Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

On a recent visit to a large metal fabrication company with locations in British Columbia and mid western US, one of ATS software engineers was quite surprised to hear the words “if it’s ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. This was in response to a question she asked regarding the company’s rationale for using a myriad of systems to key and maintain employee data.

In the world of business automation, we often hear these words, from companies, who think that changing their old system will be painful. Initially, it will be painful to invest in a time and attendance for future growth, however, more often than not, the pain comes from having to change the way individuals are accustomed to doing things.

If your company is using paper-based time sheets or worse, some antiquated punch clock that should be in the Smithsonian, here are three valid reasons to toss the proverbial “if it ain’t broke” mantra out of the door forever.

“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” What Is It Really Costing Your Company?

Antiquated system yields error-prone results
The 1980’s punch clock that’s sitting on the wall might have been cool back then but it’s not saving time or money today. Don’t believe it? Just imagine asking the millennials your company hired a few weeks ago to punch in and out with the old technology, and you are sure to get a few rolling of the eyes. And, if you have in excess of 100 employees, just imagine that payroll practitioner having to count the hours, overtime, vacation and other ineligible information on that time card and then, key all that information into some spreadsheet.  You get the picture?

Refusing to adapt to new technologies
Choosing to ignore new technology does not mean that it will go away. In fact, several companies have already moved to a newer data capture technologies. And, in a competitive business landscape, some companies are forced to evaluate and change in order to stay relevant. In all likelihood when your company bought its current time clock it was the latest technology of its time. However, in the last five to seven years –several studies have shown that automating your business will provide a rapid return on investment and streamline operational costs.

Accuracy of data
The problem with older technology lies in its ability to provide accurate and up-to-the-minute data. The problem with older systems is that they often require significant of investment of time and resources to access data-especially when the data is maintain in different systems. Want to see a CFO go bonkers? Tell them it will take you three days to get them the reports they need to complete month-end.

Admittedly, transitioning from an antiquated punch clock system to a new time and attendance solution requires; a corporate mind-shift, investment and above all, a concerted commitment. In the end, however, it will be well worth it for your organization. The desire to continue using and maintaining an old-fashioned system is a time-consuming process.

Interested in learning how to transition to automated time and attendance solution, go to our website.

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The cost of doing nothing

Psychology of change

Do you need a simple or complicated time and attendance solution?

Summertime And The Living Is Easy With The Cloud

August 6th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Benefit Accruals | Business Intelligence | Employee Self Service | Employee Time Tracking | Labour Analytics - (Comments Off on Summertime And The Living Is Easy With The Cloud)

For many people, summertime include; backyard barbeques, family road-trips, sitting on a lounge chair at a cottage with their preferred beverage, or engaged in a combination of work and some vacation-related activity during the summer. In North America, we have at least two months of good weather during the summer months and frankly, who wants to spend that time in an office if they do not have to. For busy executives keeping costs low and providing shareholders with a return on investment is the overall objective at the end of every quarter.

Summertime And The Living Is Easy With The Cloud

Now let’s imagine the type of solution that will make business executives breathe a sigh of relief, knowing they no longer have to contend with manual based processes:

ATS Cloud-Based Time and Attendance for your Business Processes
Imagine your organization powered by best-of-breed technology that’s beautiful, easy-to-use, and designed to streamline the calculation and processing of employee attendance. Real-time business analytics tools, enhanced online employee vacation request calendar, deep time and attendance industry-specific functionality, and an intuitive user interface deliver modern solutions that empower your organization to stay competitive.

More Agile, Connected, and Effective
ATS TimeWork OnDemand comes with a robust set of modern tools that helps make your organization more agile, connected, and effective. ATS TimeWork OnDemand offers all the workforce management functionality you need in one complete solution, with the broadest capabilities from a single vendor—all deployed in the cloud.

Success at your Fingertips
ATS TimeWork OnDemand seamlessly integrates to leading Payroll, HR and ERP applications to provide you with an unparalleled depth with its award-winning Workforce Management Solution. With ATS TimeWork OnDemand your company can optimize the workforce from time tracking to benefit accruals and overtime equalization, in ways that work best for your business.

