Best-in-Class Workforce Management Software from Industry Experts

Tracking Employee Time Off

September 14th, 2011 | Posted by Apex Time Solutions in Absence Management | Web-Based Time and Attendance Software | Workforce Management Software

BBQ season is just about over. The cottage will be closed in a few weeks, and we will be putting away our summer clothes in preparation for fall and of course, winter. Over the last several years the words “work-life balance” has entered the vernacular of today’s workforce. An article by Elizabeth Landau, “why your brain needs vacations” pretty much sums up the health benefits to taking time off. HR managers have been trying to find an effective tool that allows their company to track employee absence request.

ATS integrated cloud-based workforce management software might be just the answer. Our time and attendance solution helps streamline the cumbersome attendance process to bring about an efficient and time-saving practice. Our powerful employee time tracking solution includes the absence request module.

Some of the benefits that numerous companies enjoy from this solution include:

Employee Absence Requests: through a web browser employees can submit their absence requests. The absence request is instantly sent to the appropriate supervisors for action. Employee receives the absence request status: approved, denied, or pending, is displayed on the employee’s page.

Flexible Functionality: the employee interface makes it easy for employees to request a partial day off, full day off, or a range of days.

Accruals and Balances: employees can view time taken and the remaining balance for benefit hours (sick time, vacation, and soon) at their leisure, without asking for HR assistance.

The ATS time and attendance solution absence request process is configured based on company rules. The processing of Excel and manual time sheets is error prone, takes time and is unsatisfactory for both the company and the employee. Costs associated with this manual processing will be reduced with the ATS automated absence request module. The workforce absence request module is a great example of ATS workforce management software capabilities to automate the eligibility and approval process, manage external information and track activities, deadlines and timeframes.

To read more about the ATS workforce absence request module, download a free copy on our site. To join our weekly time and attendance solutions webinar, go to our website.

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