Many companies track and maintain employee time, hours and other data with spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are also used for creation of pie charts, bar chart and line graphs. Spreadsheets do perform an important role and based on their history will not be going away anytime soon. However, we have noticed that too many businesses rely on this type of tool to track employees’ time and other data for payroll processing. The problem with relying on spreadsheets to handle employee hours is that it comes with inherent risks. Manually keying employee hours into payroll, ERP or HRIS can lead to numerous unintended errors.
Say good-bye to your spreadsheets! ATS SaaS Time & Workforce Management Solutions is a fully integrated software suite that does a great deal more than just track employee time. Our software helps organizations minimize payroll errors and automate time-consuming workforce management processes associated with time tracking, job costing, employee scheduling, attendance and labour distribution.
Solution Benefits:
- TimeWork is robust yet flexible enough to adapt to your company’s changing needs
- System redundancy provides frequent backups and ensures complete data availability
- ATS data terminals provide hours instantly and in real-time and allows managers to review relevant data
- System updates at no additional charge to ensure you are in line with technological advances
- TimeWork ensures compliance with necessary labour laws while accurately tracking time and attendance of employees
- Forecasting and budgeting modules align with company’s objectives
- Labour distribution captures activities performed by employees at various departments or jobsites
- Absence requests facilitate adequate coverage
- Labour analytics provides managers with a variety of workforce data
ATS Software as-a-Service (SaaS) solution automates employee time, labour tracking and scheduling. Companies can access the data at anytime, anywhere and from any web browser.
To discuss the benefits of moving from a spreadsheet based time tracking to an automated solution, go to our website.