Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Summertime And The Living Is Easy With The Cloud

August 6th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Benefit Accruals | Business Intelligence | Employee Self Service | Employee Time Tracking | Labour Analytics - (Comments Off on Summertime And The Living Is Easy With The Cloud)

For many people, summertime include; backyard barbeques, family road-trips, sitting on a lounge chair at a cottage with their preferred beverage, or engaged in a combination of work and some vacation-related activity during the summer. In North America, we have at least two months of good weather during the summer months and frankly, who wants to spend that time in an office if they do not have to. For busy executives keeping costs low and providing shareholders with a return on investment is the overall objective at the end of every quarter.

Summertime And The Living Is Easy With The Cloud

Now let’s imagine the type of solution that will make business executives breathe a sigh of relief, knowing they no longer have to contend with manual based processes:

ATS Cloud-Based Time and Attendance for your Business Processes
Imagine your organization powered by best-of-breed technology that’s beautiful, easy-to-use, and designed to streamline the calculation and processing of employee attendance. Real-time business analytics tools, enhanced online employee vacation request calendar, deep time and attendance industry-specific functionality, and an intuitive user interface deliver modern solutions that empower your organization to stay competitive.

More Agile, Connected, and Effective
ATS TimeWork OnDemand comes with a robust set of modern tools that helps make your organization more agile, connected, and effective. ATS TimeWork OnDemand offers all the workforce management functionality you need in one complete solution, with the broadest capabilities from a single vendor—all deployed in the cloud.

Success at your Fingertips
ATS TimeWork OnDemand seamlessly integrates to leading Payroll, HR and ERP applications to provide you with an unparalleled depth with its award-winning Workforce Management Solution. With ATS TimeWork OnDemand your company can optimize the workforce from time tracking to benefit accruals and overtime equalization, in ways that work best for your business.

Bottom-line, business executives no longer need to be tethered to a desk to access data? Why? Well, they can have access to a beautiful purpose-built solution that’s cloud-enabled, engineered for speed, infused time and attendance solution that provides real-time analytics and a rapid return on investment.

To learn more, register for one of our monthly webinars, call us at 866.294.2467 or go to our website.

Summertime And The Living Is Easy With The Cloud

How To Streamline Payroll And Avoid The High Cost Of Overtime

July 29th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Forecasting | Hospitality Industry | Labour Analytics | Leave Management - (Comments Off on How To Streamline Payroll And Avoid The High Cost Of Overtime)

Business owners in small and large organizations are fearful about the proposed overtime rule. This bit of news is not sitting well with several businesses and, has caused sleepless nights for some executives, as they come to terms with trying to find ways to adjust in their daily operations. If your business is going to be affected by this proposed legislation, one of the best tools to use, to capture overtime is an ATS time and attendance solution. Payroll is one of the largest expenses of any business, regardless of size and automating employee time and attendance can be a good first step to controlling overtime.

Through the use of an ATS Time and Attendance solution, here are some ways your business can control overtime:

Overtime Equalization: In the retail, hospitality and healthcare space, overtime is almost unavoidable and that’s due, in large part to the nature of these industries. Therefore, accurately tracking and paying the correct overtime is paramount. ATS Overtime Equalization solution provides managers with timely visibility into key workforce performance indicators such as labour, overtime, and attendance. Real-time alerts notify managers when performance thresholds are breached; helping prevent labour issues such as excess overtime, budget variances and compliance violations.

Choose The Right Data Collector: Not all employee time clocks are created equal and, so selecting an employee time clock is as important as making sure you have the right time and attendance software for your organization. For example, putting a fingerprint reader in a very dusty environment or food processing plant, for is a recipe for disaster. ATS Time and Attendance data collectors are fully optimized, feature-rich employee self-service platform and are capable of serving the full spectrum of your requirements. Through the use of ATS time clocks, your business is transformed into “On the Spot” information that helps managers and supervisors control overtime and keep jobs on time and within budget.

How To Streamline Payroll And Avoid The High Cost Of Overtime

Real-Time Business Analytics: If a business is not using the right tools to control overtime, this can lead to an unhealthy balance-sheet. And, when left unchecked, overtime can become an uncontrollable payroll nightmare. While not completely unavoidable, reining in unnecessary overtime is critical to bringing down expenses and ensuring the most effective use of labour resources. ATS Time and Attendance Analytics allow for a complete view of your business landscape and includes actual versus budget hours. The intuitive dashboard contains future schedules, and alerts managers of preventable overtime situations and incidental overtime occurrences.

