Are you having a hard time get the proper data? Do you know your company’s true cost? By automating your manual time sheets, you empower employees to manage their time-related information on their mobile device of choice or any workstation with Internet access. Managers, in turn, can access employee time and attendance related data and approve time-off requests and other accrual based information With ATS time and attendance solutions companies can facilitate absence planning and time recordkeeping of their employees.
ATS cloud-based time and attendance solution enables customers to achieve a single source for their employee records. ATS Timework is delivered with time management functionality that supports integration into third-party application. ATS TimeWork Employee goes beyond basic automation to deliver a suite of applications for your most demanding business priorities. ATS next-generation Workforce Management Solution (WFM) is designed for the global enterprise workforce and delivered via the cloud, serving more than 21 thousand users.
With ATS TimeWork On-Demand, you get:
Comprehensive system of record: Get alerts through your smartphone for impending overtime conditions so you can make proactive scheduling changes before overtime hours gets to your payroll software.
Robust workforce planning: Plan employee schedules shifts weeks in advance while managing approvals in real time.
Powerful analytics: Correlate workforce data through seamless data integration with payroll, HR, ERP and other third-party applications for actionable insights.
Data capture options: Collect time tracking data online with web punching, on the road with mobile devices and geofencing capability, or through the use biometric time clocks, barcode time clocks– or through any combination of these options.
Employee Self-Service: turn over daily timekeeping tasks to your employees by allowing them to swap shifts, review personal time off (PTO) balances and make scheduling requests through the cloud.
With ATS TimeWork, you can re-imagine streamlined business processes, manage compliance risk pay and substantially increase workforce productivity.
To learn more visit the ATS website to view full program details, view a list of customers and explore our comprehensive resource center, with solution demos, support details, all the while, viewing the wonderful benefits of using an ATS time and attendance solution.