Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Cloud-based computing (also called Software as a Service, or SaaS) allows users access to software applications that run on shared computing resources (for example, if when you access Google or download your music to your icloud or watch your favourite series on Netflix or Hulu) via the Internet. These computing resources are maintained in remote data centers dedicated to hosting various applications on multiple platforms.

What Exactly Is Cloud Time And Attendance?

ATS TimeWorkOnDemand for instance, is a software- as-a-service (SaaS) application that allows users to access our time and attendance software over the Internet. Accessing ATS TimeWorkOnDemand over the Internet, means that the upfront costs is significantly lower, because computing resources are leased by the month rather than purchased outright and maintained on a Server at your organization.

As we have seen in the last several years, more companies are adopting cloud applications in record numbers. And, the advantage of using the cloud means that small, and medium-size businesses, can access a wide range business applications, at reasonable prices, without having to lay out a huge amount of capital for software and hardware.

Here are some distinct advantages for using a cloud time and attendance, like ATS TimeWork OnDemand

  • Reduces need for significant internal IT support services because, your company are not managing the software on its Server
  • Eliminates paying upfront for application software licenses in favor of a monthly fee
  • Paying only for what you use. For example, if the number of employees you have in the fall and winter goes down, so will your monthly costs
  • You can access ATS TimeWork OnDemand from any device (Smartphone, tablet or workstation) that has an Internet connection. In addition, you can switch between any device, including Google Android, Windows, Mac, Apple iPad or iPhone and/or Linux Desktop
  • A fixed monthly rate so your company can use their cash on other business initiatives

ATS TimeWork OnDemand is the preferred time and attendance application for a variety of industries and government entities in Canada, the US, Latin and South America and several fortune 500 companies. ATS TimeWork OnDemand delivers broad-based and adaptable cloud computing technology and complete up-to-the-minute view of your business anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Interested in learning more? You can download free demonstration, or attend a bi-monthly webcast by going to our website. And to see what other companies like yours are saying about ATS TimeWork OnDemand, go to our user community.


Keep An Open Mind When Deciding If The Cloud Is Right For Your Business

October 5th, 2016 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Business Intelligence | Cloud Based Time Management Solution | Cloud Computing | Hosted Time and Attendance Software - (Comments Off on Keep An Open Mind When Deciding If The Cloud Is Right For Your Business)

The cloud is slowly making on-premises time and attendance deployment an endangered species. It was only a few years ago when the very idea of a cloud-based time and attendance was met with a heavy dose of skepticism, and especially among companies who had big investments in on-premise solutions. The rise of Amazon, Salesforce, Spotify, iCloud, Google and slew of other cloud-based companies have seen a shift in attitudes, and thus, many business leaders have come to understand and embrace the cloud’s capabilities and its value proposition.

In an article ‘10 tips for a successful cloud plan’ by Brendon Butler for Network World, and in no particular order include;

 “Alignment Workshops
After a company has made a decision to use IaaS cloud computing services, it’s helpful to have a level-set meeting with important stakeholders at the company to get everyone on the same page. Typical groups involved in this meeting would be security managers, finance and procurement professionals, infrastructure engineers, operations workers and third-party consultants. Typically a senior IT manager or CIO leads the process. It’s important to have a clear message to this group of why the cloud is being explored.


Know Your Economics
One of the first considerations that will inevitably come up is cost. There is no simple calculation for determining if the cloud will be more or less expensive than on-premises infrastructure; there are too many variables. It’s important to know that different architectural designs will determine cost.

Find Agreement
If you have a faction within the organization that is against the cloud, this will be difficult. Get on the same page and make sure any outstanding concerns are addressed before moving forward. Executive buy-in can help.”

Those 10 tips are very useful and can be adopted by companies thinking about deploying the cloud. With ATS Time and Attendance in the cloud, you get guaranteed levels of server availability and up-time that are difficult and costly to replicate with and on-premise system. From employee data to HR and payroll mission critical core functions, ATS Time and Attendance in the cloud automates more than edge applications. We power entire industries in the cloud.

If your company is debating the benefits of a cloud time and attendance consider the following; ATS Time and Attendance in the cloud cuts out the high cost of hardware including Servers. You simply pay as you go and enjoy a subscription-based model that will not take a chunk out of your cash flow. In addition, the amount of time it takes to configure your company’s database, train users and set up data collectors are reduced by half when compared to an on premise deployment, suddenly that scary cloud-based project isn’t that bad after all.  From employee data to HR and payroll mission critical core functions, ATS Time and Attendance powers entire industries in the cloud.

To learn about ATS Time and Attendance in the cloud, download a demonstration from our website. You can also contact us by phone or register for one of our weekly webinars.


Saying your company does not believe in the cloud or even plan to use it is likely hard to believe as the dominance of cloud-based applications are showing no signs of abating. Some companies have dedicated IT teams and servers on which they can store their own data, foregoing the need to use cloud-base solutions and in the short term, this will work. However, there will come a time when these companies will have to upgrade their servers and apply software patches and this will inevitably become cost prohibitive-even for companies with large IT budgets. Businesses and their shareholders are interested in streamlining costs and increasing workforce productivity and since the cloud provides that, more businesses are choosing not to buy new servers, and instead, deploy cloud-based applications.

