Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Our sales reps have to answer this question often enough that they have the answer at the tip of their tongue. It’s always a resounding yes followed up with examples of how other companies are using the technology. However, the question remains, why would any company deny itself the use of cloud-based time and attendance solution to increase business processes when it has so many benefits?

An article titled “Convincing Skeptical Employees to Adopt New Technology” written by Rebecca Knight for Harvard Business Review, reads in part; “Bringing new technology and tools into your organization can increase productivity, boost sales, and help you make better, faster decisions. But getting every employee on board is often a challenge. What can you do to increase early and rapid adoption?”

The article espouses the virtue of technology with a fresh look on the best ways to get colleagues and employees alike to buy-in. We selected three paragraphs from the article and in no particular order, they are:

State your casePersuading your team to adopt a new technology requires putting forth a valid effort. For example, if using CRM, will it enable salespeople to meet their quotas faster — which gives them the opportunity to make more money? Or increase productivity in a way that reduces weekend work?

Customize training
“Show that you are investing time in learning the new system. Some employees might prefer an online training session; others might need a bit more handholding and support in the form of a personal coach.”

Make it routine
If, for instance, you’ve recently introduced a new sales-tracking technology, start asking for weekly updates on the numbers. Of course, employees could still use provide the information without using the new system, but it would be more cumbersome and time-consuming.

The bottom-line, the use of technology and its adoption, in large part, have to do with how the benefits are explained to employees. If, as the article suggests, employees are told at the outset “what’s in it for them, there is a greater likelihood of them using the system. What will also be more impactful, is if employees are trained properly and then given reminded about using the system on a daily basis. Change takes time and since we are all wired not to accept change, it’s best to use the “carrot” approach instead of the “stick” when adopting new technology such as cloud-based time and attendance solution.

To learn more about ATS time and attendance system and training methodology, go to our website. You can also register for one of our monthly product demonstrations and to speak to an account executive, call us at 866.294.2467.

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