Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Pre Covid-19 some companies resisted conversations that included a hybrid model of employees splitting time between the office and home. The coronavirus pandemic has likely changed this way of thinking. In fact, companies, like Google, Twitter and Facebook have extended remote working for their employees. But, as more people are inoculated with their first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine what could a post-pandemic working world look like?

Here are 5 tips from an article, by David Finkle titled 5 Job PerksYou Should Provide in a Post-Pandemic Climate:

“Trust: This past year was a stressful one for leaders and employees, and the one thing that most workers seek right now is a transparent and trustworthy leadership team. How and how often you communicate makes a huge difference in employee comfort level, and will allow your team members to do their best work. This is especially important when working with a remote team. Focus on being transparent about the health of your business and, if necessary, any challenges or hurdles. 

Connection: Working remotely can be a challenge for many employees, and they may struggle to feel connected to their co-workers and the team as a whole. Try to get creative by giving them unstructured options to socialize with one another. Virtual pizza parties and scavenger hunts have all been used by business owners to help their team feel more connected during these strange times. 

A better Work-from-home experience: The sudden shift to remote work last year left many workers struggling to find a place to call their own. They may be writing reports from the kitchen table, handling client calls from the garage, and taking Zoom meetings from their bedroom. Their technology may be outdated, and they may struggle to do their best work. One of the best perks you can give your team right now is an upgraded, comfortable workspace. Subsidize equipment. Upgrade computers. Help purchase ergonomic furniture. All of these things can help make an employee’s day more pleasant and make them feel appreciated. 

Healthcare: This is a big perk right now. The pandemic brought health care to the forefront, and many employees found themselves with subpar or no coverage. Having a comprehensive employer-provided health care plan is at the top of the list for many job seekers right now. 

Wellness: Wellness goes a lot further than just employer-provided health care. It encompasses mental and emotional health and for many even financial health. Consider offering therapy benefits and meditation or yoga memberships as a good start. Another perk would be to help your employees with financial wellness. Have a financial planner do a series of webinars for your team members offering guidance on how to manage their money, save for retirement, or create a budget. Have a tax expert help your team choose the right deductions now that they are working from home”.

Bottomline: Not all jobs can be done remotely. Distribution and warehousing, healthcare and grocery store workers are amoung the few who needs to be onsite to perform their duties. Many workers in the tech sector are accustomed to working remotely, as some employers will likely maintain the telecommute arrangements or move to a hybrid model. And finally, jobs that had already been trending toward remote work before the pandemic are the ones, least likely to return to the office. 

About ATS
ATS offers a broad portfolio of time and attendance solutions that streamlines the collection, calculation, and reporting of employee hours for workforce management and eliminates the manual tasks of payroll preparation, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in corporate payroll departments.

Thousands of organizations across North, Central and South America and Europe- including more than half of the Fortune 500 – use ATS TimeWork OnDemand, Workforce Planning, Employee Scheduling HR and payroll solutions to manage their workforce.

This current pandemic has forced many employees to work from home. And, for those employees who are not used to working from home, they could get easily get distracted, feel lonely and unproductive. Moreover, this might be especially true for employees who crave the social interaction of their colleagues and also feel exiled from the office environment.

If you happen to be one of these employees who, like many of us, are having a hard time juggling working from home and managing house-hold chores while helping your school-age kids with online learning, here are few tips from an article titled, Four Self-Care Practices You Can Do at Your Desk by Mandy Gilbert for

Wind down with a five-minute meditation: I probably don’t have to remind you of all the studies that have been done that link daily meditation to improved mental and physical health. We all know meditation is good for us. However, finding the ability to pull away from your pressing tasks and give into a quick mindfulness session can seem downright selfish when dealing with all the urgent matters stacking up on your plate. 

Turn off your digital devices and focus on the tangible: Screen fatigue is a huge problem and can become a very real hindrance on your mental health. As many of us transition to working from home, the problem is only becoming amplified. I know, personally, I cringe a little every time I hear the ping of my weekly screen report. 

Practice workplace gratitude and celebrate your accomplishments: Tell me if this sounds familiar to you. You’re working away on a big project, caught up in the day-to-day hustle, when a colleague congratulates you on a recent achievement that you almost entirely forgot about. 

Throw out the rules and text your family and friends: Our family and friends are our greatest support systems, so it can be hard keeping them at arm’s length throughout the day when you are going through a particularly difficult time. 

