The issue of back-wages rears its ugly head from time to time when an employee either leaves a company voluntarily or otherwise. If that employee leaves unceremoniously said employee may seek back wages a few weeks or several months afterwards. The companies who have solid record keeping, in the form of a robust time and attendance system can access records of employment (ROE) at the click of a mouse. Those who rely on paper time cards or antiquated time tracking methods can find themselves spending an inordinate amount of time trying to locate those same records. And because, manual time tracking can be fraught with errors, it’s more likely that those records will not be accurate.
In Canada and the US, the amount of years that employers are required to keep records of employment (ROE) differs across provinces and jurisdictions. In the US under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and in Canada under Canada Labour Code employers are required to have proof of overtime wages paid, straight-time and overtime hours worked, payroll deductions and other wage-related materials. By deploying a time and attendance system, companies reduce the risk of missing work related data that is required by law in the event of a dispute.
Related Benefits Include:
Scheduling- Companies can assign shifts to their employees with our powerful and easy-to-use scheduling software. The application can create conflict-free schedules copy shifts and allows you to import schedules.
Track Absences- Keep track of attendance with a variety of employee time clocks. ATS has up to-the-minute reporting tools to let you easily track who is coming in late and/or who is missing shifts.
Leave Management- ATS TimeWork allows for automated calculation of benefit accruals and balances. The application provides unlimited attendance history and online viewing of real-time employee leave requests. Employees can register their time-off requests through any device (smart phone, tablet or workstation) that has Internet access. Managers get instant notification through an e-mail and can approve the requests online.
TimeWork On-Demand- eliminates need for paper time sheets and error prone manual processes and helps control overtime. The ATS time and attendance solution takes the guess—work out of employee scheduling and payroll calculation.
Work and Pay Policies- ATS can configure user-defined business policies of an organization and grants you access to best-in-class workforce management reports. The database allows for policies such as; overtime, job costing, forecasting and budgeting, overtime equalization, lunch and break periods, rounding, holiday pay, shift differentials and weekend premiums.
Using an ATS time and attendance will help you stay in compliance, increase productivity and best of all, streamline payroll costs. As for those records of employment, you now have those at your fingertips from anywhere and at anytime.
To learn more about how ATS TimeWork can help you reduce payroll costs, contact us. You can also join us on Friday, May 23rd at 1:00pm for a free time and attendance webinar.