit. Maybe they’re experiencing burnout — which hit a lot of people during the pandemic. Employers should remain engaged (and get buy-in) with their workforce on how best to achieve their team’s and their personal goals while, at the same time, allowing everyone space for their lives outside of work.

Retaining Top Performers
At a time when hiring has become so difficult, companies should focus a bit more on retaining their good employees. This requires a thorough examination of your company’s corporate culture, compensation packages, perks and company policies to determine if you are doing everything you can to retain talent.

Adapting to the post-pandemic world of work and understanding what job candidates are seeking can help you win over the talent you need. What employees need and want in terms of incentives, and what you need to offer to drive employee retention, have changed. Updating your approach and investing in supporting systems can give you a key advantage in retaining and attracting key talent.

About ATS
ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.

During the height of the pandemic, many employers espoused the virtues of their companies and how it valued workers are partners. Sign on bonuses for new recruits became the norm, because it was difficult to find talent.

Fast forward to 2022 and it appears, some companies may have reverted to their old ways of doing business. Attracting talent is one thing, but retaining it has become a challenge onto its own. And employees who are looking for work these days are not interested in accepting the old ways of doing things. Still scratching your head about what employees really want? Here are 5 tips:

  1. Compensation: It’s important so, it include on your online job ad, discuss in the first and second interview. No one wants to work for low wages. Recent studies revealed income being is the number 1 factor for candidates who are seeking employment. If a candidate accepts a lower wage with your company, chances are, they will eventually leave as soon as they higher pay job comes along.

2. Value: Employees want to feel valued. Companies should openly recognize and appreciate their team. Making your employees feel valued can be achieved through a variety of ways. The most tangible way is to provide compensation in the form of bonuses, raises, or expanded benefits, as mentioned above.

Creating an environment where your employees feel they are seen and heard ispowerful. Small steps that recognize and appreciate your employees, such as celebrating birthdays, sending thank you emails, and recognizing workplace milestones can go a long way towards creating a workplace where gratitude is present.

3Diversity: If you really want to diversify your workforce, stop asking potential candidates to optionally self-identify their ethnicity, among other things, on digital applications. These questions have nothing to do with a candidates’ ability — in fact, it will likely shine a light on your company’s inherent biases and, drive potential candidates to another company whose online applications do not have self-identifying questions of this nature.  According to the OHRC, “application forms should not have questions that ask directly or indirectly about race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, record of offences, age, marital status, family status or disability”. And finally, if these questions are optional, why add them to the application in the first place?

In the end, do you know what employees want to see reflected in a company? They want real change, not platitudes, when it comes to a company’s ongoing commitment to diversify that includes hourly employees as well as leadership, that reflects a culture of inclusion for everyone.

4. Work-life balance: That’s right! And its not going away anytime soon. If you do not have a remote or hybrid work policy, good luck finding employees willing to work for your company. While not all jobs can be done remotely, many of them can. Work-life balance and well-being has becoming increasingly important to workers.

Pandemic-induced life changes have prompted a work-life balance reset for many employees who are more likely to prioritize lifestyle (family and personal interests) over proximity to work, and will pursue jobs in locations where they can focus on both. To win the war on talent in the future, companies will need to meet employees where they are.

5. Paid Time Off: Increased paid vacation time and parental leave are high on employees’ lists. Aside from health care and retirement benefits, employees are interested in working for a company that gives more paid time off and paid family leave. The dark days of pandemic became a time of self-reflection for many employees —and the days of working past the end of their shift or on weekends if they don’t have to, are gone.

Bottomline: So, what’s in it for employers? As an organization, if the prospect of a productive and happy workforce plus increased profits makes sense to you, then these tips should not be hard to implement. Conversely, you can always place your bet on employees putting the pandemic behind them in the hope, that they will just “get over it.” But the pandemic has stretched this piece of elastic so far that it cannot snap back. Moreover, employees don’t want to go back to the way it was before. Many are developing a new sense of self-awareness and worth, and they won’t easily forget if they are working for a company, that favours profits over its workers and one that does not reflect the diversity of the communities in which it operates.

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Remote work is becoming the norm, but it requires trust

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About ATS

ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.

In the last two years, working at the kitchen table has become common and, for some parents, juggling virtual school while trying to hit work deadlines has also become a daily challenge. And, contrary to popular belief by some, COVID-19 did not start the remote work conversation, it simply blew the proverbial lid off something that had been bubbling beneath the surface.

In some sectors, such as IT and financial services, remote work has been popular for years, as it provides companies the freedom and flexibility to build products faster, hire the best talent in the world, and enjoy other benefits of the location-independent setup. However, in industries with hourly employees such as manufacturing, hospitality and retail, it’s almost impossible for some of these employees to perform these duties online.

If your company is considering a remote work option for some or all of your employees, here are five tips from Jackie Wiles in a recent article, Micromanaging Your Remote Workers? Own It, Then Fix It.

