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How can we Quantify the Benefits of an Employee Attendance Solution?

March 27th, 2013 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Benefit Accruals | Employee Scheduling | Employee Self Service | Employee Time Clock | ERP | Payroll | Time and Attendance Blog, Workforce Management Software

This is a question we hear all too often. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of having used paper timesheets for so long that a company has not felt the need to change, or their previous experience with a time and attendance system has been less than stellar. Regardless of the reason, it’s justifiable to quantify the benefits of an employee time tracking system and its impact on your company’s corporate culture.

ATS Time & Attendance system is used by North America’s leading organizations. The solution streamlines business processes and automates manual tasks to:

  • Collect the data you need to make better staffing decisions based on current customer and unforeseen absences.
  • Provide employees with tools to manage their time at work, including review of paid time off
  • Automate statutory holidays and define special overtime or premium pay rates
  • Comply with collective bargaining agreements and local, provincial, state and federal regulations
  • Reduce payroll costs and calculate overtime/double-time and daily, weekly, bi-weekly and payroll frequencies

With ATS Employee Time and Attendance System You Get:

  • Employee Self-Service—Provides employees with access to their personal information so they can trade shifts, view schedules, request time off and bid on vacation blocks.
  • Benefit Accruals—Automate, track and calculate hours earned for vacation, lieu days, vacation and sick days.
  • Employee Time clocks—Collect and calculate employee time and labour, job changes and workforce metrics.
  • Workforce Scheduling—Creates schedules to meet forecast business demand by department and job for all employees. Schedules honor complex rule sets involving variables that include: skills, shift rules, minor rules and employee preferences.
  • Talent Management, ERP, HR and Payroll Interfaces—Integrates ATS time and attendance data with various payroll, HR, and ERP applications human to produce accurate payroll records.
  • Attendance Management—With ATS Time and Attendance software, your business is transformed into “On the Spot” information that helps managers and supervisors control overtime and keep jobs on time and within budget.
  • Training and Support— ATS integrated implementation support offers reliable response to technical disruptions and for the maintenance, health and integrity of the system.

Today, more than ever businesses are looking to increase productivity and streamline business processes.  Are you interested in making your business more efficient?  Download a whitepaper on the benefits of a time and attendance software solution.

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