Bottom-line, business executives no longer need to be tethered to a desk to access data? Why? Well, they can have access to a beautiful purpose-built solution that’s cloud-enabled, engineered for speed, infused time and attendance solution that provides real-time analytics and a rapid return on investment.

To learn more, register for one of our monthly webinars, call us at 866.294.2467 or go to our website.

Summertime And The Living Is Easy With The Cloud

Ah yes, the 80s were all about John Hughes movies, big cell phones, white computer monitors, ripped jeans and the list goes on. Some have argued it was the one of the best eras ever and times were much simpler. And, while this may be true for some things using that old white computer with dos-based software will not cut it in today’s digital era.

For those companies still struggling to grasp the concept of the cloud or why it has such staying power here is a synopsis of a report from a research giant Forrester that reads in part; “Public cloud services continue to drive big changes in the markets for software, hardware, and IT outsourcing, while providing a foundation for age of the customer innovations. How much and when will cloud transform these markets? In this research, we project that the public cloud market will reach $191 billion by 2020, from 2013’s total of $58 billion.”

Still Stuck In The 80s? Well, It's Time To Move To The Cloud

If your company is using a time and attendance solution that is no longer meeting your needs, or worst, is part of the 80s type of technology, here are three reasons to switch to ATS cloud-based solution:

Ease-of-Use, Flexibility and Mobility
One of the largest benefits of moving employee time and attendance in the cloud is the ability to access real-time information from any tablet, PC or mobile device, anywhere, at any time. The adoption of ATS cloud-based time and attendance solution empowers CEOs, CFOs, Payroll and HR managers, by giving them more flexibility to access on-the-spot information.

Rapid Deployment
Who has time to spend on a 12 month software deployment? Unless your company has multiple locations, several collective bargaining agreements, multiple work and payroll rules, and perhaps in excess of 1000 employees spread across various jurisdictions- there is really no reason for long implementation, reminiscent of 15 years ago. And, in this era of cloud computing, it is easy to deploy an ATS cloud-based time and attendance seamlessly and efficiently. ATS cloud-based time and attendance solutions are designed to integrate with every payroll, HR, ERP, Recruitment and CRM application.

Lower Cost and Better Collaboration
At the outset the most obvious benefit in adopting an ATS cloud-based time and attendance is that it will provide business with significant savings. For example, your company no longer has to be concerned with purchasing a server on which to house software, or the use of your IT resources to manage the data. Managers can access the application, using any browser, from any workstation, or mobile device to view attendance, extrapolate data and review and respond to employee time-off requests.

So, is your company thinking about moving to a cloud based time and attendance? If so, it’s not too late. And, if you are a fan of some or everything 80s, you can listen to Def Leppard or AC/DC on your favorite device, while at the same time, access up-to-the minute business analytics on employee attendance.

To learn more about ATS time and attendance you can download a demo. You can also register for one of our monthly webinars, and to speak to an account executive, call us at 1.866.294.2467.

Still Stuck In The 80s? Well, It's Time To Move To The Cloud

Hiring good employees is no easy task. Just think of amount of time spent, with phone screen interviews, behavioral personality survey, office interviews and more. Once hired these employees become your greatest asset. And, the best way to start these employees off is on the “right foot” with the right technology. With our Workforce Management Solution, you get tools and technology that help you manage all aspects of the time and attendance experience – saving you time and money while improving employee producitivity and increasing revenue.

With ATS Workforce Management Solution you get:

Unified Solution– With ATS Cloud-Based Workforce Management platform you have one consolidated system for multiple time and attendance processes. ATS Workforce Management Software helps you re-imagine employee time tracking capabilities. Our award-winning Software as a Service (SaaS) application in the cloud is integrated with mobile, HR, payroll, ERP, CRM and a range of analytic capabilities to help you extrapolate the right data, at the right time.

Eradicate Overtime Costs- Get instant alerts for employees that are approaching overtime, so you can make appropriate changes before overtime hours becomes a burden on your company’s profits.

