Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Is Your Current Software Solution Adaptable?

June 18th, 2013 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Business Intelligence | customer relationship management | ERP | Overtime | Payroll | Time and Attendance Software | Time and Attendance System

Today’s companies face significant challenges in implementing a software solution that meets their current needs and is able to adapt to future requirements. In trying to find the right solution, business executives typically ask those vendors to produce a measureable ROI that is aligned with expectations.

We suggest companies look for a time and attendance solution that adds value to your business processes and is able to integrate to: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Payroll Software, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Human Resources Management System (HRMS) and other third party applications. A truly integrated time management application enables companies to extrapolate up-to-minute business analytics that helps in the day to day decision-making.

Here are three things companies need to look for:

Web-capability- If you are not able to access the time and attendance system through any web-browser, look elsewhere.  If you need to use complex applications in order to extract important business data-that’s likely not the system for you. In our digital age, business need to remain competitive and if you are using old applications chances are your competition is miles ahead of you.  

Scalability-Your time and attendance solution should respond to your business needs and not the other way around. You should deploy a time and attendance system that is highly configurable, easy to use and is scalable.

Easy-To-Configure- We often hear from prospective customers that they are looking for a system that is easy to use. If you have to go through several screens get an overtime report, you are probably using the wrong time and attendance application. Instead, companies should look for a feature rich time tracking solution with advanced capabilities. Today’s companies need a time and attendance software that moves beyond processing employee hours to instant data metrics, to business intelligence to actionable data and workflow.

ATS TimeWork Time and Attendance is highly configurable, easy-to-use and provides a quick return on investment. To learn more or to view a demo, contact us. You can also join us via Pinterest, LinkedIn or GooglePlus.



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