Whether your company is in food production, healthcare or manufacturingCOVID-19 has forced us all to rethink how we live our everyday lives while keeping ourselves and others safe. Face masks have emerged as a simple and effective strategy for reducing the virus’s threat. And, for employers, having the right tools to detect whether an employee has a fever and/or is wearing a mask, before the start of a shift, is now the new norm.

We recently introduced the ATS Fever and Mask Detection Time Clock. If your employees have returned to the office and you want to make sure everyone is safe, here are three benefits to using ATS contactless time clocks:
Contactless Punching In/Out
Provides an innovative method of punching in at the clock by allowing employees to identify themselves through facial verification, helping to eliminate buddy punching.
ATS Face Recognition provides temperature readings without needing additional human interaction and support various read technologies including–barcode, RFID, magstripe, and proximity – and can be connected via Wi-Fi or Power Over Ethernet (POE).
Social Distancing and Contact Tracing
Social distancing and contact tracing are part of the new normal. With ATS Face Mask Detection Time Clock you can give your employees a more modern and visual experience with this innovative device – an alternative to traditional paper-time punch clocks.
With up-to-the-minute results, CFOs, HR and Payroll leaders can create a policy for failed temperature checks through ATSTimeWorkOnDemand. ATS Face Mask and Temperature Detection Time Clock send results to a cloud management portal software so your organization can see on-screen results from any location.
Other features include:
- High definition camera for contactless facial recognition
- Infrared sensor for real-time temperature detection
- Facial detection with or without face masks and alerts if a mask is being worn incorrectly
- Anonymous thermal scanning and temperature detection for visitors
- Recognition speed of less than 0.1 seconds per face
- Ability to manage up to 30,000 facial templates-optional
- Touch-free clock functionality with voice commands
To explore our range of workforce management HCM solutions go to our website and download a demo. And to reach one of our account executives, call: 866.294.2467.