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If You Are Job Hunting In 2018, Here Is How The Market Has Changed

February 8th, 2018 | Posted by ATS in Artificial Intelligence | Careers | HR | Recruitment | Talent Management | Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software - (Comments Off on If You Are Job Hunting In 2018, Here Is How The Market Has Changed)

In today’s world of job hunting the old ways of finding a job no longer works. Of course, we are not referring to automatically getting to the front of the line and being offered a job without so much as an interview, if you know the right people.

If You Are Job Hunting In 2018, Here Is How The Market Has Changed

Whether you are tepidly testing the job market for the first time or have been actively searching for the last several months, here are 5 tips for today’s job seekers, from a blog, written by Julianna Lopez for Business News Daily magazine.

“1. AI is changing the future of work
This should come as no surprise, but AI and automation stand to make a huge impact in nearly every facet of the workforce, but most especially in human resources and finance.

  1. Mobile job applications are getting a modern overhaul
    If you’ve applied for jobs recently, then you know that most application processes and tracking systems seem like relics from the Stone Age, which often make applying for jobs from mobile devices incredibly frustrating. Mobile apply is due for a serious and complete overhaul in 2018. Unfortunately, it will probably take a while for us to see the end results.
  2. Healthcare, tech and labor-intensive roles will grow
    Job creation in 2018 is being driven not only by continuous tech innovations, which will also continue to expand into non-tech industries, but also by significant demographic shifts as well. Many traditional jobs that can’t be easily automated in the near future – such as restaurant waiters, construction workers, and truck drivers – will continue to grow and be a significant source for jobs.
  3. The application and interview process will become increasingly transparent
    While workplaces have strived to increase transparency over the last couple of years, the online job application process remains clear as mud. In 2018, job seekers can expect increased visibility in the application process with real-time application status updates.
  1. Employees will be encouraged to explore their passions through role experimentation

To help reduce turnover and better match proven talent with the most productive roles, more and more companies are looking to create ways to support employee aspirations outside vertical trajectories through role experimentation. This establishes clearer pathways for internal lateral job moves that tap into employees’ changing skills and passions”

Searching and applying for jobs is very different from even 5 years ago. The days of walking into an organization to hand in your resume, is as archaic, as using paper time sheets to track employees time. Most if not all job searches today, happens in an electronic format. If you use some of all of the 5 tips mentioned above, your chances of getting hired will increase exponentially.

Keep current with ATS:

Here is the drill: Daylight saving time (DST) ended on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017 at 2 a.m. ET. Most north Americans would have set their clocks back an hour. This makes for darker days, and for some people, it will take a few days to get used to, while for some others, it might take them a week or two to adjust to the time change.

The spring brings the arrival of daylight saving time in March 2018 and requires clocks to be moved forward one hour at 2 a.m. Employees who are shift workers and who are on duty at that time and who normally work an eight-hour shift will actually work only seven hours, unless of course, your company is using an automated time and attendance system that automatically adjusts with daylights savings time.

ATS TimeWork OnDemand Is Designed To Handle Daylight Savings Time

A blog titled As the clocks turn back this weekend, don’t forget FLSA rules authored by Pamela Deloacth for HRDive offers the following advice for companies:

“That extra hour of work can present several unanticipated challenges, in addition to an unpaid hour:

Overtime: If that additional hour puts an employee at more than 40 hours during that workweek, the Fair Labor Standards Act requires the employee be paid overtime. Employees who fall under the “8 and 80” system — or in states that require daily overtime — may be eligible for overtime for that day.

Collective Bargaining Agreements: Employers should ensure that they are following any provisions in a collective bargaining agreement that addresses wage and hour provisions for time change”.

If your company has in excess of 30 employees handling daylight savings time (DST) manually can be a challenge. Automating your time tracking system, instead of doing it manually, will make your payroll and HR managers happy and more productive, especially if they have to deal with sleep deprived employees, still adjusting to the daylight savings time.  ATS TimeWork OnDemand is a cloud-based time and attendance designed for; Payroll, Accrual Benefits, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Talent Management, and Analytics integration. ATS TimeWork OnDemand provides organizations with access to real-time data of Workforce Management (WFM) capabilities, across all domains.

To learn more about ATS TimeWork OnDemand or to attend a bi-monthly webinar, go to our website where you  can also download a demonstration from our website or contact us by phone at: 866.294.2467 to discuss your business requirements.

