Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

You chose to adopt a cloud time and attendance application for few reasons – perhaps, the easiest is because you are using paper-based time sheets and, it’s because they are getting more expensive to maintain hardware and systems software platform. But remember, this is only the first start. In order, to fully realize the value of your purchase here are few steps to guide on your journey.

1.Assemble your Team

Make sure everyone who will be affected by the new system (and that includes; operational managers) are aware and ask them to start going through training material right away. If these individuals have employees that report to them, gauge their input and figure out how much training should be given to them.

2. Avoid Implementation Wrinkles

Make sure your managers are fully engaged during the implementation process. If, for example, the person assigned, as the company’s project lead is still focused on their full-time job, is not able to devote sufficient time to the project, this can lead to trouble down the road when they are not sure how to use the solution.

3. Make use of ATS Expertise

When you purchase ATS time and attendance solution to run your business more efficiently, you will be investing in more than just software—you have, in addition, purchased, the expertise of our seasoned software support and service professionals.

Our software engineers and implementation consultants not only bring deep knowledge and service expertise of our solutions, but also the industry insight needed to keep you on the path to greater productivity and optimization for your unique business needs.

4. Implementation Times Vary and can Depend on Several Factors

Have a plan. Set out a reasonable implementation timeline and scope. Is your team dedicated to this project? If so, implementation will be shorter. If the project is another task on the ‘to do’ list, competing with other priorities, expect that your implementation may take more time. Do not underestimate the time and resources it will take to complete the project successfully.

5. Calculate your Return on Investment (ROI)

When you implement ATS TimeWorkOnDemand solution built from-the-ground-up you’ve made an excellent investment—for the short and long term. ATS cloud computing software solutions are focused on minimizing the cost and complexity of implementation, integration, and support—by allowing your employees to focus on business processes and best practices rather than technology. In short, this allows for increased productivity and a rapid return on investment, especially if your implementation does not have to deal with unnecessary delays.

One of the biggest reasons for moving to cloud is to enable your business to take advantage of the functionality and take advantage of the new technology. At ATS, we have developed, award winning, state-of-the-art after-sales and support tools systems that will help you achieve rapid ROI and—ultimately—profitable growth. ATS Software Support stands behind our software solutions, so that you can concentrate on running your business.

To learn more, go to our website. you can also download brochures or a demonstration or register online for one of our bi-monthly webinars.

Keep current with ATS:

Transitioning from traditional licensed, on-premise to cloud-based application can appear formidable, if not well throughout. However, the transition might not be as difficult as you think. In fact, with the right vendor, and mindset the transition can be one much smoother than you originally thought. So, with this in mind, here are 6 reasons to move to the cloud with ATS TimeWorkOnDemand cloud application:

Nimble: The speed of cloud adoption has been surprisingly rapid across all sizes of customers. Traditional barriers to moving to the cloud such as security and data privacy issues have slowly dissipated.

HR Analytics: It’s at your fingertips. Analytics for HR, payroll and finance-translates to no longer have to wait for someone to tell you what’s happening. Data extrapolation takes place in real-time, which means, you have access to the latest information.

Automation Your Way: The automation capabilities built into ATS TimeWorkOnDemand reduces payroll transactional processes and tasks. Those in the department will spend less time re-keying things like employee punch in out times data. In fact, they will now have, more accuracy and visibility, and will be able to deliver what employees really need. Employees, too, will benefit from better insights into their status, through employee self-service to see, their; time-off requests, schedules and hours worked.

An End-To-End System: ATS TimeWorkOnDemand covers the complete workforce management journey, upon deployment of your solution. You and your organization can experience immediate real-time visibility of information, and work with updates and changes that take place seamlessly and quickly. In addition, our solution is delivered via cloud platform, built from the ground up. You know it’s, compliant and easy to introduce into different provinces across Canada and throughout North America and beyond.

Reduced IT Workload: By eliminating the need for hardware and software purchases, your IT department or consultant can focus on other initiatives of your business.

Rapid Deployment and Easy Integration: With ATS TimeWorkOnDemand, employees can be set up within weeks rather than months. Built on a robust cloud computing platform, ATS TimeWorkOnDemand relies on simple user configuration. This helps our customers achieve their objectives without going through lengthy discovery and deployment processes. ATS TimeWorkOnDemand allows for fast, easy and powerful integration. Data can seamlessly move between ATS TimeWorkOnDemand and other third-party applications, such as payroll. This cuts down on re-keying data, and reduces the risk of data duplication. As a result, it significantly increases accuracy and efficiency, and gives you a single source of truth for all your people data

More and more customers are seeking the benefits of cloud computing, and ATS is delivering the experience and service they expect. We host and manage your workforce management system in the cloud, where users can securely access the application(s) over the web — at any time, from anywhere — using mobile devices, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

ATS TimeWorkOnDemand will transform your organization into a streamlined and cost-saving and productive business. Not only will this help boost the strategic value of your HR department, it will go a long way toward unlocking future business growth for you.

