Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Today’s HR managers are embracing automation, because they know it will help them improve workforce productivity reduce the amount of time it takes to process payroll, count employee hours, recruit and retain talent. Debating the benefits of business process automation is akin to asking, why do we need to use smartphones in this digital era?

In an article titled Why Automating HR Technology Is Key to Keeping Up Rick Goad presents a strong business case about the importance of HR automating its business processes. He writes in part;

“For years, HR technology was used to support and manage mundane back office paper processes and to ensure HR regulations and payroll laws were being met. More recently these platforms have shifted focus to better support talent acquisition and retention. A new generation of employees is entering the workforce with well-defined expectations of how they will interact with employers. HR technology is leading digital transformation in creating a new onboarding culture along with new ways to attract and engage talent.

HR Wants To Automate Your Business Process, Shouldn’t You Want The Same?

How much easier would it be if you could automatically generate visual process diagrams, complete documentation, and materials for compliance and training? Automation can deliver these benefits in a fraction of the time we’re used to with manual or legacy approaches. Consider the impact of faster testing and better automation coverage. How could that speed projects, reduce production downtime, and give executives peace of mind knowing a multi-million-dollar technology package is going to work the way it’s expected?

With end-to-end automation, companies can be sure HR processes operate without disruption. This is true even when it comes to frequent changes in intricate approval chains, tax calculations, employee benefits, withholding classes, payroll and more. And, because these business processes are tested and can easily generate documentation, companies can verify they are meeting compliance requirements.

For example, accurate, effective payroll operations depend on end-to-end business processes executed across HR apps, and the other applications in a company’s landscape. Today’s technology can automatically capture these as-is business processes to provide visuals and documentation for insight and improvement. Captured processes are used to create an automated regression test library that can be continuously run to validate that mission-critical end-to-end processes are functioning as designed. This eliminates delays and mitigates the risks that come with packaged applications the business depends on.”

The larger question about HR and automation is no longer when is your company going to adopt it, but instead why haven’t you?

To learn about ATS HR Software and our complementary TimeWork OnDemand App go to our website. And, while you are there, you can also register for one of our bi-monthly webinars, download brochures or request a product demonstration.

To reach an account representative, call: 866.294.2467.

Ready or not, the digital era is here to stay. And, that include; robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to name a few. Many organizations have taken an early lead by adopting applications like ATS TimeWork OnDemand and the complementary features like big data that comes with it- to better understand their company’s financial performance and improve decision making.

The rise of cloud computing, artificial intelligence and everything digital has literally upended the traditional way of deploying software applications. For example, organizations had to deploy the solution on a Server, and multiple desktops, go through multiple tests phases and after several months finally go-live. Today’s digital transformation era means there is no software to install or the requirement of an army of IT professionals to manage the application. Instead, companies can expect the deployment of a time and attendance solution to be up and running in a third of the time it would take to deploy a traditional software application.

Digital Era Is Here To Stay, You Can Either Adapt Or Get Run Over

In the early years of cloud computing companies could afford to wait to see if it would take off. This is no longer an option because, in reality, the digital era and everything that encompasses it, has not only taken off-it has left many doubters in its dust.

ATS TimeWork OnDemand, is a dream come true for business executives. It provides business leaders with access to the most critical time and attendance business information from any device, with real-time analytic reporting and 21st century dashboard functionality, to proactively identify and act on problems, and stay on track.

Today’s generation of workers are impatient and will snub their nose at any application that does not provide a clear path for data integration or is rooted in a dos-based era. In short, they have embraced the digital era and have no desire to look back or cling onto off-the shelf and outdated applications that restrict business growth.

To learn about ATS TimeWork OnDemand, contact a representative at 866.294.2467. And, to participate in one of our webinars or to download a demonstration, go to our website.

It wasn’t too long ago that getting CEOs to adopt the cloud took a lot of work, and many of these executives who resisted adopting a time and attendance in the cloud had good reasons, some of which included; a general fear of the unknown, privacy and availability of their data to name a few. It’s also noteworthy that some of the initial fear that senior executives had, emanated, from some IT personnel who were not yet comfortable with the idea of having data stored outside of the company’s domain. Eventually, as it became clear that migrating to the cloud offered superior advantages and streamlined costs, many CEOs began to pay attention- and embrace the technology, along with their IT personnel.