Bottom-line, getting a handle on your company’s overtime should be an important first step but the impact of overtime extends far beyond a balance-sheet. Controlling overtime is a healthy strategy for financially sustainable organizations in uncertain times.

To learn more, you can attend one of our monthly webinars or download a demonstration. We also have an active user-group on our LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus pages. To speak to one of our account executives call; 1-866.294.2467.

How To Streamline Payroll And Avoid The High Cost Of Overtime

The priority for every company is to grow. This means; grow sales, revenue, exports and, at the same time, optimize workforce productivity. The ultimate goal in all of this is to provide a solid return on investment to shareholders. Trying to accomplish all this requires investment in technology, innovation and updating product lines. It is therefore critical that today’s business have the right tools in place to eliminate inefficiencies. By getting rid of paper-timesheets and streamlining workflows across the business, you utilize resources in other areas and produce the capital necessary to re-invest and generate business growth.

How ATS TimeWork Workforce Management Solution Can Help Your Business Grow

ATS TimeWork Workforce Management Solution removes software road-blocks and offers companies a robust, yet easy-to-use, time and attendance system that will undoubtedly, increase business efficiency and reduce costs on all levels. Just imagine being able to extrapolate data whenever you need it, from any device, anywhere in the world?  And that’s not all, using the latest cloud-computing technology, ATS TimeWork Workforce Management Solution enables you to collect, manage and process employee attendance more effectively. This is your chance to move beyond manual paper-based time sheets and old fashion clunky time clocks to an updated time and attendance system that will keep your shareholders at bay.

Whether your company is growing exponentially or refining business processes, it’s never too late to take control of your company’s profitability. The many features of ATS TimeWork Workforce Management Solution includes; benefit accruals, workforce planning, budgeting and forecasting, employee self-service, business analytics, ERP, HR and payroll data integration-accompanied by a role based executive dashboard that complements a plethora of time and attendance features.

Ultimately businesses need to ensure that they are always on a upwards trajectory of growth and part of ensuring this is by having the right workforce management solution in place.

To learn more about ATS TimeWork Workforce Management Solution go to our website. You can also download a demonstration or contact an account executive at 866.294.2467.

How ATS TimeWork Workforce Management Solution Can Help Grow Your Business


When it comes to paying employees accurately anything short of automation can lead to undesirable results.  ATS time and attendance gives you complete control of your employee work hours for accurate analysis, whether it’s for budgeting; employee attendance, scheduling or forecasting future business trends. ATS time and attendance system will propel your organization with up-to-minute data for accurate decision-making, versus guesswork.

ATS time and attendance helps mid-size, large companies and multi-nationals empower their workforce to succeed by automating time tracking processes into real-time data. ATS TimeWork is built on a robust, data configuration architecture with a set of best-in-class workforce management software practices and functionality -that is aligned to increase productivity, accelerate business growth and lower the costs of ownership.

Why ATS TimeWork Time and Attendance?
ATS is a well trusted, easy-to-use time and attendance solution used by companies across North America, Latin America and Europe. ATS TimeWork adopts the latest technology and best practices to assist our customers to achieve the best results. The sheer flexibility and scalability of the applications provides users with unlimited options, through user-friendly dashboards.

By using ATS TimeWork you take the guesswork out of the equation and are left with:

Workforce Management Reporting-Up to-the-minute workforce analytics that will help with compliance reporting and everyday time tracking. Through the use of ATS TimeWork business intelligence tools you harness the power of predictive analytics for better decision-making and increased employee productivity.

Flexible Leave Management-ATS Leave Management provides all the necessary functions required by today’s progressive companies and government organizations. The product is intuitive with embedded self-service functionality that allows employees to track and manger their leave management from any workstation or mobile device with Internet access. Your HR department can focus on other important initiatives within your organization as employees are introduced to cool to user-friendly views to request time off, monitor the status of requests, check leave balances, and respond to overtime offers.

Accurate Recording of Attendance- ATS TimeWork helps companies reduce labour costs and improve productivity- TimeWork automatically creates a history of employee attendance, including early and/or late arrivals with reason codes for daily, weekly or monthly time tracking reports.

If your company is still using intuition to figure out employee attendance, there is a better way. To learn more go to our website and download a personalize demonstration. You can also contact us at 1-866-294-2467.