Capture Attendance-Collect employee time with a advanced biometric time clocks. Employee biometric time clocks are highly effective at preventing “buddy punching.” You also have the option of choosing from a range of other data collection devices, including; proximity time clocks, online time sheets, magnetic and bar code stripe time clocks, faceScan and fingerScan time clocks.

Self-Service- With the self-service portal, employees can request time off and supervisors can approve or deny depending on availability. The system can be set up to send an instant alert to a supervisor about an employee request.

Real-Time Visibility- ATS Workforce Management Solution provides end to end visibility and plethora of powerful analytics to help you zero in on employee data. The solution encompasses full blown drill-down capabilities for detailed business intelligence to help keep payroll costs in line with forecast.

The talent you acquire and retain is a key ingredient to your company’s long term success-so, with this in mind you should make sure you are giving your people the right tools to achieve maximum productivity.

To learn more, go to our website or you can download a demo.

Are You Utilizing The Skills Of Your Most Valuable Assets?

Charged with the responsibility of calculating the attendance and pay records of thousands of employees, ATS TimeWork Time and Attendance helps to streamline payroll expenses, increase productivity and — process and, positively transforms the way people work.

If you are currently using ATS TimeWork unified workforce management solution chances are, your company is reaping the benefits of a robust, time keeping system that uses— the power of the cloud to help you better schedule, track and measure your workforce strategic activities.

Cloud and Big Data Drives Today’s Advance Time and Attendance Solution

Benefits of ATS TimeWork Time and Attendance include:

  • Increase business agility with Big Data- Achieve more, faster, while using less resources. With ATS TimeWork you can access the cloud to see up-to-the-minute attendance, missed punches, absenteeism, broad-based activities, the power of the cloud, and big data, while transforming your business for the future.
  • Employee Self-Service –Engage your employees with a user-friendly self-service module. With ATS self-service module, employees get access and the ability to request time-off, see changes anytime, from a Web browser or Smartphone.
  • Time Tracking – Using your business rules and policies ATS TimeWork responds to and will automatically calculate breaks, statutory holidays and hours paid.
  • Management Exception – Define rotation plans based on shifts and work plans. Define which employees can charge to which organizations in your company. ATS TimeWork identifies exceptions that requires action, and provides a list of each employee based on selected rule and/or exception information.
  • Well Constructed Calculation Engine – ATS TimeWork will accurately calculate unpaid, paid and specialty wages. TimeWork calculation engine is robust and uses rule-based time and attendance configurations.
  • Job Costing and Labour Tracking– ATS TimeWork job tracking capabilities gives you broad flexibility to track employee time and projects in different departments. This, all while working within the same system and, maintaining visibility of your jobs and business on a moment-by-moment basis.
  • Time and Attendance Benefit Accruals– ATS TimeWork accommodates a wide variety of methods for accruing leave time, as well as the many complex rules. ATS TimeWork benefit accrual module, can generate benefit time earned, as well as deduct time taken, maintaining an accurate, editable record of all your employees benefit time.

To learn more go to our website or contact us by phone for a demonstration.


Cloud and Big Data Drives Today’s Advance Time and Attendance Solution


This was one of questions posed to one of ATS Business Practice Lead a year ago, during a visit to a multi-site food manufacturing plant in western Canada. The plant manager and CFO who were the project leaders of a 15 person steering committee, wanted to make sure they had a thorough understanding of the benefits and most notably, the ROI of such a huge project. In addition, to the benefits, they were also particularly concerned that the implementation of biometric time clocks might create a “Big Brother” mentality within their company’s long serving workforce. Once we were able to ally the fears of the ATS time clocks, we discussed the benefits of in great detail to the satisfaction of the group.

By replacing your company’s manual attendance tracking you can now:

  • Replace handwritten notes and employee time-off request through automation, thereby, eliminating wasted time and resources
  • Respond to provincial, municipal, federal and work rule compliance and collective bargaining agreements and changes quickly as they evolve
  • Manage employee accrual benefits and other HR information, such as vacation planning and performance reviews
  • Use workflows that present real time status so that errors are flagged and corrected before exporting to payroll or other third-party software programs.
  • Give your managers the ability to view employee hours from any workstation or smart phone with Internet access 24/7 365 days a year
  • Eliminate the use of servers, operating system and database license, or technology infrastructure investments.
  • Improve workforce productivity and control costs, by reducing ineffective administrative functions and freeing employee time so, they can focus on more valuable tasks

The benefit of a time clock system is monumental and when combined with ATS time tracking modules, you will realize a return on investment (ROI) in the matter of weeks not months. To learn more about ATS time and attendance system, go to our website or contact a representative at 866.294.2467.