Managing paid time off can be a difficult undertaking, for companies who are tracking it the old fashion way through; a variety of spreadsheets and disparate systems used by different supervisors who each have their own method of tracking time off.

But this type of tracking can only take you so far. Because when it comes to proper compliance of labour laws in many jurisdictions, those spreadsheets and the archaic methods of tracking paid time off (PTO) won’t help. Why? Because many provinces and states throughout Canada and the US have stepped up their compliance investigations and, as such, many organizations have found themselves facing increased risk of scrutiny and financial fallout.


Here are three ways to effectively track and manage your workforce paid time off policies:

 Automate the Process
Instead of manually tracking employee time off requests through spreadsheets and other outdated processes, you should think about deploying a time and attendance solution. ATS time and attendance will become an important part of protecting your business from penalties. ATS TimeWork will help your company stay on track, and stores the documentation you will need in case of a payroll or attendance audit.

Intuitive Absence Tracking
ATS Absence Request is fully configurable tool accompanied by full complement of analytic reporting that can be assigned to any type of absence including; family leave, (maternity and paternity) long and short term disability, jury duty, sick days, vacation and unlimited flexibility and code options that can be tailored to any company regardless of industry. And best of all your employees can punch in and out through a mobile device, kiosk/touch screens and/or biometric time clocks.

 Integrate to Payroll, Human Resources or Enterprise Resource Planning
ATS Absence Request can be easily exported and imported into many existing management systems. Data can be imported into payroll to ensure proper payroll tracking for personal time off (PTO) days are taken in accordance with correct payouts for those days. By deploying ATS Time and Attendance and taking advantage of the Absence Request module, you immediately eliminate human error that comes with tracking employee absence manually.

With ATS Absence Request you can transform tedious, time consuming everyday tasks into intelligent, efficient processes that drive business insight.

To learn more go to our website and download a demonstration. To reach an account executive by phone, call: 866.294.2467.

Companies using an outdated workforce management solution not only fail to take advantage of the latest technology advancements and functionality, but they also run the risk of relying on an unsupported and an increasingly unreliable system-thus, making their entire business vulnerable.

Using a reliable and modern workforce management solution has many benefits. However, in order to quantify the benefits of such a system, you first have to know what to look for.  ATS workforce management solution can help you in different areas.

Here are three benefits of an ATS Workforce Management Solution that will deliver immediate results to your business:

Paper Reduction
ATS Workforce Management Solution will reduce the cost associated with creating and distributing paper timesheets. Cost savings result from:

  • Direct savings from reduced paper, printing, and distribution costs
  • Indirect savings from time spent handling paper timesheets

Paperwork Transfer
A big expense with a manual time tracking systems is that of transferring timesheets from one person to another. For example, the employee needs to get blank timesheets from the HR or payroll department. They fill out the timesheet and walk it over to their manager. The manager signs the timesheets and walks them to the payroll department.  A very conservative estimate of the direct time spent on simply transferring the paper timesheet around would be 2-3 minutes per employee each pay period.

Improved Data Quality
Manual timesheets must be keyed into a computer in order to be processed for payroll. Whenever data is keyed into a computer from a hand-written document, errors will be made. These errors can cost you in many direct and indirect ways:

  • Incorrect pay. How many employees complain if they get overpaid? If even a small number of employees keep their overpayments, it is costing plenty. And when employees get underpaid and complain, issuing a new paycheque or adjustment is costly.
  • Without accurate information, you lose the ability to perform useful decision support. Payroll is the biggest controllable expense in most organizations. You should have accurate information about hours worked, and departments worked in, to support your decision.

To read the complete white paper on the benefits of an ATS Workforce Management Solution, go to our website. And, to download a demonstration or to register for one of our weekly webinars, go to

Keep current with ATS:

How To Quantify The Benefits Of A Workforce Management Solution

Think you know the many things that are thrown at HR on a daily basis? Chances are, you are not even sure. In this week’s webinar we will feature a couple of HR executives who are ATS customers. These executives who both work for large organizations and have agreed to attend the webinar and answer questions about how their companies migrated from outdated and complicated time and attendance applications to an easy-to-use ATS TimeWork OnDemand.