  1. “Empower team members. Make sure team members all understand the impact and scope of what is expected of them, articulate how their activities are crucial to meeting enterprise goals and provide each with the resources they need to get the job done. 
  2. Focus on outcomes. Don’t waste time obsessing over the time the team dedicates to getting the job done or how they do it. What matters is that they get results in the agreed-upon time frame.
  3. Be flexible. Give people the opportunity to work when, where and how they can be most creative and productive.
  4. Plan for the worst case. This makes people feel trusted and confident in their ability to handle problems. 
  5. Do not blame. Blame instantly crushes self-esteem and spoils the bonds of trust with your employees. Focus on lessons learned from failures. Let your team come up with the answer of what to do better next time”.

Bottomline: Going fully or partially remote means companies need less workspace or none at all. They can maintain an office in a more affordable location, as well as employ workers from areas where the cost of living and salaries are more suitable for a company’s budget. However, you institute your remote work program, it should be built on trust, with that, it could become a failure.

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About ATS

ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.

What is ATSTimeWorkOnDemand human capital management solution (HCM) solution? An all in-one that provides a suite of capabilities to your company’s make HR service delivery easier and more efficient for everyone, across the organization.  With a single tool to manage HR, payroll and financials, companies can eliminate third-party integrations, improve data accuracy, create a more engaging workforce experience and make better-informed decisions to tightly align workforce performance with business performance.

If your company is contemplating an HCM solution, here are three powerful processes that’s included with ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, that will make your decision easier.

Make use of Best-In-Class HCM While Bringing Together HR and Financial Data
Drive people-focused results and transform your business with a truly connected global workforce experience — delivered through resilient and mindful HR technology. Empower employees and managers to securely accomplish common HR tasks, like changing addresses or viewing time-off requests and balances, at any time with any connected device.

Reduce the Cost of Running Payroll and Drive Employee Engagement
Run payroll in minutes with seamless API integration third-party files, and post to your general ledger in real-time. With ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, you can manage the entire employee journey from a single solution — giving you the power of HR, talent, payroll, and workforce management to deliver a personalized, people-centered experience.

Increase Workforce Performance and Achieve Faster Time to Value.
With workforce management information shared across ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HCM Suite, HR leaders can automate processes to reduce administrative time spent on common tasks and easily route information across the entire organization.  Intuitive dashboards and workflows enable human resources stakeholders to monitor key KPIs and become more strategic business partners — while, at the same time, delivering an exceptional workforce experience.

Want to learn how our ATSTimeWorkOnDemand HCM suite can help you achieve a better work experience for your people? Go to our website and download a demonstration. You can reach a sales representative at (866) 294-2467.

Governments across many jurisdictions have released pandemic health restrictions, including the wearing of masks. And, many companies, are also making plans for a return to the office. However, leaders should not expect an immediate return to the same old workstations, ping-pong tables and water coolers. Case in point, when a CEO of an organization  said recently, that there would a “a strong incentive” to demote employees who chose not return to the office, the backlash was swift.

Employees across every industry has cited concerns about safety, including a reduction in their productivity with having to commute again, among others. The best way to the handle the return to the office is through engagement between companies and their employees. And, while, there will be employees clamouring to return to the office others, will be seeking a slow return and/or hybrid approach. Business leaders, therefore, would be wise to consult with their employees and not use the hammer to force them back to the office. There is a reason why the ‘great resignation’ took several companies by surprise, and — why so many employees feel differently about the future of work, compared to some business leaders.

In her blog for the online publication Talent Culture, Business Needs vs. Employee Needs: Finding the Happy Medium Dawn Mitchell, lays out some advice that employers can use to achieve their goals of a return to the office for employees. It reads, in part:

Listening to Employees
“Work-from-home employees are not shy about their preferences and pain points around remote work. Coworkers commonly talk amongst themselves about how much they like not having to dress in full business attire or commute. They also expressed frustrations around digital communications and how, since they’re online, the workday can stretch beyond regular hours.

Before putting forth a return-to-office plan, businesses must listen to what employees truly want. To avoid turnover, some employers plan to skip a return-to-office life altogether, especially since a lack of remote work options is a deal-breaker for many employees and may send them searching for a job elsewhere. Many employees have already made that step, citing lack of remote work options as the main reason for seeking other opportunities. Notably, according to a survey by ResumeBuilder, 15% of workers are planning to leave their jobs before December.

Balancing Employee Needs With Business Needs
While keeping employee needs top of mind is essential, HR professionals must also evaluate how best to serve the company. If remote work begins to negatively impact employee and company performance, that can’t be ignored. Conversely, if an organization consistently meets KPIs, is growing, and employees are engaged, there’s no need to return to the office five days a week.

Instead of assuming performances and company operations will improve in an office setting, HR teams should strive to find balance. There’s no need for extremes. Companies don’t need to decide to keep operations fully remote or shift them entirely back to the office.