What Are The Benefits Of A Time Clock System?

Finding the right software solution for your organization can be a daunting task. If the robustness of the product and its ability to scale with your business, as you grow, is secondary to price, chances are, you will be stuck with the “run of the mill” solution that will likely not last very long. As the saying goes “you get what you pay for” is very true when shopping for a time and attendance solution. Now, while it is also true that there are some similarities with time and attendance software, we suggest you dig deeper. Doing so will ensure that you have the right solution for many years. When the time and attendance you choose, is combined with unwavering service, that’s when you know, you know you made the right decision.

Here is what sets ATS apart from the “Run Of The Mill”:

Flexible and easy-to-use
We take a painstaking approach to configuring your data the right way the first time around. To that end, we take time to ask you the right questions. You now have a solution that you can access from any smart phone or workstation with Internet access at any time, anywhere. Want to know if your employee has arrived at work when they should? No problem! We can set up instant alerts to trigger your smart phone or workstation upon employees’ arrival — all done in real-time. Now, that’s what we call real workforce management solution!

Scalability like you have never seen before
Can the ATS time and attendance solution scale flexibly to quickly meet new or changing demands? Oh yes, it can! In addition, ATS time and attendance makes it easy to add new subsidiaries or locations to the system— whether they are in Quebec, New York, Toronto, Fort McMurray or Windsor, without disrupting your day to day business operations. And, here is the best part, you can start with the basics of employee time tracking and then add modules like: business intelligence, benefit accruals, employee self-service, workforce planning, forecasting & budgeting, job costing and ERP & payroll data integration. 

Data visibility in real-time and on-the-spot reporting
ATS time and attendance in built on the foundation of accurate reporting analytics. The intuitive audit trails gives a history of employee hours, project costs and user access rights and helps senior management in their day-to-day and strategic decisions making. Embedded within ATS time and attendance database structure is an operational business intelligence solution designed to provide easy access to consistent data so you can react quickly to revenue and cost-saving opportunities. ATS time and attendance workflow features self-service interactive dashboards, combined with operational key performance indicators (KPI’s) that measures workforce productivity against business forecast to bring about desired results.

So, if you are looking to maximize productivity and profitability across your organizational departments, go to our website to download a demonstration of the ATS time and attendance. You can also join the conversation with our LinkedIn business group or follow us on Twitter, Google Plus or Facebook.


Flexible, Easy To Use And Built To Last

A cloud-based time and attendance should not require large financial outlay. ATS hosted time and attendance solution is easy to use, cost effective and fast to implement. ATS cloud-based time and attendance integrates to virtually any business management application to provide seamless data across your organization. ATS time and attendance provides a comprehensive view of employee attendance and payroll records in real-time.

ATS Cloud-Based Time and Attendance includes the following benefits:

Industry-Leading robust time and attendance rules engine –Designed and built to supports Canadian pay policies and work-rules, thereby, eradicating costly customization.

Seamless Integration to; HR, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Payroll, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Human Capital Management (HCM) systems with standard and bi-directional data integration to help reduce time spent on the manual keying of data.

Just imagine, you can access employee attendance from anywhere  and at anytime from any device with access to the Internet 365 days a year 24/7. Now’s that’s 21st Century time and attendance at its best!

Best-in-Class employee time clocks- ATS time clocks include: proximity, magnetic stripe and barcode readers, FaceScan biometrics, fingerscan, hand punch, and mobile/wireless time tracking methodologies.

Deploy with ease and scalable TimeWork has a highly intuitive user experience that can help to reduce training times and increase user adoption. With ATS cloud-based time and attendance, you can easily add modules as your business evolves without disrupting the daily operations.