Webinar The Challenging Role of Today’s Human Resource Executives

ATS TimeWork OnDemand includes a Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), built-in module for both administrative and strategic human capital management and empowers your employees, Human Resources and overall company with complete accessibility, visibility and automation of workplace attendance and events.

In this webinar, we will explore in great detail how ATS Time and Attendance can transformation manual processes to operate faster, and deliver more value, with fewer resources. This session will be led by Software Engineer Geoff Green. He will share the success stories of companies, who transitioned from Excel and manual timesheets to ATS Cloud-Based Time and Attendance Solution. Your HR and payroll managers will walk away with a thorough understanding of the benefits of automation and how it can drive business results.

Date: Friday, October 30th at 1:00pm Eastern/ 10:00am Pacific. To register for this webinar, go to our website.

Webinar: The Challenging Role of Today’s Human Resource Executives

ATS webinar series are designed for companies researching and evaluating the capabilities and functionality of Workforce Management Solutions. During the demonstration, you will gain valuable insights into specific features and functions that address the unique business requirements of manufacturing, healthcare, retail, life sciences and hospitality.

These in-depth demonstrations are interactive and you will learn how ATS has helped rapid-growth companies to improve operational performance by streamlining payroll costs, accelerating global financial consolidation with analytic reporting, and eliminating disjointed and manual based time tracking processes.

All of our webinars feature a CEO/COO, finance or HR executive guest speaker from a from a mid to large size company, who will outline how they transitioned from manual time tracking to modern cloud-based time and attendance.

Our attendees include:

 CEOs/Chief Operating Officers
 CFOs/ Financial controllers
 VP/Director/Manager of Human Resources/Payroll Managers
 VP/Director of operations/manufacturing
 VP/Director supply chain

To learn about ATS, you can take advantage of our library of learning materials and stay up to date on the latest in business software and best practices.

You can also join our LinkedIn business group or follow us on Pinterest and other social media channels. To reach one of our account executives, call (866) 294.2467.

Why Should I Register For ATS Workforce Management Software Webinars?

Streamlining costs and increasing workforce productivity are golden words to CEOs, shareholders and other senior executives. And, in an era of market fluctuations and shrinking profits, chief decision makers need effective tools, to help them meet the demands of today’s face-paced business landscape.

In an article titled “Want To Reduce Business Costs? Here Are 10 Areas To Start With”
by Michael Evans on it reads in part;

“One way to avoid this situation is to reduce and control non-strategic costs. Through technology and the emergence of the outsourcing industry, companies can reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and increase profits to be in a better position to deal with the inevitable cyclical economic downturn.”

How Businesses Can Streamline Costs And Increase Workforce Productivity

We chose 5 of out of the 10 that’s listed in the article:

“The economics have changed substantially between producing goods in China and in the United States. A recent study indicated that offshore manufacturing companies are looking at a 15 to 20 percent average wage increases and will reach wage parity with the United States by 2017. Energy costs outside the country are growing quickly as conversions from coal to natural gas are implemented in China.

Finance and Accounting
The cloud simplifies outsourcing of accounting and makes cost reductions easier and to achieve. This makes a lot of sense if you are having to scale up, or if you do not have accountants on staff to improve reporting or make sure you are GAAP compliant.

Human Resources
A Professional Employee Organization (PEO) can help process your payroll and offer your employees a better offering of benefits. In addition, by pooling with other companies through a PEO, you can get significant pooling discounts on the cost of benefits.

Social Marketing
Your website, social networking, and LinkedIn usage can save you enormous sums for marketing your company. Look at the outbound marketing costs and see what you can substitute.

Selling to the right customer
Smart firms will not only rid themselves of loss-making customers but, by mapping the on-boarding sales prospect process, incorporate activities and incentives for salespeople to bring only profit-producing customers on board. Whether you are reducing the selling cost or diverting resources to attain more profitable sales, you are moving to increase the cash and the profitability of the firm.”

To read the article in its entirety, go to Reducing business costs is not rocket science if the right approach is taken; for example, ATS workforce management solution provides proven, comprehensive time and attendance capabilities which take your company beyond manual time sheets or antiquated punch clocks. And, with ATS TimeWork OnDemand you can streamline key business processes and gain the real-time visibility and efficiency you need to run, grow your business and, at the same time, streamline costs.

