Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

The List: Some of Strangest Reasons Employees Give for Being Late

November 28th, 2012 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Absence Management | Employee Time Attendance | Overtime | Payroll | Web-Based Time and Attendance Software

We have all shown up late for work at some point in our lives. Whether it was because the car broke down or the pet bird died, the excuses are limitless. So, it was no surprise to see a survey, conducted earlier this year by CareerBuilder, listing some of the reasons citied by employees for being late.

In our experience working with numerous organizations, we too have heard of the excuses given to companies by some of their employees. The top three include:

1)       Employee found out halfway on her way to work that she was in her pajamas and returned home to change in work clothes

2)       Employee showed up an hour after his start time because he was watching the hockey game which kept him up all night

3)       Employee’s car broke down for the 3rd time in a week

While a time and attendance system cannot stop employees from being late, it does capture patterns of attendance. These attendance patterns highlight the number of times an employee was absent and the reason. With one click of the ATS time and attendance system, you can generate real-time metrics and employee data analytics. This information allows companies to visualize and track the optimal key performance indicators that drive its business.

The integrated solution provides quick data access to payroll and other application interfaces. The business analytics module, gives companies a comprehensive view of key labour metrics, reduces compliance risks and gives managers up-to-the minute information on sick time and vacation time all based the criteria of an organization.

If your company is still using paper timesheets, go to our website and download a comprehensive report on the benefits of a time and attendance solution.

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