Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

As companies become overburden with finding the correct data to analyze their workforce they are shifting their focus to deploying tools that can help them achieve these objectives in a timely manner. Business executives therefore, need to ensure they get the best possible return on their investment when selecting a time and attendance solution that aligns with their goals.

ATS TimeWork Time and Attendance provides companies with an intuitive dashboard that allows them to view employee data that’s in keeping with their business requirements. ATS TimeWork Time and Attendance labour analytics enables companies to capture complete and accurate snapshots of their employee labour activities through various workflow alerts.

TimeWork provides companies with a comprehensive view of their employee workforce activities with the strength to handle sophisticated pay rules and scheduling practices. When combined with the forecasting and budgeting tool, ATS TimeWork time and attendance labour analytics applies overtime based on configured workrules.

ATS TimeWork best-in-class Time and Attendance solution helps companies replace their manual and excel spreadsheet data into a real-time workforce management system. Having the right information at the right time helps organizations be proactive and improve productivity.  ATS workforce labour analytics helps achieve your goals of outlining financial objectives, decreasing labour costs, improving workforce efficiency and effectively managing talent. This is easily obtained by simply automating the processes allowing the system to do it for you.

To learn more go to our website. To view a demonstration contact an ATS representative at 866.294.2467

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