It’s not surprising to hear of companies today, who still believe in the honour system. At a recent white board session, with a multi-site 700 employee customer, when asked why they had not considered automating before, their response was fluid. “In the past, our corporate culture did not believe in tracking the time and attendance of our employees”.
A conversation with the Director of Operations of a fast food chain revealed that while she suspected “buddy punching” was taking place, they could not prove it. “Buddy Punching” is the practice of co-workers “clocking” in or out for each other at work. Reasons for this practice include: the employee might be late, wants to leave early, takes a long break or does not show up at all. The company is paying time (minutes, hours or even days of work) that is not being performed.
Can you imagine the daunting task of processing 700 paper time cards by hand? Next, figuring out 50 different pay classifications, 5 different collective agreements and department transfers and then keying all this data into your payroll software? That’s enough to give any HR Manager or Payroll Practitioner a headache on payroll days.
The ATS Time and Attendance System can be configured to work in any business environment. No matter the size of the company, our Workforce Management Software, can be configured to meet your specific company’s needs. Our Time and Attendance System includes: labour forecasting, employee scheduling, absence planning, job costing, overtime equalization, employee self service and mobile time and attendance applications.
Introducing an ATS Time and Attendance Software Solution to your organization reduces labour costs and improves business efficiency.
To download a copy of “5 Best Practices to Tracking Time and Attendance of Employees”, go to our website.
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