To learn more about ATS TimeWorkOnDemand, go to our website. You can also register for one of our bi-weekly webinars. And to reach an account executive, call: 866.294.2467.

Spreadsheets serve a good purpose. And several companies use them. In fact, some of ATS financial analysts and even some, in the professional service areas like; software engineers use spreadsheets to measure results. However, this data usually comes in from outside big data tools as oppose to being keyed in manually. The potential to run into errors when manually keying data into spreadsheets is real,especially, when you are dealing with things like leave management and employee attendance.

In a recent article by Courtney Blanchard, for TLNT titled, With Paid Leave Laws Expanding, You Need to Update Your Attendance Policies there are some worthwhile advice for HR and Payroll Practitioners on how to best navigate and keep accurate records of attendance policies. They read, in part:

  •  Review company attendance policies to ensure that any mandatory notice periods (i.e., 2 weeks’ notice for a planned doctor’s appointment) do not violate the sick leave law.
  • Update hiring notices and workplace posters.
  • Educate supervisors on how to spot fraud or abuse without inadvertently retaliating against employees for using paid leave. Most laws prevent employers from seeking any verification unless an employee has been absent three consecutive working days.
  • Review payroll practices to ensure employees are receiving the proper rate of pay for the use of sick leave, and that pay stubs include any required information.
  • Develop a consistent tracking method to ensure that employees accurately accrue time, and that any time used is properly credited and deducted from the balance.

And, while this article is specific to regions in the state of Minnesota, their impact will reverberate across other US states. Also, while labour laws and leave management tracking are different in Canada they could eventually make their way north of the border.

 So, if your company is tracking employee time and attendance including, vacation, and other leave management through paper time sheets, you don’t need to anymore.

With ATS TimeWork OnDemand you can:

 Automate Tracking of Management Policies: ATS TimeWorkOnDemand helps automate the administration and tracking of paid and unpaid federal, provincial, and otherregional employer-specific leave policies. ATS TimeWorkOnDemand can be configured to match the needs of your organization to maintain balances, reduce manual process errors, and control absence costs.

Simplify and Streamline Compliance: Federal regulations and provincial and/or state laws and union policies, often have overlapping eligibility rules, benefit accruals, and notice requirements. Which makes it all the more important that companies should a time and attendance system that allows to them to accurately track employee attendance and leave management policies. ATS TimeWorkOnDemand solution allows your organization to automate laws and policies in a single solution—simplifying compliance and reducing costs, while also freeing your HR team to focus on higher priority responsibilities.

Keep Accurate Attendance: ATS TimeWorkOnDemand will make sure your leave policies are enforced consistently and accurately across your entire company. With ATS leave management automation, your employees will have access to self-service capabilities through leave eligibility, and balance tracking — available24/7, 365 days a year from any Smartphone or tablet, anytime, anywhere.

To learn more about ATS TimeWorkOnDemand Leave Management solution, go to our website. You can also register for one of our bi-weekly webinars. And to reach an account executive,call: 866.294.2467.

Accelerate your Implementation and Get Value out of your ATS Workforce Management Investment

November 22nd, 2018 | Posted by ATS in ATS TimeWork OnDemand | Cloud Computing | Time and Attendance Canada | Time and Attendance Toronto - (Comments Off on Accelerate your Implementation and Get Value out of your ATS Workforce Management Investment)

Most companies know that technology alone does not drive world-class performance. To get the most business value from your ATS workforce management application implementation, your technology deployment should be conducted a set of guidelines and milestones to measure success. And, to get the best results, it’s important to ensure that your processes meet best practice standards before completing your ATS workforce management implementation. If not, your company could inadvertently, automate inefficient processes that leave you short of the streamlined business processes and cost optimization you were looking for when you decided to deploy the solution.

 Accelerate your Implementation and Get Value out of your ATS Workforce Management Investment

Here are a few reasons why companies across various industries, implement ATS workforce management:

Expertise and Best-Practice Processes: ATS implementation is based on the experience we have gained from years of numerous projects. We continually maintain the latest ATS TimeWorkOnDemand version for continuous improvement and long-term scalability.

