Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Cloud-based computing (also called Software as a Service, or SaaS) allows users access to software applications that run on shared computing resources (for example, if when you access Google or download your music to your icloud or watch your favourite series on Netflix or Hulu) via the Internet. These computing resources are maintained in remote data centers dedicated to hosting various applications on multiple platforms.

What Exactly Is Cloud Time And Attendance?

ATS TimeWorkOnDemand for instance, is a software- as-a-service (SaaS) application that allows users to access our time and attendance software over the Internet. Accessing ATS TimeWorkOnDemand over the Internet, means that the upfront costs is significantly lower, because computing resources are leased by the month rather than purchased outright and maintained on a Server at your organization.

As we have seen in the last several years, more companies are adopting cloud applications in record numbers. And, the advantage of using the cloud means that small, and medium-size businesses, can access a wide range business applications, at reasonable prices, without having to lay out a huge amount of capital for software and hardware.

Here are some distinct advantages for using a cloud time and attendance, like ATS TimeWork OnDemand

  • Reduces need for significant internal IT support services because, your company are not managing the software on its Server
  • Eliminates paying upfront for application software licenses in favor of a monthly fee
  • Paying only for what you use. For example, if the number of employees you have in the fall and winter goes down, so will your monthly costs
  • You can access ATS TimeWork OnDemand from any device (Smartphone, tablet or workstation) that has an Internet connection. In addition, you can switch between any device, including Google Android, Windows, Mac, Apple iPad or iPhone and/or Linux Desktop
  • A fixed monthly rate so your company can use their cash on other business initiatives

ATS TimeWork OnDemand is the preferred time and attendance application for a variety of industries and government entities in Canada, the US, Latin and South America and several fortune 500 companies. ATS TimeWork OnDemand delivers broad-based and adaptable cloud computing technology and complete up-to-the-minute view of your business anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Interested in learning more? You can download free demonstration, or attend a bi-monthly webcast by going to our website. And to see what other companies like yours are saying about ATS TimeWork OnDemand, go to our user community.


There has been so much written about this generation of millennials with arguments about them being social media obsessed and range of other stereotypes . Regardless of whether your company welcomes them with open arms or not, they are not going away and so some companies would be wise to see the value in hiring them. After all, they are the future CEOs of industry and government. Here at ATS, we are fortunate to have leaders who wholeheartedly believes in the hiring of millennials and also encourages them give feedback to their superiors in order to enhance the organizational improvement in all areas of the business.

In a recent article, contributor to Ryan Jenkins, wrote an article titled “How Millennials Can Save Your Company From Irrelevance” One of his poignant statements in this article reads in part; “An organization left unchanged will conspire against the effectiveness and relevance of itself. The people, habits, or structure of an organization can get in the way of the growth of the organization if the status quo remains unchallenged.”

Society is filled who challenged the status quo and came out on top, despite the naysayers. Elon Musk for example, took the almighty car industry to task and succeeded in selling cars directly to consumers and, Steve Jobs ignored what the so called experts said could not be done and reintroduced the world to mobile computing in a way that it had not been done before with crowds lining up for many blocks to purchase an iPhone. Despite these examples and many others that include; cloud computing and a range of other disruptive technologies, the naysayers persist, in large part, because, doing it the way it has always being done, is the safest way, at least in their minds.

Want To Challenge The Status Quo? Get A Millennial In Your Corner

Another sentence from the article reads in part; “Who’s best positioned to challenge the status quo? The next generation of leaders…the Millennials.”

Many of today’s Millennials are ambitious, and they are also keen on having a job, but may not want to be tethered to a desk for eight hours every day, and frankly, with advancement of technology who would want to?  They grew up in an era of social media so it should not come as a surprise that it’s their mode of communication with friends and colleagues. Of course, not all Millennials are perfect but, then neither are the very people who they will someday replace. Change is tough and it happens regardless of the roadblocks that appear to be in its way.

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The title of this blog references the popular song of the 80’s”Who’s Watching Me” by Rockwell. which brings us to the subject at hand, biometrics in the workplace. It wasn’t too long ago that the mere mention of biometrics being deployed at an organization, evoked fears of “Big Brother” mentality to the point that some employees offered a variety of reasons why they could not use this type of time clock. And, while a biometric time and attendance solution is becoming somewhat of an accepted practice in the workplace, it continues to have detractors, in part, because of misconceptions or because it was deployed in an organization that was not prepared for it.

I’ve Got This Feeling, Somebody’s Watching Me, Really? Who’s Watching You?

An article by CBC Canada, that references Apple’s iPhone marketing campaign states in part; “Biometrics made a mainstream splash with the 2013 launch of the iPhone 5S, which featured a “Touch ID” that uses a person’s fingerprint to unlock the phone. But similar technology appeared in commercial gadgets a decade earlier when Sony introduced a thumb drive with a fingerprint scanner.” The article discusses fingerprint technology and FaceScan biometrics, among others.

If you are thinking about deploying a biometric time clock solution within your organization, we suggest talking to an experienced ATS time and attendance software engineer. Their dept of experience include; different industries with a multitude of pay policies, collective bargaining agreements, across several continents.

There are different types of biometrics and depending on your organization some work better than others. And unlike the biometrics mentioned in the article, ATS time and attendance biometric time clocks are solely, designed, to capture employee hours of work for the purposes of payroll.

To learn more about biometrics, download the white paper on the role biometric plays in the workplace. You can also join the conversation by following us on LinkedIn, Twitter or GooglePlus. And, to reach one of our account executives by phone call (866) 294-2467.

I’ve Got This Feeling, Somebody’s Watching Me. Really? Who’s Watching You?