CEOs Are Shifting Their Organizations Towards The Cloud

If you are still on the fence about a cloud time and attendance here, are five outstanding benefits that might just change your mind:

  1. Software Updates-Using a time and attendance that’s in the cloud means you no longer have to do software updates and patches. ATS applies updates to the application with no disruption to your daily operations. Your company can spend its time on other important matters, like growing the business.
  1. Access the Application from Anywhere-With ATS TimeWork OnDemand— whether users are on a desktop computer or mobile device, the cloud provides instant access to data anytime, anywhere there is an Internet connection, 24/7 365 days a year.
  1. Reduce Operating Costs –Adopting the cloud, means a company no longer have to worry about software equipment (like a Server), licensing and maintenance fees.
  1. Easy Integration to ERP, Payroll, HR, Talent Management and CRM-ATS TimeWork OnDemand has a built-in integrator that’s compatible to all third-party applications for the purpose of transferring data. So, if you currently key employee hours manually from a spreadsheet into a payroll application, you can breathe a little easier, ATS TimeWork OnDemand makes that a thing of the past.
  1. Cross-Functional Reporting and Business Intelligence-ATS TimeWork OnDemand allows you to align all levels of your organization with up-to-the-minute decision-making reporting. Senior executives, managers, and employees automatically see cross-functional analytics for historical, current, and forward-looking insights.  ATS TimeWork OnDemand reporting tools provides financial data for a deeper view into your business.

ATS TimeWork OnDemand provides organizations with a best-of-breed workforce management solution that leverages robust cloud infrastructure technology, to deliver solutions that address specific industry challenges.

To learn more about ATS TimeWork OnDemand, go to our website. You can also register one of our bi-weekly webinars and hear from existing customers how they managed the transition from spreadsheets to cloud computing TimeWork OnDemand.


According to Webopedia, “Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications”.  For many businesses the traditional way of accessing information involves accessing applications downloaded on a physical computer or server in their building.  In the world of cloud computing, businesses can access the same kinds of applications, but this time they do it through the internet.

When you update your LinkedIn status, you are essentially using cloud computing. Do you pay any of your your bills or access any app by phone? If so, you are in the cloud. Many small and large businesses rely on cloud computing to solve their business challenges. And, this type of technology has become a competitive advantage, for many smaller companies, who previously saw large corporations deploy cloud applications with a great deal of success.

But why are so many businesses now moving to the cloud? Simple, the benefits of the cloud helps improve cash flow and increases workforce efficiency. Here are some additional benefits:

Smart CIO and IT Managers who have done their due diligence have embraced the cloud. Many of them are now encouraging their CEOs to deploy the cloud over on-premise solutions. For example, cloud computing allows you to scale up or down based on your needs. This unprecedented level of agility can give businesses using cloud computing a distinct advantage over their competitors.

Improve Cash-Flow
Business executives are not fond of tying up a lot of their capital in IT projects and they should not have to. With a cloud computing application like ATS TimeWork OnDemand, the pay-as-you-go, subscription-based model eases cash flow. And, the quick turn-around time of database set up, and deployment, is sure to make most naysayer business executive embrace the cloud computing.

Access 24/7, Anytime, Anywhere
With an Internet connection, regardless of where you are, you can access ATS TimeWork OnDemand. The beauty of cloud computing means, you are not restricted with which device you can use; whether it’s a Smartphone, tablet or workstation you can still access the cloud.

Any of the benefits mentioned is enough to convince many business executives to give cloud computing some serious consideration. And after talking to customers who are using ATS TimeWork OnDemand, we are pretty sure they will make that move.

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Benefits Of Cloud Computing? There Are So Many, Where Do We Start?

With so much choice available in the cloud-based time and attendance industry, it’s very tempting to assume they all work the same way.  At first glance, all cloud providers promise to give your business all the benefits of real-time analytics, 90% plus uptime, a solid infrastructure and the list goes on. Bypass the glitz and glamour and drill down to the “nitty gritty”, your actual business requirements.

If you can remain focus on your actual business, chances are you will end with a good provider. With ATS TimeWork Attendance OnDemand, your company gets an intuitive and robust central system that automates, and simplifies employee attendance of all aspects of your business processes.

ATS TimeWork Attendance OnDemand helps your company manage its business requirement through:

Complete automation- ATS industry-leading TimeWork Attendance OnDemand, contain components that helps companies manage fewer discrepancies and errors through data capture and up-to-the-minute information.

Real-time reporting- management have instant access and visibility accurate alerts and dashboards analytics based on workforce activity, designed to provide business insight.

Self-service portal- Employees and managed become empowered with flexible, anytime-anywhere access to personalized data including, time-off requests, reviewing of schedules, overtime allotment from any smartphone, tablet PC or workstation.

ATS cloud-based time and attendance provides companies with a way to expand and data storage without worrying about internal IT resources, server capacity or expenditures. And with the use of ATS TimeWork OnDemand, you can scale accordingly, based on the needs and growth of your business.

To experience ATS TimeWork OnDemand, go to our website and request a demo.

How You Can Make Cloud Time And Attendance Work For Your Business