In the last 5 years many have predicted the demise of the PC, in part, due to the increase in sales of tablets and other mobile devices. Now it appears, some of those very pundits are either reversing their earlier statements, or being cautious in predicting what the future holds for the PC. It’s easy to understand why some would sit up and take notice at the latest report by the well respected companies IDC and Gartner. In fact, when these industry leaders, issue reports, even wall street listens.
In yet in another report, written by Rob Enderle on and commenting on Dell’s most recent success with a surge in PC sales he says “reports of the personal computer’s death have been greatly exaggerated. In fact, the company’s seeing good growth from its PC and thin client lines. Credit new designs, higher screen resolutions, a program for helping users migrate from Windows XP — and a steadfast refusal to believe the hype about the death of the PC.”
It is fair to say that several industries still uses a workstation in their environment and let’s face it, while tablets are very cool, accomplishing most tasks in a work place is just easier with a laptop. As for predicting the fate of the personal computer, we will leave that to research companies and other leading IT authoritative mediums.