Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

The healthcare industry is very large and with its size comes complexity. For example, keeping track of wage changes and collective agreements is in a difficult task for healthcare administrators and managers alike. A time and attendance software will increase efficiencies and reduce the time it takes to process payroll. ATS TimeWork time and attendance gives healthcare operations, an efficient, centralized system with the power, flexibility, and scalability needed to improve productivity, control labour costs and enhance customer service.

Many healthcare professionals are aware of the benefits that come from implementing a time and attendance system. Even so, others remain reluctant to make the switch and in some cases cite concerns about confidentiality and security. ATS Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Time and Attendance improves accuracy, increases productivity, and ensures regulatory compliance by streamlining the time entry, time approval, and accrual management processes. The application is hosted in a secure data environment and provides true integration between departmental managers and payroll personnel. The healthcare scheduling module of our SaaS time and attendance includes an actual budget versus dollars spent by cost center, service line, facility and enterprise.

Benefits of ATS Time and Attendance Healthcare Solution:

  • Improves accuracy through employee time collection, validation and payroll processing
  • Uses real-time labour analytics to maintain pay code policies, employee scheduling, overtime, premiums and collective bargaining agreements
  • Applies user-defined pay rules to automate time, data integration and payroll calculations
  • Provides employees with multiple self-service options
  • Ensures compliance with federal, provincial, state and municipal labour laws

ATS SaaS Time and Attendance Software can help healthcare professionals meet their employee scheduling, time tracking and payroll challenges while ensuring their patients receive the best care possible.

To join the conversation, connect with us on our LinkedIn page or follow us on Twitter.

ATS Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Time and Attendance is a subscription based solution that offers a superior advantage to large and small businesses. Customers can access this cloud solution through the Internet via any web browser. With this solution you avoid costly servers, version upgrades and software licenses. ATS receives feedback from its customers who rave about the ease-of-use in accessing the solution anytime they want to.

If your company has been considering switching to an automated time and attendance system here are three reasons to choose ATS:

Reduction of Labour Cost
Over the years numerous studies have shown that companies spend thousand of dollars each year to capture employee time with a manual tracking system. ATS SaaS time and attendance is configured to adapt to your work policies. The end result is a system that automates; overtime, benefit accruals and statutory holidays in your jurisdiction.

Business Intelligence and Labour Analytics
ATS cloud time and attendance provides scheduling, time and wage calculation, time card editing and approval. The business intelligence tool empowers companies to quickly and easily obtain the information required for improved operations and reporting across an entire business.  The business intelligence eliminates manual report preparation, repetitive data extracts, and complex back-end data joins to provide you with up-to-date, accurate, and presentation-quality reports for informed decision-making.

Unlike on-premises solutions, ATS SaaS Time and Attendance takes a few weeks and not several years to install. A simple web browser is all user needs to start using the software. The software enables your company to implement a fully functional management system at new sites, regions  or production sites without investing in high-cost IT infrastructure.

To learn more go to join our LinkedIn group discussions, follow us on Twitter, or go to our website.


Everyday we receive several requests about the ATS Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) software delivery model. The questions we deal with are wide ranging and include: security, benefits, features, deployment and after-sales support. Below is a list of the 5 most common questions our account representatives respond to:

1. Why should our company implement an ATS SaaS time and attendance solution over an on-premises solution?
ATS SaaS Time and Attendance has proven repeatedly to be a successful and lasting solution for organizations of all sizes and types – from the largest multinationals, to small businesses and non-profits. With the ATS SaaS time and attendance you are always using the most current version with the latest innovations available to you.  There are no messy upgrades or yearly maintenance fees.

2. Will your system work with the other software applications we have at our company?
Our solution is non propriety and is designed to integrate with other applications including: talent management, customer resource management, payroll, enterprise resources planning (ERP) and human resource information systems (HRIS) platforms.

3. How long does it take to implement your system?
With no software to install on your computers or network, our implementation timeframe is measured in days and weeks – not months or years.