To learn more, you can register for our webinar “How To Use Time And Attendance Effectively With Big Data”  on Friday, August 14th at 1:00pm eastern. To download a demonstration, go to our website, and, to reach us by phone call; 1.866.294.2467.

How Businesses Can Streamline Costs And Increase Workforce Productivity

Stuck In A Technology Cul-De-Sac?

July 21st, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Employee Scheduling | Forecasting | Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software - (Comments Off on Stuck In A Technology Cul-De-Sac?)

The early purveyors of time and attendance, was simple and, included some of the following:

 Software installed on a computer
 Time clock connected via a cable which would then be connected to the serial port of a computer
 A polling mechanism that required said computer to be left on overnight so, employee attendance (or punches as it’s commonly referred to in the industry) could be uploaded to the computer.

Imagine the surprise of one of ATS lead software engineers when she visited the prospective customer and found out they were using a system that mirrored what was described above. Talk about a by-gone era? And, this prospective customer has 9 locations spread across; Brazil, Germany, South Africa, Argentina, Toronto, Halifax, Colorado and Asia Pacific. Suffice to say, our implementation group worked as quickly as possible to bring this customer into the 21st century and they now have access to:
Real-Time Insight-Unlike their previous system this 3500 healthcare provider has access to on-the-fly data across their various locations for maximum effectiveness and efficiency. ATS cloud-based time and attendance transforms payroll processing, accrual benefits, human resources, job costing and employee self-service into a unified system that delivers results.

Flexibility-No one should be subjected to cumbersome software or have to go through several screens of that software to get a single report. ATS TimeWork is a flexible time and attendance solution that provides the tools and insight you need to reduce costs, eradicate high payroll costs and grow revenue.

On-The-Spot Forecast- ATS TimeWork helps evaluate risks with the forecasting and budgeting modules and monitor performance in real-time with user dashboards, business intelligence, and Big Data reporting tools. ATS forecasting and budgeting helps organizations meet business demand by understanding business patterns and then, helps managers schedule and put the right person, in the right place, at the right time. With ATS TimeWork your business can discover new ways to improve efficiencies, growth, and profitability with today’s modern time and attendance software

Today, this healthcare company is using many of ATS TimeWork modules, is one of our happiest customers and have become part our user group, on the healthcare community boards.

Is your company stuck in a technology cul-de-sac with a time and attendance system that is no longer meeting your needs? If so, you to can make the switch and enjoy the benefits of robust cloud-based solution that will significantly reduce the amount of time your HR and Payroll personnel spend processing employee time.

To learn more take a product tour of TimeWork. You can also follow us on Pinterest, LinkedIn or Twitter. To reach us by phone, call; 866.294.2467.

Stuck In A Technology Cul-De-Sac?

How To leverage Your Time and Attendance Solution To Improve Efficiency

May 6th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Benefit Accruals | Employee Time Attendance | Hosted Time and Attendance Solution | Leave Management | Payroll - (Comments Off on How To leverage Your Time and Attendance Solution To Improve Efficiency)

There is no question that having the right time and attendance software and hardware and using it to its full advantage- can put your company on the path to eliminating inefficiencies while improving business productivity. It’s not an understatement to say that some companies underutilize their time and attendance solution and balk at the time it takes to achieve ROI.

Do you have a time and attendance solution in place and if so, are you getting the most out of it? If not, here are some ways to ensure you achieve that rapid ROI that you hoped for when you made your selection.

Vendor Selection-some companies get seduced by vendors who boast about being in business for 100 plus years. And, that’s fine, but make sure there is more substance to the solution offering other than being around a long time. The number of years in business does not always translate to getting the solution that meets your requirements. And, if things should falter-you want to make sure the vendor is not going to vanish but rather, help you navigate through difficult stretches of the implementation. If you shortlisted your vendor of choice, request from them a list of companies who is currently using the system you are about to deploy. And, while it’s tempting to ask for a list of companies that’s only in your industry, that’s playing it safe. playing it safe. While there is nothing wrong in asking for references of companies within your industry, you want to make sure the vendor has a breadth of experience in a variety of industries. In the final analysis, what should consume you during the process is, whether the vendor, you select truly understands your company’s business requirements.