That’s why it’s time to throw away the rule made up in the boardrooms of yesteryear that you shouldn’t be on your personal phone during work hours. Speaking from firsthand experience, it can be so rejuvenating to take a moment and check in with your loved ones once or twice a day. It lifts your spirits, satisfies your need for socialization, and can even make you more productive. 

Bottomline: No one knows with absolute certainty, when many employees might return to offices. However, several tech companies including Salesforce, Twitter, IBM, Oracle and Google to name a few, has already said employees can work at home for the rest of the year, even after they have reopened their offices.

To learn more about ATS you can register for our next webinar Embracing The Future of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. To download a demo of our time and attendance app or reach us by phone call; 866.294.2467.

In many respects formal business attire has become almost passé. The world of tech, in and particular, Silicon Valley CEOS regularly wears hoodies, jeans and sneakers to shareholders meetings.  There are of course some exceptions, like politicians, foreign diplomats, some corporate boardrooms and select industries. According to the recent study by OfficeTeam 50% of the senior managers interviewed “said employees wear less formal clothing than they did five years ago. In addition, nearly one-third (31 percent) of office workers stated they would prefer to be at a company with a business casual dress code; 27 percent favor a casual dress code or no dress code at all”.

Is The Formal Business Attire Out Of Fashion?

The trend to less formal business attire has shown no signs of abating and all indications are that this will continue for the foreseeable future. And according to several studies, technology companies are at the forefront of casual office attire.

Here is partial list of some of today’s leading companies that have made casual attire for its employees part of their DNA. This list is derived from a blog titled ‘10 Big Businesses With Incredibly Casual Offices’ and names the following companies:

  1. Google

Google was one of the first companies to adopt the laid-back corporate culture that emphasized creativity and achievements on an individual basis that add to the team’s overall success. One of the company’s 10 principle philosophies is “you can be serious without a suit.” This philosophy speaks volumes for the casual culture of Google. Not only is the dress code casual, but the overall look and feel of the company’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., is also laid back and fun. Google employees can enjoy ping pong, snacks in the break rooms, video games, and “huddle” rooms for everyone to take a break. Some additional office amenities include massage chairs, foosball and ping pong tables, an onsite gym, haircuts, and complimentary car washes.

2. Zappos

Zappos has put a lot of emphasis on its company culture and takes pride in being a casual yet successful business. Even though it was acquired by Amazon in 2009, Zappos has managed to hold on to the same values and company missions that it was founded on. Zappos’ casual work environment takes after the Internet marketing and e-commerce industries, which emphasize comfort over formality to help employees produce their very best work.


Facebook also adopted a Google-like office culture that consists of casually-dressed, but hardworking youngsters. Facebook has offices in more than 15 countries, some of which have bean bag lounges, kegs, on-site chefs, and plenty of places to kick up your feet and relax. At the Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif., employees have several unique amenities that fit the laid-back online culture. Workers can break a sweat on the outdoor skate park, play some tunes on the office turn tables, and take care of their laundry or leather repairs without leaving work.

  1. Electronic Arts

EA is one of the biggest companies in the video game industry, with an estimated 8,000 employees worldwide. Although most of the EA studios and subsidiaries have embraced a informal office culture, the EA campus in Vancouver is one of the most casual and decked-out facilities within the company. The campus has a state-of-the-art building featuring a theater, restaurants, coffee bars, a complete fitness room, and a full-size soccer field. EA Canada is also the company’s largest and oldest studio, so, naturally, it houses the world’s largest video game test operation and many employees take advantage of this cool feature.


Twitter is an online social networking service that knows how to have fun. The Twitter offices are located in San Francisco, San Antonio, Boston and New York City, and are chock-full of awesome amenities to keep their employees relaxed and satisfied. Twitter employees get to enjoy everything from free gym memberships, complimentary yoga/Pilates and rock climbing classes, as well as on-site laundry and dry cleaning services.

Today, more than ever companies from healthcare, to retail and in some corporate environments, businesses have replaced the formal attire for men and women, and are instead, encouraging their employees to dress casually for work. Hard dress codes, it appears, have all but disappeared.


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Adapting To Change Is Not Easy, But Is Necessary For Growth

January 25th, 2017 | Posted by ATS in Cloud Based Time Management Solution | Cloud Computing | SaaS Time and Attendance | TimeWork OnDemand - (Comments Off on Adapting To Change Is Not Easy, But Is Necessary For Growth)

To grow an organization has to be willing to adapt to change. And, sometimes change is forced upon businesses who believing in charting the same course, regardless of what’s going on around them. In today’s rapidly changing and technology driven world-those who believe in doing what they have always done, can become extinct quickly.

