Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Two of Canada’s largest grocery stores have reintroduced lockdown/pandemic pay for its workers, a move, that is likely to be followed by other grocers.

A recent press release by David Brown Canadian Grocer, reads in part: “

“Longo’s—which operates only in Ontario where a stay-home order is in effect for four weeks—announced all permanent front-line staff working in Longo’s stores and distribution centres, and for Grocery Gateway, Central Kitchen and Market Café would be receiving a $2 increase. Assistant store managers, department managers, team leads and supervisors in operating roles will not receive the $2 wage increase, but will receive a special weekly bonus.

Read: Canadian grocers and their supply chains unlock business value with ATSTimeWorkOnDemand

Before and during COVID-19 ATS customers, including: food production, grocery, healthcare, manufacturing and retail — have used bonus payments, (commonly referred to as shift differential or premium pay) for both hourly and/or salaried employees.  ATSTimeWorkOnDemand shift differential allows a company to accurately apply them to things such as: shift starting and end times, time worked on certain hours or days, or shifts rendered in a particular role or location.

Our customers use ATSTimeWorkOnDemand for shift differentials/premium pay in the following scenarios:

  • Evening shifts
  • Overnight shifts
  • Weekend shifts
  • Bonus: pandemic or lockdown pay
  • Holiday shifts
  • Shifts outside an employee’s typical schedule
  • Ongoing coverage of an undesirable shift

By using ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, your organization will benefit from harmonized processes and increased role-based experiences across all devices resulting in:

Workforce Productivity and Manager Experience: streamlines payroll costs and is available anytime, anywhere, both online and on mobile devices. The application delivers an engaging experience that drives user adoption across the workforce, giving companies the ability to streamline time-entry and approval processes.

Analytics: delivers end-to-end insight into HR, payroll, and time-tracking processes. Get real-time reporting into actual labor costs and actionable insight with embedded analytics at the point of decision-making.

Real-Time Calculation: A robust, enterprise-grade calculation engine delivers real-time calculations and information on overtime, double time, vacation, shift differentials and more, prior to the payroll run.

Platform Extensibility and Data Integration: A modern technology infrastructure, seamlessly integrated with foundational applications employees use every day. Cloud-native, with open APIs, and extensible — mold to your business and easily adapt as it evolves. ATSTimeWorkOnDemand enables organizations to integrate time clock data with inbound/outbound integration to import clock-in/outs).

More Control: Managers can override rate during time entry and correct time off. For multiple jobs, approvals can be routed separately to each manager, eliminating approval delays.

To learn more, go to our website and download a demo. And, to reach an account executive by phone, call: 866.294.2467.

Read: Increased Functionality: ATS Enhances Its Time and Attendance Shift Differential Premium Pay Codes

Read: ATS Releases Contactless Biometric Face Recognition Time Clocks With Temperature Reading Capabilities

The COVID-19 pandemic, led many businesses to make challenging decisions most of which, necessitated the evaluation of staffing needs after provinces and states across Canada and the United States issued various orders aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus. And, in some instances, these decisions have resulted in businesses reducing employee hours or laying-off employees. 

As officials slowly evaluate easing restrictions, some businesses are considering rehiring laid-off employees or returning furloughed employees to their previously held positions. And, for some of these businesses that have hourly employees who previously punched in/out at a time clock, the question becomes, how can this done in a way that does not expose employees to contracting the coronavirus.

ATS offers a variety of employee time clocks that your staff does not need to make direct contact with, to record their hours.

Backed by ATSTimeWorkOnDemand, cloud computing solution, here are a few options to choose to choose from:

MIFARE cards: With a MIFARE Card employees simply put the card up to time clock and it automatically records their time. The time clock will emit an audible beep to confirm that the employee successfully punched in or out. MIFARE cards encryption keys prevent data from being emitted until the MIFARE card and card reader mutually authenticate each other.

Face Recognition Terminals: With these terminals, employees only have to put their point their face towards the unit and it automatically records their start and end time. ATS Face Recognition contactless biometrics supports three modes of identification, including Face, card or face and card and– simply authenticates digital identity through facial recognition, thereby worker health and safety. ATS Face Recognition time clocks have proven to be one of the best biometrics because employees time can be recorded without touching or interacting with the unit.

Proximity cards, RFID cards and Keyfobs: Similar to MIFARE,proximity cards, RFID cards and keyfobs feature also feature encrypted, embedded metallic antenna coil that stores cardholder data. Data stored on a proximity card, key fob or tag can be detected by an ATS time clock, when the proximity card is passed within range.

As businesses slowly bring employees back to their offices with new health and safety measures, in place and whether you are in healthcare, manufacturing or grocery– ATS contactless biometric technologies can help you introduce a hygienic and safe time tracking experience.

To download a demonstration, or to learn more, go to our website. And, to reach an account representative, call 866.294.2467.

If your company is using a combination of a time and attendance system, paper and spreadsheets to calculate employee hours then you do not have a true time and attendance system. AT best, what you have is a punch in/out system. ATS TimeWork gives you an opportunity to bring your plant operations, finance, payroll and HR together by not only sharing information, but by using data in one system to drive the next action in your business process.

Data Integration To Keep You Smiling
ATS real-time two-way data integration between your accounting, payroll, ERP, HR, Talent Management and/or CRM system has never been easier. ATS TimeWork data integration can be installed and be operational in a matter of minutes. This is the kind of integration that gets business executives excited knowing that their employees will no longer have to take 2 days to, calculate, process, and then key data into a software.