Accurate Information Is Better Than Relying On Guesswork

For The Love Of Data Analytics

May 22nd, 2014 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Business Intelligence | Time and Attendance On-Demand | Workforce Analytics - (Comments Off on For The Love Of Data Analytics)

Who knew that we would be romanticizing about analytics so much? In recent years, the proliferation of analytics through time and attendance, ERP, HR and bevy of other about applications has made it possible for it is has all been about analytics-but why now? When you think about it, analytics is not that new. Sales managers have been analyzing data through Excel to get the correct metrics on sales numbers for years. What has changed, is how we access data today and more than ever, being able to access data on-demand has become the norm. The companies that embrace automated business analytics no longer have to waste time writing macros, hoping that will provide the type of metrics they want to track.

With ATS time and attendance, you get instant visibility into your business performance and drive better business outcomes using a broad set of capabilities for reporting, analysis and budgeting and forecasting – all engineered for speed of performance on any smart-phone, tablet or workstation. ATS TimeWork transforms the way you track employee hours using cloud-based time tracking management systems composed of best-in-class, enterprise-grade applications.

ATS time and attendance is designed to help mid and large organizations thrive by enabling them to discover new ways to track, manage and optimize business operations. As a leading workforce management software company, we deliver a complete and integrated employee time management solution that let customers find value in workforce planning, gain insight into every aspect of their business by scheduling employees, and acting with confidence- 24/7 in the cloud, from anywhere, anytime.

To join our upcoming webinar, go to our website and to speak to a representative, call us at 866.294.2467.

For The Love Of Data Analytics


Yes, there is and several companies who have moved away from paper timesheets are now enjoying the benefits of an automated time and attendance system. Their HR and payroll practitioners have access to a best-in-class solution that can be accessed from any smart phone, tablet or workstation-anytime, anywhere.

These forward looking companies have deployed the self-service module and now, their employees, can submit leave requests online. The Employee Scheduling and Vacation Planning Modules allow managers to view at a glance, employee preferences, availability and vacation requests.  Employee manual time sheets are now online and administrators can view attendance and absences in real-time. The tracking of jobs and departmental transfers can be analyzed through a variety of business analytic tools.

If your company still love using paper time sheets consider the following; studies conducted by Aberdeen Group and The Canadian Payroll Association have concluded that companies, using an automated time and attendance solution, has historically decreased the time it takes to prepare payroll by about 80% and has saved companies 3-5% on their net payroll costs.

To learn more join us for one our live webinars in the upcoming months and our team will help you explore the benefits of automating your manual time and attendance collection.

To speak to an account representative, call 866.294.2467.

 Mirror, Mirror, Is There An Easier Way To Process Employee Time?

Extend the value of your Time & Attendance with ATS Business Analytics

January 15th, 2014 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Business Intelligence | Employee Time Clock | Time and Attendance Blog | Time and Attendance Software | Workforce Management Solutions - (Comments Off on Extend the value of your Time & Attendance with ATS Business Analytics)

ATS Business Analytics solutions help organizations to thrive by enabling them to discover new ways to optimize business operations, and capture new business opportunities. Through the use of our time and attendance analytic tools you can collect massive amounts of data from your organization. Extrapolating valuable business analytics can help companies unleash the power of collective and advanced predictive analytics to all employees and managers – on any device or platform.

ATS delivers a comprehensive workforce management suite that let customers gain unparalleled power to achieve operational excellence through employee time clock data capture. Our data repository helps your entire business thrive and grants business executives with access to sophisticated analytics that can integrate data from third-party applications.

So, whether your company has a single location or multiple sites across North America, ATS time and attendance business analytics can help you measure performance against defined key metrics. Through the use of ATS TimeWork On-Demand users can access reports; in PDF, Excel and other data formats. The reporting tools allows users to view trends and drill down into detailed data from multiple sources, providing the flexibility and accuracy to quickly make fact-based decisions, and to analyze and share critical information.

Want to learn how leading companies rely on ATS Business Analytics to reduce costs and increase productivity? Call us at: 866.294.2467 to go to our website to view a demonstration.

 Extend The Value of your Time & Attendance with  Business Analytics


There are number of clues that can steer you in the direction to changing your existing workforce management software. These clues, if adhered to, can help you evaluate and implement a new workforce management software for the betterment of your organization. Examples include:

Current software do match the evolution of your business – Technology is moving at a rapid pace and while the current time and attendance software may have worked with your old business rules, your company is growing and expanding into your new markets.