Adapting To Change Is Not Easy, But Is Necessary For Growth

In a recent article titled, ‘Why Innovators Should Study the Rise and Fall of the Venetian Empire’ written for Harvard Business Review, by Piero Formica he succinctly states “The stronger the assumption that the future will function as today does, the greater the gravitational force of the status quo. Organizations set in their ways slow down and never strive for new horizons. They are doomed to wither.”

The power of cloud computing, for example, allows businesses to gain easy access to their company’s data, and at the same time, save them money. And, for the naysayers who are worried that they will end up paying for features that they neither need nor want, ATS cloud time and attendance solution is based on pay-as-you-go.

In fact, most companies already use a variety of cloud computing services without even realizing it—Google Drive, Gmail, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are all cloud-based applications. For all of these services, users are sending their personal data to a cloud-hosted server that stores the information for later access. And as useful as these applications are for personal use, they’re even more valuable for businesses that need to be able to access large amounts of data over a secure, online network connection.

So, if we are so open to sending our personal information through the cloud whether it’s through online banking transactions or using Google every day, why the hesitation when it comes to adopting a time and attendance that’s in the cloud? Here is the most poignant paragraph from Piero Formica’s article and it reads in part;

“If you don’t want to be caught by surprise, you have to recognize that the future will be different from the past. The future is unfathomable, ambiguous, and open to every option. One major move by a competitor, or one new technology, is sometimes all it takes to end an empire. If your current business is like a carefully tended garden, with neat beds and high walls, that’s not enough. The next opportunity (or threat) may lie outside those walls, at the messy intersection of sectors and markets.”

If your current IT resources are forcing you to give all of your attention to software installed on a computer and constant slow network issues when, trying to obtain relevant data then you are not going to be able to concentrate on achieving your business goals. And, that’s no way to run a business.  However, by deploying a cloud time and attendance like ATS, you will have more time to devote towards the aspects of your business that directly affect your bottom line and be able to care of your customers.

To learn more about ATS Cloud Time and Attendance, go to our website. To reach an account executive, call 866.294.2467.


Organizations face many challenges, including; retaining a competitive edge, managing employees and keeping them productive and motivated, keeping cost low and increasing customer satisfaction. And, with all this to manage, you are likely not thinking about the negative impact your current time and attendance is having on your business. Here are five ways, your time and attendance system may be having a negative impact on your business:

Your company is losing money
If your current time and attendance is paper-based, there is no doubt you are wasting money by having someone manually calculate employee time, vacations, statutory holidays and host of other things that could easily automated. If you are using some off the shelf or outdated time and attendance solution, you will, at some point, have to pay for new versions, annual maintenance and software bug fixes. Wouldn’t it be nice, if you could have a solution that did not include these ongoing costs?

Limited Choices
You believe that the current version you have works. In other words, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Sometimes, these words tend to be the last ones uttered before the system breaks down, or you come to the realization, that your system is not keeping pace with your business.

Do You Feel Trapped With Your Time And Attendance System?

Lack of Integration
Let’s say you have a mid-size company with 500 employees, wouldn’t it be awesome to have a time and attendance solution that’s intuitive, and can integrate to your; financials and job costing, payroll, human resources information system (HRIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and customer relationship management (CRM)? Moreover, your company cannot take advantage of real-time analytic reporting if you are using an outdated time and attendance solution. A 21st century cloud-based time and attendance solution connects to mobile devices and is available from anywhere, at anytime propels your business further and provides greater efficiency.

Upgrading will be a piece of cake or, so you think
Upgrading can sometimes cost the same as what you spent a few short years ago on a new time and attendance system. Also upgrading to a new solution will likely require stakeholders to ensure the business requirements are met. After all, your business requirements have likely changed from a few years ago when you first implemented the solution. In short order, that quick upgrade you were going to get, might end up lasting longer than you had planned for.

Customized System
If your current system is customized, it can create problems with upgrading or its ability adhere to bug fixes – more often than not, this can lead organizations to defer upgrades, sometimes indefinitely. Who wants to be stuck with a time and attendance system that is so heavily customized that it prevents a company from taking advantage of newer versions? With an ATS cloud-based time and attendance upgrades are built-in and takes place without interruption to your company’s business operations.