Value VS Price Conundrum-Some companies are so enraptured by the price that nothing else matters until the system in installed. And often times, you do get what you pay for. If you are going to install a time and attendance solution in the hope of it being in place for several years, the lowest price will not cut it. Again, focus on your business requirements-because if a vendor understands your needs, then you should keep an open mind to spending in a little bit more to get what you want. You will achieve two things with that approach; one you will get a company that will implement the type of solution you want and second, your business will achieve operational excellence through the use of a robust business management solution.

Research Using The Right People-At the core of a time and attendance solution are; work and pay policies, employee time capture, employee scheduling, job costing, vacation and other personal time-off requests to name a few. And who knows your company’s pay policies inside out? Payroll and HR administrators! It is amazing how many companies have an IT person heading the search for a time and attendance solution with little or no input from the very people who will be using the system on a daily basis. IT can play an important role in your search but, if the people, who knows your company’s business requirements is not involved in your search, you are already headed down the wrong path.

In conclusion, if your company embraces the concept of the time and attendance solution that you deployed, and is using it in the manner it intended, you will be begin to see the savings. To obtain the white paper on “How To leverage Your Time and Attendance Solution To Improve Efficiency” in its entirety go to our website.

To reach us by phone to discuss your time and attendance business requirements, call 1.866.294.2467.

How To leverage Your Time and Attendance Solution To Improve Efficiency

Five Steps To A Successful Time And Attendance Implementation

April 14th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Benefit Accruals | Time and Attendance Software | Workforce Management Solutions - (Comments Off on Five Steps To A Successful Time And Attendance Implementation)

The notion that all time and attendance solutions are the same and that they will meet the needs of every organization is one of the reasons why some implementation fail. Your company is unique and chances are, the time and attendance solution you select, will require configuration changes that reflects your business requirements.

More often than not, mistakes happen during the search process. For example, your research person should be someone within your organization who is familiar with the company’s work policies and compliance rules. If your search committee includes someone from the HR or the payroll department, you have will, in all likelihood increase your chances of success in finding the right vendor. Conversely, if your time and attendance search is being lead by IT person who knows nothing about your payroll and other compliance rules, it’s highly unlikely they would know the answers about overtime calculation or holiday pay. The rise of cloud-based time and attendance has minimized the role of IT significantly over the last several years. A note of caution, this is not to suggest you should be involve your IT personnel, you should-we are suggesting they should be part of your project team and not the only one researching a time and attendance solution.

Here are five steps that can lead to a successful implementation of your time and attendance solution:

Assessment- Set aside a realistic budget, but also remain open-minded to stretching it a little, if you find the right solution. Equally important, be honest about your company’s list of requirements. If you are not sure what your needs are talk to other departmentl managers about their requirements, as it relates to employee attendance. Your list of requirements should include some of the following:  business challenges, workflows, departmental needs, and overall reporting requirements. Some companies prefer to leave some things off their list, when talking to a vendor, hoping this will help them find the cheapest solution. There is nothing wrong with trying to find the cheapest solution, as long as you are prepared to “get what you pay for” when heading down this route. Most vendors will tell you if they can or cannot meet your needs based on your budget.

Selection Process- This stage is one of the most challenging. We suggest you ask businesses like yours, and but more importantly other companies that are outside of your industry. The reason here is to figure out how flexible the proposed solution really is. Assess the company’s list of references, and ask for honest answers.

Implementation- the old adage “failing to plan is planning to fail” holds true when it comes to time and attendance implementation. Make sure the vendor plans to; configure, install and optimize the solution for your business operations.  Remember your company is unique, don’t worry about the type of system that the “Jones” are using. This about your company and your specific requirements. Also remain open-minded to the fact that project plans do and can change, and that major changes can affect your budget and so, you should plan in accordance.

Training- Once the system is configured and designed to your specification, this is the all important next step, training for functional users. Devote time to training so your managerial staff and other employees will use the system to its full potential.  Make sure to schedule regular training so that managerial employees are using the software in the most efficient manner.

Support- After the system is up and running, remain in close communication with your vendor to make sure you are getting the maximum value from the time and attendance system and that its operating at peak efficiency.

Finally, achieving a successful time and attendance implementation is doable. For additional tips on implementation go to our website and sign up for a demonstration. You can reach us by phone at 866.294.2467.

Five Steps To A Successful Time And Attendance Implementation

Five Steps To A Successful Time And Attendance Implementation