Finding any benefit to daylight savings time is like searching for a needle in a haystack. The growing body of evidence that highlights its detrimental effects on human beings and their productivity far outweighs the incoherent argument for those who are in favour of keeping this ineffective ritual.
An article written by Erik Sherman (which cites various studies) for Fortune, titled ‘How Daylight Saving Time Affects Your Health and Productivity’ reads in part;
“There is a productivity loss, according to David Wagner and Christopher Barnes, professors of management at the University of Oregon and University of Washington. Their studies found “workers tend to ‘cyberloaf,'” using computers for non-work purposes, on Mondays after a shift to Daylight Saving. One study, sponsored by a foam and cushion manufacturer, estimated a national productivity loss of nearly $434 million — about $1.65 per person. Wagner and Barnes say we don’t regain lost productivity in the fall when time shifts back. It takes up to 3 weeks for some to hit a normal rhythm, according to a study in the journal Sleep Medicine.”
Getting the general public to embrace and reap the benefits of the digital era and cloud computing was hard but, not as hard as trying to convince those still clinging to the outdated practice of daylight savings time. Change after all, is hard for some but given the fact that the data consistently points to an increase in; car accidents, strokes and loss of productivity-after switching the clocks for daylight savings time — it is only a matter of time before the general public, start to apply pressure to policy makers to eradicate this bi-annual tradition.
So, on Monday morning, if you feel grumpy, groggy and tired, (and with good reason) blame daylight savings time for your woes and take solace in the fact that you are not alone.