Deploying a best-in-class time and attendance solution based on today’s technology, enables businesses in various industries, to adhere to multi-jurisdictional and legal compliance differences at the local, provincial, federal and state level. ATS TimeWork OnDemand provides real-time visibility, streamlines payroll costs, increase workforce productivity and gives you access to multiple levels of consolidated reporting and enterprise-wide Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), all displayed in real time, on dashboards.

To learn more, go to our website and register for a free webinar, download brochures or a demonstration. You can also join the conversation through LinkedIn, Google+ or Twitter.

Although we are in the month of February the year still feels new and depending on where you live in North America your area is either very cold or you have snow on the ground or both. Yikes! From time to time we post articles from other sites that we find informative. ATS social media and marketing team found a site by Sarah Landrum titled “Punched Clocks.” And, because ATS provides workforce management solutions with accompanying hardware that’s referred to as “Punch Clocks,” “Time Clocks,” or “Data Collectors,” the name of the site was quite fitting.

This particular blog by Sara Landrum is titled “15 Job Search Sites To Help You Find A Job”. The list includes:

This website is a nice way to ease into the professional world. It’s specifically made to enhance people’s professional relationships. It runs on a platform similar to Facebook, where you can friend-request people you know and view their profiles to learn more about them.

With more than 800,000 new listings posted on the site every week, Indeed claims to be the biggest career site out there.

One of the most overlooked job-hunting sites is right in front of most of our eyes every day. Recruiters and big companies are starting to tweet out recent job openings or challenging jobs that need to be filled immediately. Often, they will provide links to position descriptions and application instructions. You can download an app, such as Tweetmyjobs, that will send Twitter alerts to tell you who’s hiring.”

You can browser through the entire list of job sites on Sarah Landrum’s blog.
Job searching have changed in the last several years with the proliferation of social media and other online tools including, Workforce and Human Capital Management Software which also has embedded recruiting tools for today’s employers. And, in a somewhat shaky economy employers are in search of candidates that can help them grow their business and provide optimal customer service.

So whether you are actively looking for otherwise, you will find these sites very informative.

To learn about ATS you download a demonstration and to attendance live webcast, go to our website.

 Job Search Sites That Might Just Help You Find That Perfect Job

How To Streamline Payroll And Avoid The High Cost Of Overtime

July 29th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Forecasting | Hospitality Industry | Labour Analytics | Leave Management - (Comments Off on How To Streamline Payroll And Avoid The High Cost Of Overtime)

Business owners in small and large organizations are fearful about the proposed overtime rule. This bit of news is not sitting well with several businesses and, has caused sleepless nights for some executives, as they come to terms with trying to find ways to adjust in their daily operations. If your business is going to be affected by this proposed legislation, one of the best tools to use, to capture overtime is an ATS time and attendance solution. Payroll is one of the largest expenses of any business, regardless of size and automating employee time and attendance can be a good first step to controlling overtime.

Through the use of an ATS Time and Attendance solution, here are some ways your business can control overtime:

Overtime Equalization: In the retail, hospitality and healthcare space, overtime is almost unavoidable and that’s due, in large part to the nature of these industries. Therefore, accurately tracking and paying the correct overtime is paramount. ATS Overtime Equalization solution provides managers with timely visibility into key workforce performance indicators such as labour, overtime, and attendance. Real-time alerts notify managers when performance thresholds are breached; helping prevent labour issues such as excess overtime, budget variances and compliance violations.

Choose The Right Data Collector: Not all employee time clocks are created equal and, so selecting an employee time clock is as important as making sure you have the right time and attendance software for your organization. For example, putting a fingerprint reader in a very dusty environment or food processing plant, for is a recipe for disaster. ATS Time and Attendance data collectors are fully optimized, feature-rich employee self-service platform and are capable of serving the full spectrum of your requirements. Through the use of ATS time clocks, your business is transformed into “On the Spot” information that helps managers and supervisors control overtime and keep jobs on time and within budget.

How To Streamline Payroll And Avoid The High Cost Of Overtime

Real-Time Business Analytics: If a business is not using the right tools to control overtime, this can lead to an unhealthy balance-sheet. And, when left unchecked, overtime can become an uncontrollable payroll nightmare. While not completely unavoidable, reining in unnecessary overtime is critical to bringing down expenses and ensuring the most effective use of labour resources. ATS Time and Attendance Analytics allow for a complete view of your business landscape and includes actual versus budget hours. The intuitive dashboard contains future schedules, and alerts managers of preventable overtime situations and incidental overtime occurrences.