21st Intuitive Time Clocks
These are not your 1980’s time clocks that merely track the in and out of employee hours. ATS data collectors helps companies turbo charge time capture like never before. From large screen display time clocks, to biometric FaceScan that allows for “Look and Go” data capture, ATS time clocks gathers and send data in real-time while providing on-the-spot data for analysis. When combined with ATS TimeWork Enterprise, the entire solution is a best-in-class method for collecting time and attendance from anywhere, anytime.

It Gets Better, So Keep Your Dancing Shoes On
Today’s business climate is fiercely competitive and if your company is using a time and attendance solution that lacks the support, you company need it’s time to look elsewhere. Get an edge on the competition with ATS time and attendance to make sure that your most valuable resource – your people – are aligned with a-best-of-breed solution for maximum productivity.  ATS TimeWork is powerful and flexible enough to grow with your business, allowing you to realize a rapid return on investment, while providing the cutting edge capabilities you will need to grow your company today and in the foreseeable future.

To learn more, go to our website. You can also contact us by phone at; 1.866.294.2467.

Now That Have The Right Time And Attendance System, You Can Do Your Happy Dance

A modern cloud-based time and attendance solution enhances, simplifies, streamlines, and automates business processes­ across an organizational chain.  These modern day systems, enables senior executives and operational managers to collaborate, analyze, and access data in real-time.

ATS TimeWork is a perfect example of a robust, broad-based suite of integrated workforce management applications that give companies the simplicity, analytics and on-the-spot tools they need to run their business.

ATS TimeWork is smarter, faster and instantly extrapolates data from a variety of employee time clocks with no data duplication.  Companies can forecast, schedule, plan and expand in real-time.  ATS TimeWork enables organizations to gain deeper insight into employee attendance, benefit accruals and workforce analytics all the while helping organizations to reach their desired business goals.

Benefits of a modern-day cloud-based time and attendance include:

Employee Self-Services- ATS Self-Service for Employees gives employees online access to personal information and HR processes, including benefits enrollment. Employees punch in and out, view their time cards, monitor benefit (paid time off) balances, and request time off online with Employee Self Service.

Business Intelligence- Business Intelligence gets the right information, to the right individual at the right time, so business managers and executives throughout your organization can make use of business opportunities as they arise.

Absence Management- The ATS Absence Management Incident gives you control over your organization’s time-off processes, enabling you to track paid and unpaid time for your entire workforce.

Overtime Equalization- Overtime Equalization offers sophisticated business intelligence to provide a window into the areas of workforce performance that matter most to your organization. The solution highlights overtime offered refused, accepted and actual hours worked.

Forecaster- The ATS budget module helps companies track the history of business volume and produce accurate forecasts of future business cycles while simultaneously providing detailed calculations of workforce management requirements. Departments can track data by defining forecast drivers to achieve a set of requirements specifically to that department.

ATS TimeWork On-Demand delivers all of the modern-day features businesses need in a cloud platform, including industry- leading high performance and scalability, unparalleled reliability, and an intense focus on implementation and customer service.  So if your company has a high IT infrastructure and maintenance costs, which in turn, is affecting your company’s ability to grow then ATS Timework On-Demand is worth exploring.

To learn more, download a demo or contact one of our account reps at 866.294.2467 or go to our website.

Modernize Your Business Operations with ATS Cloud


Paperless, Easy To Use, And It Will help Your Business Become More Productive

April 29th, 2014 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Time and Attendance On-Demand | Workforce Analytics | Workforce Management Software - (Comments Off on Paperless, Easy To Use, And It Will help Your Business Become More Productive)

Steve Jobs is quoted as saying” “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” If simple works then why are some businesses stuck with using complicated software that hinders, rather than improve their business process?

In its article titled “Complexity and Simplicity Whitesides Research Group states, in part, “In engineering and in many other human activities the simplest solution to a problem is often the best one, and simplicity is actively sought after. Much of science is a sophisticated craft nowadays, and doing science requires so much energy to learn and apply the craft that none is left to look after creative and simple solutions. Much of the work that we do consists in a search for simple – and not expensive – scientific systems.” We at ATS continue to espouse the virtues of a time tracking solution, because, while we believe in its benefits we also think it should be simple to use. After all, the whole point of having a time and attendance solution is to help streamline payroll costs and improve productivity. And if the solution you are using is causing frustration and the support is at best minimal, chances are you are using the wrong solution.

ATS Cloud-Based Time Tracking Solution includes:

Employee Time Tracking- ATS TimeWork On-Demand collects employee hours in real-time. Employees can punch in/out from their mobile devices, view schedules and request time-off.

Workforce Analytics- ATS reporting structure allows you to extract and analyze attendance and business trends in an instant. Since the solution is cloud-based you can access the reports from any tablet, workstation of smartphone.

Data collection- Choose from a variety of time clocks and make easy work of the tedious tasks involved with monitoring employee time and attendance. When accompanied by TimeWork On-Demand the data collectors reduce the risks of errors and payroll inflation common to manual processes.

Employee Scheduling-helps improve employee scheduling tasks and workforce productivity. Accurately anticipating demand helps reduce understaffing

Data Back-Up- ATS workforce management infrastructure provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that your data is completely replicated, backed up and available whenever you need it.

Interested in seeing how easy ATS TimeWork On-Demand is to use? Take a test drive and then see what our customers have to say. To speak to an account executive, call us at 866.294.2467.

Paperless, Easy To Use, And It Will help Your Business Become More Productive