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SaaS has become a Game-Changer in the World of Time & Attendance

November 20th, 2012 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Cloud Based Time Management Solution | Employee Time Attendance | Hosted Time and Attendance | Time and Attendance Software | Web-Based Time and Attendance

Cloud computing has become ubiquitous with many things ranging from music, books and just about any other application that can be accessed through the web. In fact, cloud computing has become so prevalent that some people are not aware they have subscribed to it. Of course moving to the cloud can be challenging. ATS Cloud Time and Attendance solution stands out because of our deep expertise and superior accountability when it comes to protecting the integrity of our customer data.

Choosing the right time and attendance vendor is fundamental to achieving the full advantages of an on-demand solution. Here are key considerations to take into account in choosing a provider:

Some providers claim they have “web-based” or “web-native” software which requires an expensive server which may not part of your budget. That’s not true cloud. Of course, some companies have IT departments and prefer to host the application, but the whole point of true cloud computing is to ease the burden on the customer. Reduce your risk by making sure you ask your vendor the tough questions and understand their proven performance with other companies.

Some companies start off thinking about the cloud by comparing service provider rates. Without a doubt, one of the advantages of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is that upfront fees are less than what you would expect to pay when purchasing an on-premise solution.

True SaaS should be deployed in a few weeks not many months. Of course, some companies have complex requirements but since the software is not installed on your company’s server and desktops, the process should be quick and seamless.

 Fancy Features
Yes, we have them as well, but prefer to focus on the fundamentals. The goal should be on the configurability of the software as it relates to your company’s requirements. Once that’s established, everything else should follow.

 Pay for What you Use
One of the advantages of a subscription based application like ATS Cloud Time and Attendance is that you only pay for what you use. For customers interested in additional models that means a product with scalability. 

Still not sure if cloud time and attendance is the right solution for you? Contact an ATS account executive. You will be pleasantly surprised at the savings, speed and flexibility available to you.

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