Bottom-line, getting a handle on your company’s overtime should be an important first step but the impact of overtime extends far beyond a balance-sheet. Controlling overtime is a healthy strategy for financially sustainable organizations in uncertain times.

To learn more, you can attend one of our monthly webinars or download a demonstration. We also have an active user-group on our LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus pages. To speak to one of our account executives call; 1-866.294.2467.

How To Streamline Payroll And Avoid The High Cost Of Overtime

Stuck In A Technology Cul-De-Sac?

July 21st, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Employee Scheduling | Forecasting | Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software - (Comments Off on Stuck In A Technology Cul-De-Sac?)

The early purveyors of time and attendance, was simple and, included some of the following:

 Software installed on a computer
 Time clock connected via a cable which would then be connected to the serial port of a computer
 A polling mechanism that required said computer to be left on overnight so, employee attendance (or punches as it’s commonly referred to in the industry) could be uploaded to the computer.

Imagine the surprise of one of ATS lead software engineers when she visited the prospective customer and found out they were using a system that mirrored what was described above. Talk about a by-gone era? And, this prospective customer has 9 locations spread across; Brazil, Germany, South Africa, Argentina, Toronto, Halifax, Colorado and Asia Pacific. Suffice to say, our implementation group worked as quickly as possible to bring this customer into the 21st century and they now have access to:
Real-Time Insight-Unlike their previous system this 3500 healthcare provider has access to on-the-fly data across their various locations for maximum effectiveness and efficiency. ATS cloud-based time and attendance transforms payroll processing, accrual benefits, human resources, job costing and employee self-service into a unified system that delivers results.

Flexibility-No one should be subjected to cumbersome software or have to go through several screens of that software to get a single report. ATS TimeWork is a flexible time and attendance solution that provides the tools and insight you need to reduce costs, eradicate high payroll costs and grow revenue.

On-The-Spot Forecast- ATS TimeWork helps evaluate risks with the forecasting and budgeting modules and monitor performance in real-time with user dashboards, business intelligence, and Big Data reporting tools. ATS forecasting and budgeting helps organizations meet business demand by understanding business patterns and then, helps managers schedule and put the right person, in the right place, at the right time. With ATS TimeWork your business can discover new ways to improve efficiencies, growth, and profitability with today’s modern time and attendance software

Today, this healthcare company is using many of ATS TimeWork modules, is one of our happiest customers and have become part our user group, on the healthcare community boards.

Is your company stuck in a technology cul-de-sac with a time and attendance system that is no longer meeting your needs? If so, you to can make the switch and enjoy the benefits of robust cloud-based solution that will significantly reduce the amount of time your HR and Payroll personnel spend processing employee time.

To learn more take a product tour of TimeWork. You can also follow us on Pinterest, LinkedIn or Twitter. To reach us by phone, call; 866.294.2467.

Stuck In A Technology Cul-De-Sac?

Five Steps To A Successful Time And Attendance Implementation

April 14th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Benefit Accruals | Time and Attendance Software | Workforce Management Solutions - (Comments Off on Five Steps To A Successful Time And Attendance Implementation)

The notion that all time and attendance solutions are the same and that they will meet the needs of every organization is one of the reasons why some implementation fail. Your company is unique and chances are, the time and attendance solution you select, will require configuration changes that reflects your business requirements.

More often than not, mistakes happen during the search process. For example, your research person should be someone within your organization who is familiar with the company’s work policies and compliance rules. If your search committee includes someone from the HR or the payroll department, you have will, in all likelihood increase your chances of success in finding the right vendor. Conversely, if your time and attendance search is being lead by IT person who knows nothing about your payroll and other compliance rules, it’s highly unlikely they would know the answers about overtime calculation or holiday pay. The rise of cloud-based time and attendance has minimized the role of IT significantly over the last several years. A note of caution, this is not to suggest you should be involve your IT personnel, you should-we are suggesting they should be part of your project team and not the only one researching a time and attendance solution.

Here are five steps that can lead to a successful implementation of your time and attendance solution:

Assessment- Set aside a realistic budget, but also remain open-minded to stretching it a little, if you find the right solution. Equally important, be honest about your company’s list of requirements. If you are not sure what your needs are talk to other departmentl managers about their requirements, as it relates to employee attendance. Your list of requirements should include some of the following:  business challenges, workflows, departmental needs, and overall reporting requirements. Some companies prefer to leave some things off their list, when talking to a vendor, hoping this will help them find the cheapest solution. There is nothing wrong with trying to find the cheapest solution, as long as you are prepared to “get what you pay for” when heading down this route. Most vendors will tell you if they can or cannot meet your needs based on your budget.