4. Who do I contact for support of our time and attendance system after it has been installed?
After-sales support is at the heart of what we do. Each customer is assigned a dedicated support rep after installation of the system. We believe that our attitude towards uncompromising service is what makes ATS stand head and shoulders above others. We strive to maintain strong retention rates by continuing to provide our customers with exceptionally high levels of service and support.

5. What makes your product unique?
ATS TimeWork is fundamentally sound and was built by software engineers with deep expertise in our industry. Our product has evolved over the years and comes equipped with a variety of modules including: human resources, attendance management, forecasting, vacation planning calendar, employee self-service, incidents and points and absence request.

ATS SaaS Time and Attendance is accessible through any web browser and does not require a large investment. ATS’s true Software-as-a-Service solution architecture provides customers with high flexibility, reliability and lower IT costs. 

If you require additional information call at 866.294.2467 or go to our website.

The theme of a recent call-in show on CBC radio dealt with the wave of small and mid-size businesses that were participating in offering coupons to consumers. In return for handing out coupons, these businesses were told that is was a form of free advertising. There are lots of bargain-hunters looking for the cheapest and best deals and these businesses should not expect customer loyalty. If the business participating in the coupon campaign does not have what the bargain hunters are looking for in terms of price, they will go on to the next company. Price is then the single driving force behind the consumer participating in these coupon deals.

Some of the consumers who called in complained that upon arrival at the participating businesses, the products that they were hoping to scoop up with their coupons were all gone. Others said their coupons were not honoured and they were asked to purchase a higher priced item. Business owners on the other hand, lamented that the bargain-hunters wanted products of greater value and higher price points, but did not want to pay for them.

While companies have been sending out coupons to consumers for many years, companies like Groupon and the TV show “Extreme Couponing” has made it trendy to collect coupons.  Janice M. is a contributing blogger to the site “Talking Cents” she recently wrote a piece titled “To Clip or Not to Clip? The Great Coupon Debate.” Here is an excerpt of that blog:

“People love coupons. As you know, if you read my recent grocery challenge update, I am not one of those people. Not only are coupons not necessary for a thrifty lifestyle, but they can even be detrimental to your wallet and your budget. According to Nielson Clearing House (NCH), 78% of consumers report using coupons on a regular basis. This stat alone implies that my stand on coupons is not parallel with the majority. Although plenty of you won’t agree with me, the following are a few reasons why I don’t clip coupons.

More often than not the coupons out there provide a discount on the items that are the priciest. Therefore, you are not getting the best deal on a specific item (i.e. cereal) you are just getting a discounted price on the already higher priced, premium item (i.e. brand name cereal). I’ve seen it first-hand (as I know I’ve mentioned before). I’ve clipped the coupon, gone to the store, and realized that I can get the same item (different brand) at a cheaper price without using a coupon.”

Shopping for consumer items like frozen pizza, ice-cream and chocolate bars with coupons is one thing. When shopping for a time and attendance system the coupon bargain-hunter mentality should not apply.  A time and attendance software streamlines payroll, increases productivity and is a long term investment. While it is true that some of the basics might be similar, the manner in which an employee time management application computes data is different. Moreover, implementation and after-sales support should also play a large role when comparing software solutions.

At ATS, we do not sell a one size fits all cloud-based time and attendance system. That’s why we remain committed to offering a broad range of workforce management solutions that give companies flexibility and choice.

To learn more about ATS cloud time and attendance solutions, go to our website.

Here at Apex Time Solutions, we often wax poetically about the advantages of cloud computing software solution and for good reason. When we launched this software model a few years ago, the plurality of our customer’s response was overwhelmingly positive. On-premises or client server solutions have been the choice of businesses for decades. With no substantial upfront fees, large and small organizations are finding that a SaaS time and attendance model are often easier for corporate budgets to absorb.