Unrivalled Support: ATS team supports all phases of implementation including process benchmarking and gap analysis; the ATS deployment package, includes; configuration, deployment and integration; and post-deployment diagnostics.

Lower Total Cost of Ownership: With ATS Implementation, your workforce management solution can be less costly, less risky, and deliver faster time to benefit.

Bottom-line: Our team will work to ensure the implementation of your ATS workforce management solution is perfectly attuned to your technical infrastructure, as well as, configure the solution, to your specific business goals. The team will provide you with best practices in relation to data integration, data analytics and configuration building blocks to jumpstart your deployment. Our project methodology, reduces time to value, and helps you get the most out of your ATS workforce management investments.

To learn more about ATS Workforce Management Solution implementation methodology, or to attend one of our weekly webinars, go to our website. And, to speak to an account executive, call 866.294.2467.

Is the practice of manually tracking employee time driving you up the walls? Labour costs is one of the biggest concern for many small businesses owners—and, when regulations for overtime, meal breaks and other pay-rules change, spreadsheets can only go so far.

7 Tips For Managing Employee Time And Attendance

Here are 7 tips to make your employee time tracking easier:

(1) Submitting employee hours to your payroll bureau-Dealing with payroll submission deadlines will be less stressful if you have an automated time and attendance system that tabulates employee hours and sends the totals to your payroll software at the click of a mouse. No more, spreadsheets and no need to use calculators anymore. It’s that simple.

(2) Invest in a reliable system- An ATS time and attendance solution automates the entire ‘punch to paycheque’ process and will provide you with alerts and data, that includes; employees who are approaching overtime, up-to-minute reporting, and will keeping you up date with the latest legislation.

(3) Unrivalled support- Whether you are using our cloud computing application ATS TimeWorkOnDemand or the client server version, you can be rest assured, we’ve got your back. Our support reps are available; online, via phone or through onsite visits, depending on your customer care support package.

(4) Details matter-Take the time to set up the employee details correctly in your time and attendance system such as: start dates, phone numbers, up to date addresses etc. And if your company has a large contingent of employees, the ATS time and attendance also has an embedded synchronization interface that can extract data from, your ERP, HR, or payroll application.

(5) After-sales training is beneficial- ATS time and attendance implementation includes a training course will help you save time and be more efficient.  ATS runs flexible training, including onsite and online courses aimed at helping you get the most out of your time and attendance solution.

(6) It’s important to remain compliant with legislative changes-One of the advantages of using a system like ATS TimeWorkOnDemand, is that, it’s designed to keep pace with changes in work place legislation.

(7) There’s no need to keep doing what’s not working-Managing employee time with spreadsheets, is a tedious task and, is likely giving you more headaches that you can handle.

What to know more? Download a demo or register for one of our upcoming webinars from our website.  To speak to an account executive, call: 866.294.2467.

There is a growing body evidence that shows that the adoption of; cloud computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence is on pace to grow exponentially over the next 10 years and beyond. And, yet there still some resistance to embrace this type of technology. Many of today’s leaders understand the difference between staying put or adapting to achieve business success.

Automation’s Biggest Enemy: Cultural Resistance is the title of an article published by Industry Week that delves into the resistance, which in turn, prevents some companies from adopting artificial intelligence and reaping its benefits. It reads in part;

“While customers perceive that artificial intelligence (AI) will allow brands to deliver what they want when they want it, there remains a widespread lack of understanding among enterprises of the potential benefits for AI to solve real-world business problems. The biggest corporate challenge to implementing an intelligent business strategy is cultural resistance (49%), according to a new research report, “AI2020: The Global State of Intelligent Enterprise” by IQPC’s Intelligent Automation Network.

What’s Behind The Resistance To Artificial Intelligence?

Some of today’s forward-thinking companies understand the power of cloud computing and its impact on cost containment and have embraced business applications— like time and attendance, that has embedded artificial intelligence. For example, ATS TimeWork OnDemand was expressly designed with this mind— this robust application will propel your business operations and help your company keep pace with advance in technology.

The Industry Week article goes on to say; “AI will automate some jobs, particularly the dirty, dangerous, or dull work that people don’t want to do – everything from sewer reconnaissance to repetitive factory work. The skills needed for future employment include critical thinking and problem solving, good communication and teamwork, leadership, initiative, creativity and the willingness to leverage the current technology”.

In other words, artificial intelligence is not here to replace your job— it will help you do your job better.

To learn more, ATS TimeWorkOnDemand embedded artificial intelligence, go to our website.