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Attendance Software: Myth VS Reality

April 22nd, 2014 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Payroll | Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software | Time Management Solutions

Recently, one of our practice leads had a conversation with the President of a large multi-site garden centre, espousing the virtues of a time and attendance system. The President had heard some good and some unflattering things about software automation and wanted to be convinced that if she were to go that route, she had all the “bases covered”. It turned out that one of her business colleagues and CFO of a distribution company was not overly excited about their time current time management solution.

The conversation focused, mainly on the unflattering aspects of automation, because, she wanted to make sure she understood what was involved. On the basis of that conversation, we decided to address some myths from reality when it comes to choosing and deploying the right solution for your business.

Myth: If we choose the solution company ABC is using; chances are we cannot go wrong because they are happy with their solution and they are in the same industry as us.

Reality: Choose a solution and a vendor that you are most comfortable with. More importantly, when choosing make sure the vendor demonstrates an understanding of your needs. Your selection should be predicated on your comfort level and not based on what another company, in your industry is using. A vendor who has taken the time to understand your business can adapt their solution to your specific industry. In short, forego the need to adopt the “Joneses Effect”.

Myth: We will get the best solution for the best price because there is a lot of competition.

Reality: It’s true there are competitors. However, the best price for the best solution does not exist. The old adage that “you get what you pay for” is true with software as it is for the type of shoes that you buy. And, when it comes to time management software, you do get what you pay for. Focus on what you need (with your budget in mind of course) that will help your business. If you are looking for all the bells and whistles at bargain basement prices, chances are, there are not going to be many vendors you can choose from.

Myth: We have been using time sheets for years. Our employees are always paid on time and we have no issues. We are not convinced that automating this process will help us in anyway.

Reality: Spend one day with your HR and/or Payroll Practitioner and observe the steps that they go through in collecting employee hours and then keying that data into your payroll software. We are convinced that after observing how employee hours are collected and then processed, you will ask yourself why is it your company has not adopted an automated time and attendance solution.

ATS is a leading supplier of time and attendance software and services to companies in every industry. ATS TimeWork On-Demand offers a broad functional scope that addresses business challenges, across multiple departments, locations and other areas of responsibility.

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Attendance Software, Myth VS Reality

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