Cannot get the right information out of the system – Real-time business analytics is critical to understanding your bottom line. It’s easy to get saddled with a software solution that is dated and lacks the day to day information that business executives need.

You are keying in data using lots of spreadsheets -The whole point of automating is to move away from manual processing. If you are using an employee time management system and also spending a significant amount of time keying in data, it’s time to evaluate your options. Keying in data manually is an ineffective use of your time and will invariably lead to inaccuracies.

Existing application is no longer supported by your vendor – Over the past several years, there have been numerous acquisitions in the time and attendance market. At times, this can leave a customer vulnerable to the inevitability that support for their current product is on a short leash.

Current software can no longer work on your platform – When this happens and if your vendor is offering you an upgrade that is twice the amount of your old system-it’s time to move on.  Now might be the perfect time to move your time and attendance solution to the cloud. Why? You no longer need to worry about purchasing or maintaining a new server and having the right IT resources to support it. And as your business evolves, you have the power of technology on your side in a cloud-based time tracking solution  that will grow with you.

If your company is using a time and attendance solution that is no longer meeting your needs, call us at 1.866.294.2467 to speak to an ATS account executive. You can also view a demonstration of ATS TimeWork On-Demand on our website.

Have Economic Conditions Improved for the Manufacturing Sector Since 2008?

November 19th, 2013 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Employee Self Service | ERP | Labour Costs | Overtime Equalization | Workforce Management Solutions - (Comments Off on Have Economic Conditions Improved for the Manufacturing Sector Since 2008?)

Impatient shareholders, increased economic uncertainty and rapid globalization are creating continuous pressure for today’s manufacturers. To compete effectively and win, manufacturers must reduce costs and increase service levels with fewer resources.

ATS workforce management solution for manufacturing provides strategic tools that manufacturers need to transform their operations to become industry leaders. ATS TimeWork helps manufacturers streamline payroll costs more efficiently and optimize their supply chains in critical operational areas. The application helps manufacturers with; employee data capture,  budgeting and forecasting, job costing, labour allocation, overtime equalization, employee self-service, business analytics, CRM, ERP and payroll integration.

ATS TimeWork workforce management software is designed to meet the needs of progressive manufacturing companies. The application is delivered ‘out-of-the-box’ with a built-in business workflow processes that enable manufacturers to manage the order cycle of their time and attendance operations. ATS TimeWork time and attendance solution can help manufacturers improve their operations while reducing costs, improving visibility and enhancing business operations.

ATS TimeWork workforce management solution helps manufacturers improve response times and increase customer satisfaction by maintaining detailed analytics in real-time for the purpose of tracking labour dollars. And through better time management and labour controls, you will prevent and reduce failure and thus, increase your company’s profit margins

Contact us to learn how ATS workforce management solutions can make a difference in your business.

Real-time data will no longer be just available on computers and legacy systems. Today’s businesses want effective business management software that helps their companies streamline payroll costs and increase shareholder value. ATS workforce management software supports your core business operations with market-leading applications and technologies designed to work together in a fully integrated business suite.

ATS time and attendance delivers a comprehensive set of integrated, cross-functional business automation processes. With ATS TimeWork time and attendance, you will gain the following benefits:

Reduced costs: Use enterprise services architecture to improve process standardization, efficiency, and adaptability. Extend transactions, information, and collaboration functions to a broad business community.

Gain higher ROI: Install ATS TimeWork using rapid-implementation techniques that cost less than half what traditional approaches cost.

Improve financial analytics and corporate governance: Gain deep visibility into your organization with labour and business analytics functionality. Increase profitability, improve financial control, and manage risk.

Support changing industry requirements: Take advantage of ATS TimeWork scalability and latest cloud technology to integrate your end-to-end processes seamlessly.

Reduce risk: ATS time and attendance software solve complex business challenges. We are the trusted partner for leading organizations, with our team of qualified representatives to support business practices of companies in Canada, United States and Europe.

ATS TimeWork time and attendance delivers information in real time through its management portal dashboards. The software meets the needs of businesses by offering a comprehensive solution with industry-specific functionality. ATS industry-leading workforce management software responds quickly to rapidly changing business demands, complies with rapidly changing industry regulations and improves customer satisfaction.

To view a demonstration, go to our website. To speak to one of our account representatives, call 877.294.2467 or you can join the conversation through social media.