Selection Process- This stage is one of the most challenging. We suggest you ask businesses like yours, and but more importantly other companies that are outside of your industry. The reason here is to figure out how flexible the proposed solution really is. Assess the company’s list of references, and ask for honest answers.

Implementation- the old adage “failing to plan is planning to fail” holds true when it comes to time and attendance implementation. Make sure the vendor plans to; configure, install and optimize the solution for your business operations.  Remember your company is unique, don’t worry about the type of system that the “Jones” are using. This about your company and your specific requirements. Also remain open-minded to the fact that project plans do and can change, and that major changes can affect your budget and so, you should plan in accordance.

Training- Once the system is configured and designed to your specification, this is the all important next step, training for functional users. Devote time to training so your managerial staff and other employees will use the system to its full potential.  Make sure to schedule regular training so that managerial employees are using the software in the most efficient manner.

Support- After the system is up and running, remain in close communication with your vendor to make sure you are getting the maximum value from the time and attendance system and that its operating at peak efficiency.

Finally, achieving a successful time and attendance implementation is doable. For additional tips on implementation go to our website and sign up for a demonstration. You can reach us by phone at 866.294.2467.

Five Steps To A Successful Time And Attendance Implementation

Five Steps To A Successful Time And Attendance Implementation


Disruptive Technology Is The Future For Growing Businesses

February 18th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Labour Analytics | Leave Management | Time Management Solutions | Web-Based Time and Attendance | Workforce Management Solutions - (Comments Off on Disruptive Technology Is The Future For Growing Businesses)

At a recent meeting between ATS professional services team members and executive managers of a Midwestern U.S., 500 employee food manufacturing plant, who also happens to be an existing customer of ATS-the discussion centered on the company’s growth plans to add locations in a few more states and some provinces in Canada over the next 18 months. One of ATS professional services team member suggested that the customer migrate to our cloud-based time and attendance system to leverage its business growth potential. Cloud computing is disruptive and has no boundaries, two elements that should be embraced by organizations.

A recent report by IDC, reads in part, “The cloud has changed the fundamental nature of computing and how business gets done and it will continue to do so through 2020. In fact, IDC predicts that by 2020 clouds will stop being referred to as “public” and “private” and ultimately they will stop being called clouds altogether. It is simply the new way business is done and IT is provisioned. IDC research also shows that the global cloud infrastructure is super-scaling and becoming the launch pad for infrastructure innovation and as a result, hardware vendors’ innovations are shifting to “cloud first”.

And in an economic climate, that is still struggling with; effects from 2008’s recession, continued job losses and, where shareholders expect a rapid return on investment from IT and other related expenditures, the report goes on to say; “IDC is seeing organizations leverage cloud services as a foundation element in this strategy and layering on advanced analytics, collaboration capabilities and new technologies to drive rich customer experience, speed to market in of new products/services, creative digital marketing, mobile commerce and optimization of operational efficiencies amongst others.”

Disruptive Technology Is The Future For Growing Businesses

If your company is one of those growing businesses, and if you decide to migrate to the cloud, you will gain:

Unprecedented Flexibility — ATS provides its customers with the freedom to choose the timing of their Attendance ONDemand time and attendance upgrade. Just imagine having your software match the needs of your organization through release updates.

The Power of ATS Cloud Computing Database Migration — ATS Software-As-A-Service platform enables organizations to migrate their on-premises data effortlessly to our platform without concerns of sacrificing control or flexibility.

24×7, 365 Days A Year Of Access—ATS customers can leverage a cloud-based environment to get instant access to attendance, on-the-spot analytics and address leave management challenges, all on your smart phone, tablet PC or workstation from anywhere. Now that’s the modern way of business management.

As a leader of cloud-based workforce management solution, companies depend on ATS Time Attendance OnDemand to run mission-critical business processes globally and in the cloud. ATS cloud-based time and attendance lower IT costs, while increasing productivity, as the adoption of the cloud services is accelerating around the world.

To learn more follow Apex Time Solutions blog, LinkedIn business group and Twitter handle for real-time updates.

To have one of our account executives contact you go to our website.

Disruptive Technology Is The Future For Growing Businesses