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3 Tips For Dealing With Holiday Stress

December 3rd, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Benefit Accruals | Labor costs | Leave Management | National Football League | Payroll | Web-Based Time and Attendance - (Comments Off on 3 Tips For Dealing With Holiday Stress)

You would think we had some kind of coping mechanism to handle the holiday season. After all, it’s an annual event which many of us look forward (especially the retail sector) to, for the; shopping, eggnog drinking and corporate parties. Ok, some of us look forward to this. And, maybe some or many of us are simply dreading the holiday season because we have to visit with family members that we would rather avoid. Regardless of how we approach the season, the stress permeates the air around us.
In an article penned by yoga trainer, Dana Santas for pros in the; NHL, NFL, MLB and NBA- she offers 3 tips that will help you get through the holidays season with a little less stress if you follow her advice. The following tips are:

3 Tips For Dealing With Holiday Stress


“Breathe your way to calm and control
Relax your shoulders, neck and upper back. Inhale through your nose and exhale out your mouth, emphasizing your exhalation. Be sure to release your rib cage downward as you exhale fully.

Get-off-your-feet pose
Simply lie on your back with your legs elevated by a pillow, up on a chair or even straight up the wall (known as legs-up-the-wall pose in yoga).

Stretch away your stress
While standing, simply raise your arms above your head at shoulder distance. Take five long, deep breaths. Then inhale as you reach and hold your left wrist with your right hand; exhale as you side bend your entire body to the right, stretching out your left side. Hold for a breath or two. Inhale as you return your arms straight above your head.
Repeat on the other side.”

You can read the article in its entirety at Hopefully, these tips help you navigate the hustle and bustle that has become a part of this holiday season.

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In a world of Smart phones, social media and an app for just about everything, it was no surprise to read an article about sports teams embracing technology. According to an article in the Toronto Star and, NFL latest to abandon old media for iPad, apps “20 of the league’s 32 teams have implemented iPads for playbooks or video study, a trend teams and developers say saves time, paper and, most importantly, money.”

Does this mean that all sports leagues will be rushing towards this new technology? It would be great if they all did, but change is difficult for many people to accept. More importantly, the issue of security will be top of mind for most NFL executives, coaches and players.  Another quote from the article cited the following; “In the US, Stanford University’s football team recently converted to digital playbooks, citing a desire to save money and reduce the team’s carbon footprint.”

In the National Football League where the playbook is regarded with the same level of security as the CIA and FBI affords the President of the United States, teams adopting new technology want to make sure their data is secure.

Is your company still using paper-based systems when technology could save you time and money? Join the conversation on Twitter. To learn more, go to our website.