ATS SaaS time and attendance software has the ability to grow with the evolving needs of companies. The flexibility of our software solution allows it to integrate easily to Talent Management, HRIS, Payroll and ERP applications. ATS SaaS time and attendance saves on the server costs and IT personnel, both of which are typically required when deploying an on-premises solution.

Benefits of the ATS SaaS Time and Attendance:

  • Unlimited support
  • Rapid deployment and scalability
  • A lower cost of ownership reduces the complexity with the ATS SaaS time and attendance model
  • Our solution delivers embedded business intelligence that provides unparalleled access to labour analytics and reporting
    Free software updates are painless and transparent
  • Daily managed backups
  • Multiple models like employee self-service, human resources information system, forecasting and attendance management can be added with ease

The ATS integrated software solution helps you manage your workforce and track employee time and attendance more efficiently. When combined with employee data collectors, our solution delivers embedded business intelligence that provides unparalleled access to enhanced reporting and labour analytics.

To learn more, about our SaaS workforce management software, go to our website.

A recent article by Gartner on how cloud computing is becoming the preferred option for many businesses and consumers caught our eye. Detractors to this report and others like it lament that people, by nature, are slow to change. While this argument holds credence, it’s clear the tide is changing, albeit slowly, towards cloud computing technologies like; hosting music on the cloud and Software-a-Service (SaaS) time and attendance solutions.

The report by Gartner is titled “Personal Cloud Will Replace the Personal Computer as the Center of Users’ Digital Lives by 2014”. In this report, Gartner espouses the virtues of today’s trend in cloud computing. One of the strongest points in this article states the following:

“Today, mobile devices combined with the cloud can fulfill most computing tasks, and any tradeoffs are outweighed in the minds of the user by the convenience and flexibility provided by the mobile devices. The emergence of more-natural user interface experiences is making mobility practical. Touch- and gesture-based user experiences, coupled with speech and contextual awareness, are enabling rich interaction with devices and a much greater level of freedom. At any point in time, and depending on the scenario, any given device will take on the role of the user’s primary device — the one at the center of the user’s constellation of devices.”

ATS’s ability to embrace innovation while simultaneously adapting to changing trends means, customers can deploy a solution without the additional costs associated that’s inherent in client-server installations. ATS SaaS time and attendance is hosted and maintained securely via cloud computing technology at one of our data centres.

To learn about the advantages of deploying a web-based time and attendance solution, contact one of our representatives or go online to view a demo.

It is well documented that software projects fail for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the best laid plans go awry when circumstances beyond stakeholders control arise. Some of the reasons projects fail include: numerous changes during implementation, unrealistic expectations, unclear objectives, incomplete specifications and a lack of resources. Another reason projects fail is a lack of user acceptance. Gaining user acceptance at the start of the time and attendance project increases the likelihood of its success. End-user involvement can ease the difficulty that some organizations face when implementing a new workforce management system.

ATS TimeWork is the industry’s leading SaaS Time and Attendance solution. TimeWork is a robust, a flexible and easy-to-use employee time tracking software. Our solution has a plethora of modules that are scalable for companies from 50 to 100,000 employees. TimeWork streamlines payroll costs and helps companies manage their staffing levels and human resources activities for optimal efficiency.


Solution Benefits:


  • Save 2-5% on labour costs
  • Build automated schedules based on various preferences
  • Intuitive HRIS, ERP and Payroll interfacing allows you to export employee hours, vacation and other accrual benefit information
  • Employee Self –Service portal allows staff to view schedules and personal time off
  • Upgrades are done free of charge and will not disrupt your daily operation
  • Ensure the correct mix of employee skills is on the time clock at all times, making every shift run smoothly
  • Implement work management policies across multijurisdictional locations
  • Automatic calculation of overtime, premiums and statutory rules based on company’s specific needs
  • Manage human resource processes such as regular employee reviews, training and certification, vacation requests, pay increases, awards, and more
  • Access to vital labour information when you need it — anytime, anywhere
  • Implementation is done in days and weeks, not months or years

The success of a time and attendance implementation is enhanced when the participation of departments managers who will be impacted, are involved. Moreover, when support, communication, training and cooperation are exhibited they lend credence to influencing user acceptance.

