Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

There Has Been Many Changes Since The Era Of The Traditional Punch Clock

July 2nd, 2014 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software | Workforce Analytics | Workforce Management Solutions

It wasn’t that long ago when companies looking to track employee time would simply call up a provider and they would have a punch clock system installed in their organization. Those punch clocks did the tracking of hours and some even added the total at the bottom of the time cards.

Now let’s move to the mid 90’s and we saw the proliferation of Microsoft windows in just about every company using Microsoft’s:  computers, operating systems and suite of office products. The punch clock industry itself had to keep up and so came time and attendance built on the Microsoft® windows platform.  But does that mean companies are no longer using punch clock systems? On the contrary, ATS gets daily and weekly calls from companies around Toronto, Vancouver, Windsor including other regions in Canada and the US all requesting our assistance with the deployment of a 21st century time tracking system to replace their antiquated punch card system.

Bygone Era of the punch clock

So, how has Apex Time Solutions evolve with the times? As a market leader of cloud-based and on-premises enterprise time and attendance software, we help companies of all industries run better. From payroll operations to the c-level suite seeking; workforce analytic reporting functionality, to the plant manager and employees utilizing mobile devices to request time off and view schedules– ATS TimeWork empowers organizations with a workforce management solution that’s designed to increase operational productivity and gain insight more effectively to stay ahead of the competition.

So whether your company is looking to track the time and attendance for 50 employees or 100,000.00 ATS TimeWork can help your company turn streams of data into actionable information that can help your business achieve unparalleled productivity and profitability.

Interested in seeing how your company can reduce high payroll costs with a state-of-the-art time tracking solution? Go to our website and download a time and attendance demonstration.  To speak to one of our account reps, call; 866.294.2467.

So Much Has Changed Since The Era Of The Traditional Punch Clock

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