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We Want ‘Cultural Fit’ So, If You Question The Status Quo Don’t Bother To Apply

May 24th, 2017 | Posted by ATS in Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software | Time and Attendance Canada | Time and Attendance On-Demand - (Comments Off on We Want ‘Cultural Fit’ So, If You Question The Status Quo Don’t Bother To Apply)

Today, the words ‘cultural fit’ have become ubiquitous in online job boards and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), designed, to weed out those are not like us and/or use the same vernacular in every day conversations. In other words, if you do not dress, look or act like the rest of us then, don’t bother applying. Of course, these words are never actually spelt out. Instead, the much malign words of ‘cultural fit’ are used instead to the turn down applicants. Some companies advertise that they are looking for people who “think outside the box” again, another set of words that belies their true intentions, when in actuality; what they are looking for is the ‘frat mentality’.

We Want ‘Cultural Fit’ So, If You Question The Status Quo Don’t Bother To Apply

But what if you are ambitious, hard-working, and non-conformist type of person who has a lot to offer a company? You can either keep trying to find a job with a company that embraces a diverse range of views, that has employees with different experiences or create your own. You can take a page from many of today’s millennials some of whom are so fed up with the status quo that they are creating their own companies. So, why not you?

If your company fears non-conformists or rebels as some of them are called, below, you will find some wonderful tips for dealing with these types of individuals taken from an article titled ‘What Rebels Want From Their Boss’ by The article was recently revived by Tanmay Vora for Human Resources Today and it comes complete with a set of images to relay its point. In no particular order, we have selected five tips from the list;

  1. We need a work environment where it is safe to disagree and ask questions that challenge the status quo.
  2. The more diverse a team mindsets and experiences, the more creative the team. We may not be like you and that is a good thing. Love our differences and quirks.
  3. We are not trouble makers. We are motivated to make our organization better than it is.
  4. Challenge us. Give us the thorniest problems. Let us prove that our “wild ideas” can work. We want to be stretched, not do work as usual.
  5. We care about work than most people. That is why we are willing to engage in controversy.

Now, in fairness, not all businesses purport to the guise of a “cultural fit”.  In fact, many successful corporations hire a mix of people with different educational backgrounds, cultures and experiences and are thriving because of it. And, as for the non-conformists in your company, you would surprised at how little effort it takes to win them over, by correctly channeling their energy and creativity instead of wasting time and energy trying to rein them in so, they can follow like sheep.

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