To learn more about our Apex Time Solutions implementation methodology contact us at: 866.294.2467 or go to our website.


Today, more than ever, consumers are bombarded with ads that promote low prices on everything from TVs to microwave ovens. The word “value” is used to lure customers into purchasing products that comes with such advertised tags that include; “lowest prices anywhere” or “best price value system”.

We surveyed some of our customers to find out if price was the deciding factor when choosing a vendor for their business automation solution. A sampling of their responses includes the following:

“Price is important to our company. However, our software is used for the calculation of employee hours and processing payroll. We cannot get this wrong, our leadership would prefer I spend a little more to get good service”.

“The system has to meet our needs; that’s key for us”. We can negotiate price with a vendor if we like their product, but we do not put price ahead of our business requirements”.

“We brought in a consultant who got us the cheapest solution on the market. The invoice for his services exceeded the cost of the product. Our CEO tossed the system out after 3 months. It did not meet our needs at the most basic level. We learned a costly lesson, one which this company will not repeat”.

A couple of sentences in an article by Richard Cartwright on the “Garden Center Strategies” blog caught our eye. “We all know the thrill of purchasing an item at a low price only to later be disappointed when the item’s lower quality fails to perform its intended purpose.  When the item has to be replaced the money spent was actually wasted, not saved!”

Unlike a TV or microwave oven, Workforce management software is a long term investment that has a direct impact on a company’s payroll process. ATS SaaS time and attendance is a cloud based solution that takes away all the headaches of maintaining a server and an IT department to support it. The software can be accessed through any computer with a web-browser 365 days a year 24/7.

Solution Benefits:

  • Cloud Based application (No internal IT support required)
  • Configured to meet any company’s work rule policy including collective bargaining agreements
  • Export reports to either XLS, HTML or PDF format
  • New release and enhancements at no additional cost
  • Can be accessed on smart PDA’s  and other mobile devices
  • Integration with any ERP, Payroll and HRIS Application
  • Personalized setup and unlimited support from your ATS implementation personnel

The implementation of an ATS SaaS time and attendance solution enables businesses to reap many benefits including: reduced overtime costs, improved employee engagement and low total cost of ownership.

To learn how Canadian businesses are deploying our best-in-class time and attendance solution, go to our website.

So you have been thinking about implementing a time and attendance software and would like a hosted solution but, you are still not sure how wide spread the phenomenon is? Well, hosted workforce management software has been on the rise, exponentially for the last several years. Recent studies have shown that businesses are not as cautious when it comes to having a fully hosted workforce management solution. Here are some great examples of two companies who advocate hosted solutions to their customers:

Google® has an amazing application called “Google Wallet” here is an overview of its features and benefits as described by the company:

“Because Google Wallet is a mobile app, it will do more than a regular wallet ever could. You’ll be able to store your credit cards, offers, loyalty cards and gift cards, but without the bulk. When you tap to pay, your phone will also automatically redeem offers and earn loyalty points for you. Someday, even things like boarding passes, tickets, ID and keys could be stored in Google Wallet.”

Apple® has its cloud version here is their description:

iCloud is cloud service done right. It stores your music, photos, apps, calendars, documents, and more. And wirelessly pushes them to all your devices.”

Our hosted hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) time and attendance utilizes a Browser based technology, allowing you to track your time and labour on virtually any browser, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla/FireFox and Safari.. All you need is a connection to the Internet and a browser.

The ATS employee time and attendance system streamlines the payroll process and increases productivity. Our workforce software modules include: labour allocation, project tracking, data collection, employee scheduling, and labour analytics.

To download a brochure of our hosted time and attendance solution go to our website.