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3 Key Lessons From The Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games

July 15th, 2015 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Employee Self Service | Payroll | Talent Management | Time and Attendance Canada | Time and Attendance On-Demand

The Toronto 2015 Pan Am games kicked off with a bang and so far, Canada is hanging tough with a lead in the medal count. History suggests that events of this magnitude come with some wrinkles. To date, three lessons have come to the forefront:

HOV Lanes
Ministry of Transportation says it gave ample warning to the public about changes to the HOV lanes from two person minimum to three during the games. Despite these warnings, it has been a nightmare for many motorists as they get accustom to these changes. Some have argued the change was not necessary and, was poorly planned and executed, resulting, in long delays on the major highways.

Adoption of Work from Home
The Pan Am games traffic nightmare across GTA highways have enabled and also forced some companies to adopt a work from home policy. In an era of cloud computing and The Internet of Things, technology have made it easier for employees to work from home. Employers can make use of cloud-based time and attendance, complete with Geo-fencing to track and manage employee attendance with work and payroll policies.

Uber, the transportation network company have caused many sleepless nights for the taxi industry in most cities around the globe, including Toronto. Its latest program called “UberPool” allows drivers to share rides and costs while taking advantage of the three person minimum on the HOV lanes during the Pan Am games.

Whether you are a fan of the Pan Am games or not, Canada’s athletes are basking in the glow of representing their country. We wish them well. Go Canada Go!

3 Key Lessons From The Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games

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