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Software And The Internet Of Things, Is At Its Best, When It Embodies Simplicity

April 19th, 2016 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in iPad | Payroll | Software-as-a-Service (saas) Workforce Management Software | Time and Attendance Canada | Workforce Management Software

Software should be simple to use, are words you hear from some software providers and the purveyors of cutting-edge technology, including those who form part of The Internet of Things (IoT) industry. Some companies have the words, “simple or easy-to-use” splashed across the website, but once it is adopted, it is anything but simple. After all, why would any company deploy workforce management software that’s difficult to navigate? Of course, colourful dashboards that excite users is one thing, but having to navigate through several screens to complete a task, can be mind boggling, not mention frustrating.

A recent article authored Hayley Tsukayama for The Washington Post and titled ‘Why Apple and Google are struggling to design simple software’ laments the struggles that behemoths that Google and Apple are undergoing. “Companies like Apple and Google are expanding the scope of what they offer — they aren’t hawking one kind of hardware or one type of software, but rather a combination of both, often with several cloud services thrown in for good measure. Apple is no longer a focused iPod-and-Mac company. So the current version of iTunes has to offer so much more than just a way to get digital music. Google (or Alphabet) is no longer just a search bar on a Web page, it’s a whole ecosystem of information, software programs and an expanding universe of devices. The simple designs of the past products from these companies were never meant to accommodate the range of offerings that are now demanded by consumers.”

Software and The Internet of Things, is at its best, when it embodies Simplicity

The question remains, with the appetite of consumers and businesses evolving can software providers adjust, and at same time, ensure the applications are easy to use? For example, if you are using the latest toothbrush that embodies the Internet of things (IoT) do you have to glance at your phone while you are brushing to ensure you are keeping on track? These and many other questions remain unanswered.

The article continues; “What started as a simple program for buying, storing and downloading music has morphed into a much larger program for TV shows, movies, podcasts, apps, streaming music and device management. At times, it can feel like a building that’s being repeatedly expanded and renovated in a new architectural style every time.”

In conclusion, the Internet of Things (IoT) is here to stay and the same is true for cloud-based workforce management solutions, payroll, ERP and other related business management software. And, while they may be tweaked to adjust toe business and consumer demands, they shown no signs of abating.

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