In our previous blogs, we talked about the advantages of adopting a time and attendance system in an organization. This time we will discuss the advantages of deploying a time and attendance system for a remote workforce. Recently, we were approached by an expanding company in the health care sector. They were planning on hiring 30 contract sales employees by the end of the year. The challenge they faced was how to track the time of these employees since all of them would be working remotely. We introduced them to our mobile time and attendance application for remote employees.
Driving to work daily can be stressful and costly for both employee and employer. Thanks to technology of a mobile time and attendance solution, many people have the option of working from home. Some people spend 4-6 hours driving to and from work 5 days a week. For Sales Professionals and Consultants there are obvious reasons why you should work from home. Not every profession allows for this flexibility, but if yours is one of the many that do, there are some benefits for both employer and employee.
As the demand for employees to work remotely increases, employers are looking for effective workforce management software that can be as dynamic and as nimble as their organization.
Our workforce management software smart phone application makes the tracking of time and attendance easy for any mobile workforce. The time and attendance application has the ability to track the location of the remote workforce. With our mobile time and attendance application an employee can now punch in/out using their smart phone, review schedules, check benefit information, and receive messages from supervisors. The GPS features of the phone captures the employee’s location during the interaction with our time and attendance application.
- Monitor work hours, overtime and billable time as applicable
- Allows Managers to Review and approve timesheets
- Managers can respond quickly to employee requests, such as approving timecards and granting time-off requests
- View employee status
- Enables employees to track their work in real time
- Employees can request time off and, if appropriate, punch-in and out from remote work locations.
- Allows managers to use their mobile devices to monitor operations and to resolve exceptions
To download a white paper on mobile time and attendance click here or go to our website.
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