David Goldman of CNN business wrote an article titled “What is the cloud?” and states in part; “You can run from the cloud — but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to hide. Your job might require you to log onto cloud-based software. Microsoft’s next version of Windows is expected to run some features of its operating system in the cloud.”

We Do Not Use Or Believe In The Cloud, So What?

So, can your company reap some benefits if we decide to move our current, employee timesheet to the cloud? Yes, you can! ATS TimeWork OnDemand is a robust cloud-based time and attendance solution that provides companies with a unique advantage while addressing employee time capture through an integrated, intuitive, flexible and comprehensive workforce management solution.

The article by David Goldman goes on to say “Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook are among the biggest data center operators for consumer cloud services. There are 320 million iCloud users. Facebook users have uploaded more than 400 billion photos and add an average 350 million a day. Amazon’s cloud services operate in 190 countries around the world.”

In closing, there are lots of benefits to migrating your time and attendance to the cloud, while at the same time maximizing the value of your company’s most important resource, its workforce. In addition, as your organization grows, you need a cost-effective, flexible solution that will grow with you. And, that’s where a cloud-based solution like ATS TimeWork OnDemand, comes in handy.

To download a return on investment (ROI) calculator or to attendance one of our monthly webinars, go to our website.

The Future Of Cloud Computing: Will It Stay Or Will It Go?

November 4th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Cloud Time and Attendance | Labour Analytics | Payroll | Time and Attendance Canada | Workforce Management Solutions - (Comments Off on The Future Of Cloud Computing: Will It Stay Or Will It Go?)

Whenever a product or service offers an alternative to the “old way of doing things” there is always going to be resistance. Cloud computing is no stranger to resistance and despite that, it has continued with nonstop momentum. Some of the naysayers to cloud computing are surprised when told that; online banking, accessing Google and Yahoo mail or even sending files to icloud and Dropbox are essentially cloud computing.

An article written by Graham Winfrey complete with infograpics for titled “The Future of Cloud Computing–and Why Your Resistance Is Futile” states in part; “By 2017, two-thirds of all business workloads will be processed in cloud data centers, according to data cited by the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The percentage of organizations using the cloud for some form of database-as-a-service (DBaaS) is also expected to double by 2017, from 23 percent to 44 percent.”

The Future Of Cloud Computing: Will It Stay Or Will It Go?

The cloud is quickly transforming the way today’s businesses operate, allowing access to real-time data and increased communications across all the different departments and locations. There is no doubt that the cloud is the platform of the future. And, as businesses grapple with the new economy, the need for a solution that will help reduce costs, improve productivity and provide a healthy return on investment-becomes even more important.

We recognize not all businesses are keen on adopting a cloud solution, in part because for fear of the unknown and/or because some businesses have the personnel and hardware infrastructure to host a database in-house. Whatever the business rationale, next time you are evaluating time and attendance applications, consider the cloud as an alternative to the old-style client-server technology.

To learn more, register for one of our weekly webinars on Friday, November 6th at 1:00pm eastern. You can also download a pre-recorded webinar or contact us at 866.294.2467.

The Future Of Cloud Computing: Will It Stay Or Will It Go?


During its infancy stage a few years ago, questions permeated the blogosphere and other mediums about the cloud’s viability. While, it’s true that a cloud-based time and attendance may not be the right fit for every organization, it’s also true that many companies are deploying this type of solution as they have come to realize its tremendous benefits. After all, who wants to purchase an expensive server for the sole purpose of housing a database, which has to be maintained by an IT resource, when you can access your company’s application from any device that has Internet access? So, if you are wondering if the cloud has made strides and whether it will work within your corporate culture consider the following:

  • 1999: Salesforce launched as a company offering CRM as a cloud-based application
  • 2002: Amazon began offering a variety of storage options and computation all through web-based services
  • 2006: Google releases Google Docs. The suite of applications all designed for sharing through the cloud

In addition, to the above mentioned companies, there are many others who offer cloud-based applications, which are used by millions of people from the around the world. Some of these include: Apple’s iCloud to Microsoft Azure to Dropbox’s online file storage solution.  Today, there are so many cloud-based solutions on the market, it would be impossible to cover them in one blog. Chances are you are probably using some kind of cloud-based solution to access files, music or some kind of work-related project.

ATS cloud-based time and attendance is designed to meet the most rigorous demands of an organization’s workforce requirements. ATS Attendance On-Demand drives scalability, innovation, and payroll savings, while providing for the security, availability and performance you need. Moving your time and attendance to the cloud should not be all that challenging. ATS stands out from the competition because of our experience and superior customer service. After all, if you are going to wade into the cloud you need a company that has a team of dedicated experts who can apply deep cross-industry insights to maximize your company’s return on investment.

To learn more, go to our website. To see a demonstration, contact us at 1.866.294.2467.

Want To Head To The Cloud, But Not Sure If Your Company Is Ready For It?