Looking to the Future
Before implementing a return-to-office plan, HR teams must equally weigh the needs of the business against those of their employees. Therefore, it may be tempting to develop this kind of plan quickly. However, HR teams must take time to listen to employees and measure their needs alongside business goals. This will create a happier and more effective workplace for everyone”.

Bottomline: Creating a plan to return to the office is not that hard. Where it can go awry is when leaders decide to not engage their employees in the plan. And, a return to the office plan should not imply that remote or hybrid workers don’t do real work. If you infuse, your plan with thoughtfulness and a commitment to minimizing inequities., you are likely to get buy-in from most, if not all of your employees.

About ATS
ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.

Managing HR-related compliance risks is one of many critical roles performed by HR departments. Often, several mundane tasks associated with compliance management turn skilled HR personnel into manual labourers. The total cost of payroll is the sum of labour, outsourcing, system, overhead, and other costs involved with the maintenance of payroll records; the calculation of salaries, wages, and deductions; and the distribution of paycheques.

Now let’s take closer look at areas for improvement, that will allow your company to streamline the process, and at the same time, save money.

Make use of HR compliance
HR operations, including payroll, time and attendance and recruitment that typically requires attention to compliance management-include a range of manual tasks and procedures that are accepted as part of the process. However, those inefficiencies of these operations are often accepted as a cost of doing business. But many processes can potentially introduce avoidable errors and compliance risk that go beyond the cost of inefficiency.

Think of the Big Picture
Routine, high-volume tasks like time and attendance and payroll processing would be well served, when these tasks are automated. For example, ATS Human Capital Management (HCM) flexible inherent rules-based solution can reduce errors and exceptions while significantly lowering costs.

Focus on a Return on Investment (ROI)
If HR is spending an inordinate amount of time on tracking shift differentials, labour allocation and host of other manual tasks-that’s not the best use of the HR department’s time.  If the goal is to obtain HR compliance, then the decision to automate can become a relatively straight-forward decision based on the return on investment from labour savings alone.

Bottomline: ATS HCM gives you a proven solution to process payroll, schedule and track employee hours worked, including paid time off. You can satisfy wage and hour reporting requirements quickly and easily by being able to better operate in an increasingly demanding regulatory environment and accommodate a global workforce.

To learn more, download a demonstration on our website. And, to reach an account executive, call; 866.294.2467.

There’s anecdotal evidence that some companies believe, that if they hire older workers, it could stunt their company’s growth. This practice is pervasive especially, in the tech world where it has become synonymous with youth. However, technology is never created nor consumed exclusively by young people.

Here are 5 reasons, from an article by Maryalene LaPonsie, that will make you rethink your company’s hiring policy when it comes to older workers:

“1. Older workers have experience
An obvious benefit of older workers is the experience and skills they bring to a job. “You’ve got someone who can solve your problem today,” says Kerry Hannon, an AARP jobs expert and author of “Getting the Job You Want After 50 For Dummies.”

Hannon, 55, says employers may have legitimate concerns about older workers being behind the curve when it comes to technology, but those skills can be taught. On the other hand, no amount of training can give a younger worker the wisdom gained through 20 or 30 years spent in the field.

2. Older workers have confidence
Perhaps as a by-product of all that experience, older workers are often more confident than their younger counterparts. Hochkins says the firm that hired her at age 52 did so after several failed attempts to have younger workers do the same job, a job that required convincing CEOs and executives to get on board with a particular initiative. “They had also hired some 20-somethings, but they weren’t having much luck because they didn’t have the finesse needed to get the job done,” she explains.

3. Older workers provide reliable service
In 2014, the Society for Human Resource Management asked HR professionals what they considered the top advantages of older workers. Experience was No. 1 on the list at 77 percent, followed closely by maturity/professionalism and a stronger work ethic – traits chosen by 71 percent and 70 percent, respectively, of 1,913 survey respondents.

4. Older workers are loyal
Workers older than age 50 may be more loyal. This may be particularly true for new hires who are grateful for the job. “In general, older workers love their jobs more than younger ones,” Hannon says. A 2013 study by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found 9 in 10 workers older than age 50 are somewhat or very satisfied with their jobs. Meanwhile, according to the 2014 Conference Board Job Satisfaction survey, only 3 in 10 workers younger than age 25 could say the same.

5. Older workers can save money
An experienced worker can hit the ground running and be effective immediately. They also may have advanced critical-thinking skills that can help them make good decisions quickly. Hochkins notes she saved one company $5 million in inventory costs, and she questions whether a less experienced worker would have been able to identify where changes within the organization could be made.”

Bottomline: When business executives are hesitant about hiring an older worker should consider the 5 reasons above. Having an age-diverse workforce makes sense for most companies. Hiring older workers, means you won’t have to deal with the costs of high turnover in a more youthful workforce vs. the benefits and experience mature workers will bring to your company.

About ATS
ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce. ATS cloud services offer rapid deployment, support services, software updates, and enhancements; and consulting and training services.