Want to learn more? Join us on Friday, October 17th 2014 for a live demonstration on how to Maximize Business Value with a Workforce Management Software. To discuss a time and attendance solution for your organization, call us at 866.294.2467.

Propel your Organization Into The Future A Scalable And Flexible Cloud-Based Solution

In the current climate of global and competitive landscape your manual time sheets and outdated time and attendance system is not designed to handle your business requirements as your company evolves. And, therefore, in order to keep pace with your competitors, you need a modern, workforce management solution that can quickly adapt to increasing business demands of today and tomorrow. An ATS cloud-based time and attendance system can help your company grow smarter and without a large upfront cost with TimeWork On-Demand.

You can leverage the cloud through the use of ATS TimeWork On-Demand and reap the following benefits:

With ATS TimeWork On-Demand you choose the strategy the time clock that’s right for your business. Deploy specific time and attendance modules by starting with just the basics. As your needs evolve, you can add; business intelligence, overtime equalization, benefit accruals and other best-of-breed tools to gain productivity advances and cutting edge technologies.

Business Advantages
ATS TimeWork On-Demand delivers flexible and innovative time management solution that supports the standardization of company work and business processes. ATS cloud-based time and attendance will help propel your company’s growth, while maximizing the value of your IT investment. The return on investment (ROI) results includes insightful decision-making, lower payroll costs, and enhanced ability to business success.

With our deep technical expertise, implementation specialist, and experience across multiple industries, we quickly and efficiently we deploy ATS time and attendance solutions to help you achieve your business objectives and put your organization on the path to success.

So, why move your business to ATS TimeWork On-Demand?

  • 21st century user experience supporting third party applications that include; Payroll, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), and business processes designed for anywhere, anytime hyper-connected, and mobile workforce.
  • Comprehensive workforce management solution, including, workforce planning and budgeting, job costing, employee scheduling, business intelligence, and workforce analytics, and vacation planning available for your organization to adopt as and when the need arises with minimal disruption to the business.
  • Innovation and robust workforce management software designed for organizations from mid-size to enterprise and global organizations encompassing multi-GAAP, and multi-subsidiary capabilities to rapidly support business expansion.When combined with our world-class service, ATS cloud-based time and attendance will help your organization achieve greater agility and gain a competitive advantage. To learn more, go to our website.

When combined with our world-class service, ATS cloud-based time and attendance will help your organization achieve greater agility and gain a competitive advantage. To learn more, go to our website.

Innovative, Proven and Accompanied by World-Class Service

When one of the members in the marketing department of ATS, heard these words attributed to the Honda Civic as being the #1 selling car brands in Canada for 15 years, she immediately sent an e-mail to the team. Of course, we too wanted to know how such a feat had been accomplished.  After watching the broadcast, it made perfect sense.

Credit must be granted to the CBC’s “Under The Influence” which aired the broadcast. Listening to the broadcast gave us a better understanding as to why Civic owners love their vehicles so much. Their love for their cars has to do with substance and reliability over flash. Fancy features can be added afterwards, but the reliability of the vehicle is what most civic lovers go for. After all, who wants to be stuck in minus 35 degree temperature in a Canadian winter, with a car that will not start?

Similar to the civic,  ATS time and attendance system is a reliable software that has been used by businesses for over 20 years. While flashy reports and cool tools can be added to the solution, ATS time and attendance software was designed to address robust business requirements for many industries. ATS TimeWork offers broad deployment choices to its users and the system’s powerful time and attendance infrastructure helps ensure that the most unique customer needs are met.

With ATS, you establish a solid connection to TimeWork On-Demand via any mobile device or workstation that’s connected to the Internet 24/7, 365 days a year.  ATS TimeWork On-Demand frees you from the necessity of maintaining expensive purchased or leased equipment like systems and servers.

ATS TimeWork On-demand enables you to take advantage of the flexibility and cost-savings garnered through cloud computing. And just like the Honda civic, the application is built on reliability not flash, and will help you maintain control over your business, by decreasing payroll costs and increasing productivity.

Number 1 Selling Brand In Canada